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System Warrior
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Everything posted by REDE

  1. The amount of typos I've seen in the story mode of P4A is... slightly embarrassing
  2. i just won my first online game against some mitsuru scrub
  3. that auto-combo is definitely ez mode, but it seems like there's other better combos you can do i dunno i've basically only been doing story mode so far and the fights in that are easy as shit anyway
  4. one thing i will say about the story mode in p4a, the fact that all the fights are only one round really accentuates the fact that it's mostly cutscenes. it's interesting story but when you use different characters and story overlaps and you end up watching basically the same thing again, it gets a little boring. although it's never exactly the same and you get the inner monologue of whoever you're using so it's not so bad. i've done yu's, yosuke's and akihiko's up to the certain point so far also did some of the challenge mode, seems like you can do some pretty balls out combos in thi
  5. yeah the only person i know who really played it here is jonb. it only just came out in pal territories though (technically it comes out tomorrow)
  6. it's good, if you like the block climbing whatever you'll probably like it. it's pretty simple but i thought it was pretty addictive, i don't know if that's how anyone else felt about it though. it has a few flaws that really stick out though, mostly to do with the story that i won't describe because i might give spoilers it's still quite a charming story though. gameplay-wise it can be pretty frustrating towards the end because of some randomness (you get blocks that change randomly into another kind of block towards then end and depending on what you get you can totally fuck yourself and
  7. What, Infinite? That chinese dude and his missus you mean? I think that was like half-way through iirc, it might be a bit more than half
  8. I still have DDS 1 and 2 sitting on my shelf. Should probably get around to playing them
  9. yukari in the shower Lol that part was funny. Can you build a bond with her later in the game? yeah. you do some cute shit with her as part of the actual story too
  10. buddy of mine let me borrow Singularity... i ain't never heard of this game he said it was good but i don't know if i trust him, it looks pretty average. any of y'all played it
  11. P3 on PSP is different than it is on PS2 eh? Like you don't actually control your character in third person outside of dungeons or whatever, you just move a spot around or something? Is that right or am I way off?
  12. walk off a cliff. who stripped you of your joy? :[ lol Those ****as living like kings compared to your grizzle faced ass. True joy is walking into a bar and being able to converse with chicks not paid to talk to you. LMFAO
  13. Lollipop Chainsaw? There's the most expensive attack you can buy I think (Holy something) that's good for sparkle hunting, but the best is the one where you do a low spin. x, square square square. I think the best place to farm that shit is stage 3 (? or whatever one the farm is). That one bit where like 30 weak ones come at you at once, you can rack up like 6/7/8 zombie sparkle hunts easy, get you some mad coin for whatever it is that you need
  14. You have the camera constantly panned down, don't you? yeah Lara's ass is the real reason I'm playing it Juliet is the only reason I'm still playing Lollipop Chainsaw so I know where you're coming from. have you unlocked that seashell bikini costume i think it was yet?
  15. better than yumi. what a debbie downer. i like yuki's laugh ;( LOL
  16. Wait, 20 hours and you've finished the Void Quest dungeon or you're still doing it? Either way, I remember it taking me much longer to get to there :[ GD is a beast
  17. The second island sucked compared to first one. it was empty, had very few missions and activities and the time you've spend on it was pretty damn short compared to the first one. When I got there I thought - damn...I'm only halfway through the game? Awesome!" In reality the second island was like 15% of the whole game and that was pretty damn dissapointing. What sort of missions and activities are you talking about? You had all the outposts to get, the trials to do, the bulletin board quests to do. Medical whatever runs as well. Are you talking about the poker and shit? I can't remember
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