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System Warrior
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REDE last won the day on April 30 2013

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About REDE

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    오빠를 사랑해
  • Birthday 1989-02-03

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    West Auckland
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  1. Trails in the Sky Ys Seven Tactics Ogre Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Half-Minute Hero Dissidia Duodecim Crisis Core: FFVII ZHP Jeanne d'arc The 3rd Birthday Lunar: Silver Star Harmony Final Fantasy Tactics: WOTL Valkyria Chronicles II Gurumin Persona 3 Portable add me on psn you jerk ;(
  2. i kinda liked what Marie brought to P4G until i finished her dungeon just now. that extra scene at the hot spring was stupid as fuck also holy shit, making you turn down all the other girls you don't pick on valentine's day was so cruel
  3. Did you really? When I played it I thought I played with 2 different dudes but it turned out to be like 5 or 6 when they showed the names at the end lol
  4. lol Dude have an anger seizure and shit. Ladies love my lips btw. lol he hates you so much
  5. lmfao Chocolate Gremlin is always crying about how he can never get women and always has nothing but hateful things to say about them. I'll admit I kinda suck at being a boyfriend but getting girls is ridiculously easy. Dudes act like they're splitting atoms and shit. lmfao
  6. Even though P4G has already been done itt kinda, I feel like I need to say how OP I am thanks to those treasure hand enemies. Lvl 70 after the 5th dungeon haven't had to do any grinding at all either lol. Basically the only way I can die is if I use something the enemy reflects and I kill myself. Might have to try Very Hard on my next playthrough
  7. there are some different social links in p3p? tell me they changed that stupid kid fawning over his teacher and the sport dude with the injury and i might play that shit lol
  8. if you're hanging around waiting for dudes then you're ganking
  9. Who's played Spec Ops: The Line? That game is supposed to be good, right? It's free on PS+ this month so I'll probably try it
  10. yeah that's how i felt after playing it for the first time earlier this year (or last year or something)
  11. That sounds good for me actually. Although I didn't mind it too much the little grinding there was in the game started to wear on me. it's waayyyy too much the other way. i think if i play it a second time i'll be putting it on the very hard mode or whatever
  12. the changes to P4G make it so much easier those treasure hands giving you that fatty xp means i'm way overlevelled without having to grind at all lol
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