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Mike Haggar (THA)

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Mike Haggar (THA)

  1. You guys care way too much about which fighter franchise has more merit and blah blah. They're all fun games and they don't have to be critically acclaimed for you to enjoy them.

    Hahahahaha true. Cows just care about games being "hardcore" so they seem like they are good at games... But their console doesn't even have online so how do they show it off?? :D Oh yhea does Tekken have online? :D:D
  2. People might say SF is good because it's a "timeless classic" but fact is you just like it because of nostalgia. I didn't play it before modern fighters so I don't have nostalgia for it unlike you so I know better then you. Playing it today just feels awkward. You cant do combos properly, like if you press the same button over and over again, or even different buttons the character will not do a combo like in a normal fighter. Instead the character just does the same move applied to that button over and over again no matter the order you press it in. This leads the game to being a button masher since it doesn't matter how fast/ in which order/how many buttons you press. Lol nostalgia filled oldies....:D Move with the times. Not strange since you cows thinks everything is old because pos2 is outdated hahahahaa :] and pos3 to even though it was released after xbox 360. not that you have it since you cant afford it. :D If you don't want to read this post a summary is: TCHBR

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