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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Pinkfairy

  1. I've been replaying Silent Hill Shattered Memories, trying to get a different ending sequence. I'll probably replay it a couple times after reading that there are multiple paths that I missed. This game is great and I highly recommend it, but there is one huge problem... its not scary at all. I also bought Deadly Premonition. Can't wait to play that :killzone:

  2. Been playing through NMH2 on Bitter Mode and trying to collect/buy all the clothes to reach 100%. Such a Godly Game but the Final boss was such a bitch to defeat (on the Mild difficulty setting). I can't imagine how much Hell it would be to beat him on Bitter. Also just finished Batman AA on the PC. The controls are alright on KB/M but I still think that a controller would be prefered. I was really surprised with this game, and finding all the Riddler clues were really easy, but fun. The Challenge Rooms are alright, but the best ones are the stealth games. Going to try to beat Endless Ocean Blue World after NMH2. EO certainly has a lot of things to do for a $30 game.

  3. Endless Ocean: Blue World

    Been playing this game a lot. I'm actually quite surprised how much I love this game. It's not for everybody, but if you like exploration-adventure games with many tasks to complete, then I'd recommend it. It's really addicting and relaxing. I haven't played the mulitplayer yet, so if anyone of you guys want to try it out, I'm down.

    Excitebots Trick Racing

    I'm almost done with this game, but I've mainly been playing the multiplayer mode to unlock everything. Also trying to complete S rankings on all the tracks on Super Excite mode which is a bitch. Also LMAO @ a ton of players online that are just terrible at this game.

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 (360)

    The singleplayer game is really dragging on, but the multiplayer is pretty fun, despite I still prefer BF2. Having to unlock everything is a real pain, especially when somethings, like the defibrillators, aren't even available from the start. Overall, I'm starting to enjoy this game more than MW2.

    Also my PC is almost done, and I can't wait to catch up on Batman AA and Cryostasis.

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