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System Warrior
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Everything posted by hippy

  1. Why do some stick to the discord? Old style forums are a far better means of discussion.
  2. This form of market segmentation just rubs me the wrong way.
  3. The slow decline of platform exclusivity really suck the life out of E3. All we have now is mostly CGI trailers for games that everyone can play. Nothing really to fight over.
  4. Bioware is already dead. EA would be doing everyone a favor.
  5. When it comes out let me know how bad it is.
  6. In my family if you dont know what to get someone you just get them spirits. So I got alot of alcohol.
  7. Also you rarely fond innovation in AAA games. Massive budgets and corporate oversight really stifle designers exploring new ideas. This gen we have for the most part been playing the same games as the last generation (your CoDs, Ass Creeds, generic Ubisoft open world games) but with improved visuals. The 5th, 6th, and to a lesser extent the 7th gen all improved and innovated over the preceding generation. What are we playing in the 8th gen that we weren't playing in the 7th? I can only really think of battle royale.
  8. "The ROLFlution will flop TSHBO!!" Is that what shail used to say?
  9. Do people still play Rainbow Six Siege on consoles? If so i'd rank that higher than PUBG.
  10. Playing that buggy, glitchy, unoptimized shit and pretending to enjoy it.
  11. If your going to watch Blade Runner 2049, you might as well watch the original.
  12. Sony has repeatedly fallen to their own hubris, that is the only way they will fail next gen. I mean with the LGBT crap, Sony is a Japanese company. They don't really care about that shit.
  13. I'm not being serious. And i can't think of a hair colour that whites don't naturally have.
  14. This is almost as bad as whites with one native american great-great-great grandmother claiming to be one with the "spirit of the Buffalo".
  15. Blond hair? Zwarrior I find this cultural appropriation of my north European culture and heritage insulting.
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