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Everything posted by AdrianWerner

  1. One of out guys did a lot of research into legal documents on this matter and he camed into conclusion that CDPR couldn't make Witcher 4 with Geralt as lead before. This is where all this "we're done with the series" "last game with Geralt" etc camed from. They would bassicaly be forced to make a new game in that setting, with different name and lead, The deal they signed now means they can make proper Witcher 4 with Geralt as lead
  2. They should port all PS4 exclusives to PC. Specifically shortly before the sequels hit PS5. If you go and play Horizon 1 on PC and like it you're likelly to buy PS5 to play sequel instead of waiting years for eventual PC release of Horizon 2.
  3. All true, but most of all your balls still produce normal sperm. They can extract it directly from your testicles and do artificial insemination.
  4. Whenever vasectomy comes up in internet discussion I'm getting the impression most people have no clue what the procedure entails. You can still have kids after vesectomy. All it does is eliminate unwanted pregnancies.
  5. Indeed. Easily best game this year.
  6. We having similiar case in Poland right now. Guy with dirt on people in power, transfered to another prison to testify, somehow manages to hang himself while lying on a bed. Oh and a needle puncture wound on his neck is surely just a coincidende, right?
  7. Somewhat. But I holding off on Three Kingdoms for PC upgrade :)
  8. Gamescom > E3 Always and forever :)
  9. We must pity the plebs, not show them disdain. That's noblesse oblige of pcgamers.
  10. Oh man, what a beautiful signature you have :) God, I loved GK2 :)
  11. I only buy boxed games from Ubi. Much cheaper this way.
  12. No, I still watch them, just not that many. Maybe 10-15 each year. I find games, novels and tv series all better than movies. THere's only so much time I can make up for entertainment in each week, so movies take a backseat (and I almost don't listen to music at all for the same reason)
  13. I loved the first one, but second was indeed better. Much bigger levels allowed them to avoid cutting maps into small pieces that didn't interact with eachother. The story was a lot better and the levels far more varied and inventive. Plus the fact that each character had quite substancialy different playthroughs was just plain glorious. Pretty much the only thing I missed was the shared mini- worlds. The base was much cooler in D1 than the boat in D2, allowing for more interactions and exploration and I liked how in D1 most missions started with you going through the same city blo
  14. I would love new Act of War. Just keep the cheesy FMV in. Especially today it would easily gobble all the abandoned Command & COnquer audience, the same way Cities: Skylines did with SimCity fanbase
  15. Parents want to play real adult games, but kids keep monopolizing real consoles and TV. Ideal solution - buy those little shits the cheap Switch so they can GTFO out of the living room and let parents finally play to their hearts' content. Obviously.
  16. Dude, you listed a data of buyers :) Obviously those are all parents wanting to buy Switch for their kids. Duh
  17. It's not amazing, but I liked it. I didn't mind move away from RPG because FO3 was shit anyway, so it's not like we lost anything of value.
  18. Finished Jack Ryan. Nothing groundbreaking, but a damn well made thriller/spy series that keeps it pretty low key in terms of threat level, while still delivering plenty of thrills. And Krasinski makes damn fine action hero.
  19. Interesting. I've heard somewhere about this perversion, with adults putting in diapers and pretending to be toddlers. So they're also incorporating console gaming into this fetish? Bizzare.
  20. It's better than any jRPG on Switch at least. Simply put Switch is to real gaming platforms like PS4 or PC what this: is to modern flagship mobile phone. You're supposed to leave it when you grow up, not pretend like you're still 5 years old.
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