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System Warrior
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Everything posted by puertorock_papi

  1. No benefit is great enough to provide a good console where they can make money day one. I don't see Sony and MS going as cheap as Nintendo but I don't see them repeating with what they did with 360 and PS3 creating custom chipsets.
  2. I don't see MS going batshit crazy. It would be insane of them, to have their competitors make day one profit off of hardware and they be the only ones losing money off of every console sold.
  3. 4 to 8 and the 8 is if they go with AMD 8 core architecture. If MS sides with IBM, 6 at the most. 16 cores were designed at this point for top of the line super processing servers. Not normal business servers but top of the line high processing servers. MS is not going to put that type of tech into a console. Next gen is going to be three keys 1. Powerful tech 2. Day one profitability 3. Off the shelf components.
  4. Now you're no longer arguing that th 720 will have 16 cores. 720 could easily get a 4 core cpu based on the A2 architecture which is exactly what the article talks about when it states the 18 core design was too costly. Ultimately you can forget about consoles getting a cpu designed for super computing servers. The closest we came to that was the cell qnd you see how that turned out. MS should focus on beastly GPU and RAM. I no longer believe cpu is as important as the other two components. I even except sony reusing the same exact cell chip to save cost if that would help th
  5. Now you're no longer arguing that th 720 will have 16 cores. 720 could easily get a 4 core cpu based on the A2 architecture which is exactly what the article talks about when it states the 18 core design was too costly. Ultimately you can forget about consoles getting a cpu designed for super computing servers. The closest we came to that was the cell qnd you see how that turned out. MS should focus on beastly GPU and RAM. I no longer believe cpu is as important as the other two components. I even except sony reusing the same exact cell chip to save cost if that would help the
  6. The CPU is using the A2 architecture and it has 18 cores. If there was any CPU we can go by to assume what 720 might use based on this rumor than this is the CPU. And yes this article from 2011 has Intel (you know the people who actually are making these CPU) stating it's expensive even in a high margin market. Intel has spoken and the more I read up on this the more unlikely 720 will have 16 cores. 720 has a better chance of having 12GB of RAM than a 16 core CPU.
  7. You mean a rumor has been reported. Unless MS recently released a press release? On top of that more info on the Blue Gene Q processor http://www.hpcwire.com/hpcwire/2011-08-22/ibm_specs_out_blue_gene_q_chip.html
  8. So why not share exactly how expensive it will be for MS? MS is probably not even considering this. They obviously are. And "Oban" is most likely this, or based on it.... http://en.wikipedia....wiki/PowerPC_A2 There is already a CPU with 16 cores (18 to be exact) based on the PowerPC_A2 and it's installed in a supercompter called Blue Gene Q MS using a 16 core cpu is not going to happen. We can close the book on this one. MS using AMD's 8 core processor is more believable.
  9. So why not share exactly how expensive it will be for MS? MS is probably not even considering this.
  10. 16 core setup would be way to expensive. MS would be selling 720 at a huge loss. I can only imagine how much that cpu would cost even with mass manufacturing discount.
  11. I beat Dragon Age 2 over the weekend along with all the DLC. No where near as great as DAO but it was still good. Kept me interested throughout the whole time and made me look forward to playing all the DLC.
  12. Finished up all the FONV DLC packs. Giving Dark Souls another run through. I got Infamous 2, Batman AC, Skyrim, Ass Greed Rev, Dragon Age 2 and Uncharted 3 all here waiting to be played but my TV is messing up (greenish hue) It's an old HDTV model so I'm a call to see if it can still be repaired and if not then time to upgrade. But I don't want to play anything new till then.
  13. SHit I forgot about MLB ;( There are too many games for me to buy ;(
  14. some of the online levels for lbp2 are incredible, far superior to what the devs pumped out. one had me playing upside down. i've also encountered some pretty challenging stages. i agree with you that the campaign, while fun, was too easy. Yeah I;m looking forward to trying out some community levels and try out some co-op.
  15. I beat DS2 a couple of days ago. I'm itching to play NG+. The game is great. man they did a great job using 5.1 surround. Constantly fucking around with me think enemies are behind me or to the side and when I turn no one is there. Motherfuckers And your right, L&D characters are much better. The biker gang environment is bad ass.
  16. Ok bitches this is what I have been playing over the past couple of weeks. I beat LBP2 single player. Pretty easy game and not very challenging. Looking forward to seeing what the community has done but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I beat Mafia 2 as well. Got it from Gamefly. Not much to say. I remember having more fun with the first one. I also bought Fight Night Champion. I'm a huge boxing fan and enjoyed the game very much. The single player is pretty much a guided experience forcing you into some challenging situations. It still has the regular career mode on top plus online t
  17. I am getting out. I complete my four years in July. There is another deployment coming up, but I have a wife and a daughter now, and I'm not going to leave them 2 months after my daughter is born. But technically after this July, I can still be recalled back by the Marines within the next four years if say there is a draft. I've done my term honorably and I feel I've contributed enough to the Marine Corps and myself the past four years so I'm good Not so much a draft but if they want to call up the IRR (Individual Ready Reserve) which they rarely do now a days.
  18. I am getting out. I complete my four years in July. There is another deployment coming up, but I have a wife and a daughter now, and I'm not going to leave them 2 months after my daughter is born. But technically after this July, I can still be recalled back by the Marines within the next four years if say there is a draft. I've done my term honorably and I feel I've contributed enough to the Marine Corps and myself the past four years so I'm good Isn't there a stop-loss still in effect? if so you're fucked all around the board. They can keep you after your contract expires, fuckers.
  19. I actually don't give a fuck how many innocent people get killed what I find annoying is the Holier than thou reverence people have for US soldiers when really all they are people who couldn't go to college unless they were willing to be shot at and if they actually had any other option they never would have enlisted. Then there is the bullshit where they actually convince themselves they are having a positive impact on the world by fighting illegal wars Everyone pretends to respect them when really they are just glad there is someone dumb enough to fight for oil so they don't have to do it th
  20. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, used it as a rag and bought a new one, used that a as a rag and got another one.
  21. I didn't find the game overly easy on Hard. Have you encountered the harder enemies yet? Like Deathclaws? They can easily kill most lvl.20+ characters with a couple hits on hard. I encountered the nightkin, which took me a while to nail down a strategy, but after that I got'em. No deathclaws yet, no. I didn't mean it was easy, I just meant that I'd have way more incentive to use gameplay systems like crafting or customization if I needed to really work to overcome enemies or expend more of my supplies. The game just gives you everything you could possibly need. My money issues were permanent
  22. ^ lmao..people making comments yet won't post a pic of their own.
  23. I'm playing that right now. Came in from gamefly. What's killing the game is the shooting mechanic. They should of at least came up with a system where aim focusing gets faster as your ability improves. It takes way too long to get the aiming reticles together.
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