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James Skywalker

System Warrior
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Everything posted by James Skywalker

  1. *cough* Invite me over to play it. I heard it was good. *cough*
  2. Kzero, you should get your son a Playstation with the final fantasy games.
  3. As I said before, I've been playing FFIX and now I'm at the end of the game. Tried beating an optional boss - the hardest boss in the game - and I got wooped. Going to need to level up.
  4. No - Frasier does. I own you, bitch go shave you're an asshole
  5. you close? No. I'm in Florida. I might make a trip up there one day thou Don't. There's no room for assholes. There's plenty up there. They're called the Seahawks Never heard of them.
  6. you close? No. I'm in Florida. I might make a trip up there one day thou Don't. There's no room for assholes.
  7. I live in British Columbia. It's not a question of getting good weed or not - when you buy here it's always good.
  8. I am playing Final Fantasy Nine on ePSXe. As Vivi I sneaked into the play hosted by the Tantalus party. While the Tantalus arrives on their ship to do the show they kidnap Princess Garnet. While everyone is trying to escape on the ship with the princess from Burmecia Castle they get into a firefight and crash land into an evil forest outside of Burmecia Castle. Barely escaping from the forest with their lives they travel to Ice Cavern where they run into the first of the three Black Waltz mages. The whole party falls asleep from his magic except Zidane who defeats him and rescues his party. On
  9. something wrong with your drivers or your gfx card, planescape played fine on my new pc with widescreen mod I think I'll just deliver my computer to the mortuary in pieces from smashing it to bits with my bat.
  10. I tried playing Planescape: Torment but I was having problems with the graphics because the resolution is 640X480 naturally but my monitor is widescreen so doesn't even support that resolution.. Downloaded a mod for widescreen monitors but it wouldn't work. Ended not bothering even playing the game which I am very depressed about because I was excited for the game. Meh.
  11. he isn't homeless - he's hopeless. You need to start working out*cough* I find it hard to stand on both feet *cough*
  12. "as long as you keep your distance" "typical white grandpa... grab shotgun" you belong on television. you should be on the tonight show with jay leno spreading your good word about people being prejudice against you and your kind.
  13. So I can look like everyone else? No thanks. I'll pass. I'd rather stand for what's right - freedom. huh? you already look like everyone else you silly the point is to look better than everyone else. you think your beard and hair are making you different? lol are you mentally challenged or something? did you get dropped on your head as a child? of course having more hair than others makes people look different. me having a beard makes me different than most sexes - woman can't grow one and alot of men shave.
  14. So I can look like everyone else? No thanks. I'll pass. I'd rather stand for what's right - freedom.
  15. That hurts my feelings deeply - to call me creepy. By my beard, I think this is discrimination.
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