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James Skywalker

System Warrior
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Everything posted by James Skywalker

  1. Downloaded The Lighthouse. Good movie. Another time a movie gets a bad review but I still think it’s good.
  2. I fell out of my light house and then started getting eaten by Seagulls in my dream.
  3. We didn’t even have stockings this year. It’s like Christmas almost doesn’t exist anymore since I’m thirty.
  4. $200 AppleTV Cue Stick for Pool Nothing from Santa
  5. You’re changing the subject. There were no dicks in that picture. And there were millions of views. Imagine how many single Jimmy’s were in that load all viewing my bathroom and then my stomach.
  6. I can’t post in the PhotoAlbum anymore. There was nothing wrong with what I did, admins. SK posted a pic of his semen on a woman - what’s the difference, you hypocrites? Fucking humbugs beguiling thinking they’re better or something.
  7. Thanks for reading my palm. What does my future hold?
  8. Anyone that isn't allergic to nuts eats nuts so a lot of us are nuts.
  9. Down-load is easier than up-load. A capable lift is a gift.
  10. Now everyone can see my family tree... my palm tree.
  11. It depends on who you are if you'd like it or not. James and Rey would definitely like it.
  12. Let's do art from the start. Grab materials from the local mall or mart with a kart, get lessons from Bart the professional fart and hark at the park but don't barf. Even if it's a rotten tart you got from the wharf from Zart.
  13. Why don’t you move to a farm, raise sheep, and kill them?
  14. Tips on Survival: 1. Food 2. How to escape a Super Nova
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