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James Skywalker

System Warrior
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Everything posted by James Skywalker

  1. I just realized that barely anyone has a name that starts with a W.
  2. i'm watching beauty and the beast and i think it's the best animated show ever.
  3. My friend Cristian from Chile. He is very chill and drinks and smokes with me everyday. Aged 41. Me, jimbojones. Looks like I have wires coming out of my head.
  4. some days are short... some days are longer. I sold my skin... I sold the skin that I'm in for a plan. my out of style is coming back; I'm bored but I'm excited. my out of style is coming back; we're bored but we're excited.
  5. I will break my peace pipe over your head while high on crack trustme
  6. mindwash knows how to open wide. a good skill for prostitution.
  7. i'm just kidding petarded. i'm just jealous of your black cock.
  8. more like retarded. seriously looks like he's mentally challenged.
  9. be a friend and lend me some money through paypal How much you need? just enough money for a round-trip to your city, then I give you head for the interest.
  10. I think I will do drugs. I just got some drugs for free by sucking some old mans penis.
  11. I'm playing Star War The Old Republic, because it was free. Game seems awesome. Like World of Warcraft.
  12. not very gay, though. if I'm looking for an intimate time with cell I need a luxurious drug. god you own i'm not really in the mood for a kiss, but okay
  13. not very gay, though. if I'm looking for an intimate time with cell I need a luxurious drug.
  14. If only I had a pair of rollerblades to wear while showcasing my dick.
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