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System Warrior
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Everything posted by d.x

  1. Here is my ugly mug with a terrible camera, and I got my giant headphones on :/ Spoiler
  2. My copy of SC2 should arrive in a couple days since I didnt get the digital version. I've also started playing Heavy Rain, and Im still going through RDR after like 40 odd hours.
  3. I love RDR so much, its the best open world game ever by far. And Im playing Deathspank, its pretty fun :]
  4. eh..it would just die out like all the other sub boards (not including cc) this thread works perfectly. No because it would be a board that people here would actually care about. That should really be the main forum, and the current sw shithole could be a sub forum.
  5. instead of a token thread, there should be a seperate forum board for actual game talk.
  6. Any more thought or progress on this idea?
  7. But the way I see it, SW wouldnt be the 'main' forum with everything else being sub-forums that no one looks at. They would all be on equal ground. And the fact the site is still called SW.com would just be an ironic nod to the roots of this place and also the humorous ('penny arcade-esque') material that we can do on the front page to make fun of that SW culture.
  8. I still want to know what HAL thinks of this.
  9. d.x


    But thats the thing though, sites like IGN and Gamespot dont have any 'debates'. They use a very outdated formula of game coverage, where every review or preview seems like its written off the same interchangable template, and there is never any fascinating insight into anything. If we want to be different from them, then we do need to have some actual discourse between 'real' gamers (whatever that means). There is already plenty of sites that try to do 'videogame related comedy', and I think in the case of SW the humour would be so niche that it will just appeal to SW users and even then only
  10. d.x


    What we need is a select few who can be thoughtful and entertaining at the same time (whether in writing or podcast discussion) and get to a point where others do care about what they have to say. The problem with this site is that everyone comes here to make themselves feel better about themselves; which means they either just spit their own opinion out there and then cover their ears and run away screaming, or they try to face-fuck others with the 'right' opinion until they feel like they've won something. What we need to achieve is a sense of community and rally around the group who i
  11. d.x


    tbh Im against anything that accentuates the whole fanboy faction crap of this place. But articles on games (not necessarily reviews) would have potential if well-written. I quite like this idea: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2009/10/20/the-rps-verdict-borderlands/
  12. d.x

    SW podcast

    Speaking of podcasts, 1up Yours finally came to an end. It was in many ways the originator of the gaming podcast scene and loved by many for the several years it ran. Even though gaming podcasts have grown and spread widely since, 1UP Yours always remained atleast one of the better podcasts out there. Here is the final episode: http://www.1up.com/do/minisite?cId=3172882
  13. d.x

    SW podcast

    TBH it would be a good idea for a bunch of us to just start chating with each other and see if we can do just that in a somewhat civil manner and get along, before we think about anything further!
  14. d.x

    SW podcast

    I agree with some of your points, especially about going free-form and all that, all of my points are in keeping with that core concept. But I also think that we shouldnt over-think this stuff just yet. As I keep saying, it comes down to who are the people involved; cause these 'right people*' will know what to do when it comes down to it. *People who are aware of the trends and events in gaming, both the industry and the press (enthusiast or otherwise), outside of the SW-sphere. They play alot of games and actually think about them quite abit and feel like they have something inspiring a
  15. d.x

    SW podcast

    I kinda understand what you are getting at but tbh there are some things I think we should avoid. There are alot of podcasts, blogs, etc. that do the whole 'instant reactionary view' to new announcements, hell thats what most of SW is all about: reactionary ignorant responses. And seeing that no one here works in the press or in development we cant exactly add any further insight into anything. I mean 90% of the gaming press itself is just regurgitated crap that the publishers feed them and there is very little thoughtful discourse. So IMO our angle should be the more integrated discussion tha
  16. d.x

    SW podcast

    With regards to the lack of structure: I think a good point of reference is the old GFW Radio podcasts. IMO and that of many others, that podcast was absolutely fantastic for the short time that it lasted (its inevitable end had nothing to do with the quality or reception of the podcast but more to do with the financial restructuring within Ziff Davis at the time and the mass exodus of staff). Those guys used to go into a room with nothing but a few vague topics in mind (or on paper) but ended up going on the wildest of tangents and talking about the most random things, with varying results, b
  17. To be more clear: What I mean is that it will just be discussion around people's experiences with anticipating, purchasing and playing games. But none of the farm animal factions or worshiping review scores/game companies or making ignorant generalisations about people who like a certain game/console, etc. Basically talking about this hobby of ours in a logical, somewhat thoughful and ofcourse enthusiastic way but without any of the cliched forum stupidity. Edit: Just adding abit more here for further clarity. My point is that when we do get around to revamping the site and having a front
  18. d.x

    SW podcast

    Ok, well to be perfectly honest I dont think a new podcast should try to clone the format of any existing podcast or to even have too much of a structure. The best podcasts are the ones that dont have any rigid format or plan to them, but instead have a dynamic and free-flowing conversation. The most important thing is to have the right crew; if the people on a podcast are at all interested in the topic at hand then they can just start talking about one thing and naturally progress from there without having to follow any notes. Also I dont think that it should be just about games; obviously ga
  19. I made this thread on the main board, lets just say it didnt go down well..... (like most things on the main board): Basically a 'Gaming Discussion' forum. Away from the asinine role-playing of system wars/review-score wars, away from the retarded gimmick accounts and away from the 'meme of the month' threads. Just a forum for people to talk about gaming, with 100% less shitty fanboy culture. What say you admins (HAL)?
  20. d.x

    SW podcast

    I dont mind taking part in some way. I listen to alot of podcasts, I know a thing or two about how they work (or not work as is usually the case).
  21. d.x


    There is no reason we cant have both. Like I said, we can have a small group of people doing the 'Editorial' side of things, and then alongside that we can do more silly stuff that makes fun of the whole fanboy culture. Another idea I have, which Im not sure how well it would work, is to do like an opinion piece or round-up on the gaming press. Sort of like a forum kid's take on the people working on the 'proper' gaming sites and have it be like us reviewing what they are doing. Its alot funnier in my head than it prolly sounds now, but I think there is something that can be done here, in a
  22. d.x


    IMO reviews are just stupid and outdated as a concept. In this case its even worse cause most SWers only know about fucking GS reviews (which are some of the worst in the enthusiast press) and would therefore try to emulate that style of writing if given the chance. We should keep the pieces shorter than the average review and make them our own impressions written in the style of a blog entry, instead of a 'product evaluation'.
  23. d.x


    tbh Im against the whole concept of reviews. I think we should have like little 'Impressions' or 'Thoughts' pieces written by a handful of people who can actually write a couple of coherent sentences. But that sort of thing only gets a site so far, so we also need something else that can make this place stand out. We cant do any real video or audio content, and we cant exactly do Kotaku style news blogs either; so it would have to be humour in text form (alongside the more serious writings) and/or some sort of Penny Arcade-style comic, themed around fanboys or something similar.
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