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System Warrior
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Everything posted by REDE

  1. The second island sucked compared to first one. it was empty, had very few missions and activities and the time you've spend on it was pretty damn short compared to the first one. When I got there I thought - damn...I'm only halfway through the game? Awesome!" In reality the second island was like 15% of the whole game and that was pretty damn dissapointing. What sort of missions and activities are you talking about? You had all the outposts to get, the trials to do, the bulletin board quests to do. Medical whatever runs as well. Are you talking about the poker and shit? I can't remember
  2. I'm putting this in hide tags, don't know if I really need to but whatevs Spoiler Yeah that would have been pretty cool, as long as you were involved in Hoyt's death somehow. But I would have been happy with how they actually did it if Vaas' actual death scene or whatever actually made sense to me. I don't know if I missed something but it seemed like he stabs you, you like black out and have some hallucination and then you wake up somehwere else entirely with people congratulating you for killing him. I didn't really get it
  3. Well Vaas was by far the most interesting character, so at least to me, the campaign wasn't as good after his death. I also started radiant historia, the combat system is a little odd but it's decent for now. He probably was the most interesting, I don't know about by far. But I thought the story itself stayed about the same level of quality even without him, and I liked the story missions more towards the end. Honestly if I was going to nominate a part of the game where the quality dropped I would have said the missions where you get the knife for Buck or whatever his name was. That part
  4. So what exactly is it that people think gets worse about Far Cry 3 near the end? I just finished it and the game seems solid the whole way through to me. Unless you really liked Vaas for some reason and got put out by how stupid is death was, I don't really understand how you would like the game before that but find it noticably worse after. Also I gotta add that these are the longest credits I've ever seen
  5. imma HoF this shit since it ain't been updated in forever. if you wanna start season 2 pm a mod or some shit and it'll be moved back yo
  6. learn that one combo - i think it's X, O, O, O - ASAP. the one where you spin around in circles. it's not just the only combo you'll ever need but the only one you should ever use
  7. It would be my choice for sure. If you didn't like 3 I can't see you being converted by 4 though.Well I'm looking for a place to start, I'll be honest I know more about 4 and it does look like it has more variety. Was just planning on playing the PS2 version though. Play 4 then 3. That's what a few people here did, including myself, and that's the way I'd do it if I were playing them for the first time again. With 3 you can get put off because the pacing is whack as fuck, there are a few slow periods in the story especially at the beginning. Plus like cleo said the dungeon crawling ca
  8. Yukiko It would be my choice for sure. If you didn't like 3 I can't see you being converted by 4 though.Does it have the fatigue mechanic? Nope
  9. Dont you get that small shop link early on? I thought that one was dopethe old couple? yeah they were pretty good actually. maybe i just have bad memories because of the kid fawning after his teacher and the sports dude who gets the injury. those two were laaaaaame
  10. Yeah the beginning of P3 is pretty slow, which is only exacerbated by the fact that the few social links you get at the beginning aren't interesting at all. It definitely picks up though
  11. Well, a friend of mine let me borrow Far Cry 3. Time to see what all the fuss was about
  12. lmfao. this thread is much more entertaining like this
  13. lol that was pretty predictable Yeah Servers are working now (at least for me). Are you getting this game? nah don't think so, doesn't really seem like my kind of game
  14. you like to look deep into the eyes of effeminite black men in tea lounges, what's not to get
  15. quinton flynn wants to be batman so hard. i like the game so far, although the camera seems to take sick pleasure in dicking me. i'm sure basically everyone's pointed that out by now though
  16. "You need to do a system update to play MGR!" ok, never had a game tell me that before, but sure whatever "You need to download whatever BS day one patch for MGR now!" what in the f... ok fine, just get one with it "MGR needs to install game data, this may take fucking ages!"
  17. yeah that wouldn't be a bad idea. obviously it was interesting enough to finish for me, which is more than i can say about a lot of games :[
  18. Well I'm done with Ni No Kuni, around 50 hrs all up (I think I was just over, like by a matter of seconds). It's weird but the entire last section where you fight the villian whose name is in the freaking title feels kinda tacked on. Shadar ended up being a much more interesting character in the end, I had some mad feels in the scene after fighting him. My overall opinion on the game, if anyone cares, is that it's got a lot of charm, looks great, isn't too repetitive and has a fair amount of content, but those positives in no way overcome the abysmal battle system with shockingly bad AI
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