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James Skywalker

System Warrior
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Posts posted by James Skywalker

  1. If that's real I don't know what would be the saddest part:

    1) That you jerked off to a picture on the internet of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    2) That you jerked onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    3) That you bragged about jerking off onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    4) That you took a picture of the remains after you jerked off onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    5) That you uploaded and posted the picture of the remains after you jerked off onto a picture of a fairly unattractive girl considering what's available with an internet connection.

    SK has been owned :happysad: but still. fuckin godly lmao.

    You shouldn't of said you had it planned though. Would have been more of a wtf and lol

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