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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Powie

  1. Because it's Rockstar. For reasons I can not fathom Rockstar gets a free pass on everything. It is absolutely pathetic to see their fanboys and gaming journalists continue to suck Rockstar's dick and gladly gargle on the cum before swallowing it which they'll proceed to do with a big smile on their face.

    I liked GTA 4, but honestly I am inclined to agree with you, the biggest reasons? La Noire and RDR. RDR's opening sequence is so drawn out and boring, much like the last 3 hours. Those two were enough to make me think ill of the game. Not to mention the abundance of mediocre missions and a strong lack of variety.

  2. So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end?  I just finished it and the game seems solid the whole way through to me.  Unless you really liked Vaas for some reason and got put out by how stupid is death was, I don't really understand how you would like the game before that but find it noticably worse after.

    Also I gotta add that these are the longest credits I've ever seen

    Well Vaas was by far the most interesting character, so at least to me, the campaign wasn't as good after his death. I also started radiant historia, the combat system is a little odd but it's decent for now.

  3. Dropped persona 3, the fatigue mechanic killed it for me. Replaying Infinite on 1999 mode and some Dota 2. Still looking for that one JRPG (outside of Souls and Parasite Eve) that I can enjoy.

    Have you tried Grandia II? It seems to be another one of those games like Chrono Trigger that people seem to dig.

    Nah, I'll give it a chance next weekend though.

  4. I don't like the MGS Rising demo at all.

    Raiden isn't as fast and nimble as I'd like, there's too much focus on parrying, and too many basic moves require double-tapping to activate. Like to do stinger or use your launcher you need to double tap on the stick. To slam down when you're in the air, you need to press Y twice and do a two move combo with the slam being the second move in the combo. I don't see a way to go straight to the slam. To dodge you need to press A and X together, which I think is awkward for dodging. I like the slo-mo cutting though. That works better than I expected.

    It's also drab looking. DmC is a lot better looking, but this runs at 60fps so that's a big plus. There's also a lot of screen tearing but it's only the demo. Otherwise Raiden's voice actor is campy bad, and there's all the usual awkward alliteration that I expect from a Kojima script.

    To me this is B-team Platinum.

    I agree with you, except I still had fun with it. I wasn't expecting too much either way but I did expect it to be somewhat like NG control wise.. this is just so clunky.

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