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Artemis Ace

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Artemis Ace

  1. haha Seem a bit too keen on the idea there mate for it to be (no homo) plus your DP is two dudes kissing...
  2. lulz yeah but the vast majority of straight girls don't like giving blow jobs either for that matter.
  3. I'd freely choose none (obviously)...which then turns to rape and then id have no say in the matter anyway. But the sucking dick would be the worst of a bad situation to put it lightly How about yourself?
  4. You're not his real dad! Only 1 more year of emo rebellious teen left in ya el Barto. What will you do then?
  5. Gamedrunk is so hot, zero would turn straight for him Well I wouldn't phuck him but I would have a platonic bromance with him. And he would pickup mad bitches for us to smash
  6. I can excuse a lot of the weird shit going on in that pic because at music festivals in Oz people do generally dress and act like retarded faggots but...whats with that guys mullet chops. Holy cheeet.
  7. Alphy is a charming young lad, need a haircut though man.
  8. I am pretty sure REDE is masturbating to what you just said. Until I state that I like the good cop better then he's like
  9. yeah she goes by artemis now. Who is this Wesker? But yes remain calm I am amongst you.
  10. Nope, can't even stand being around 2nd hand cigarette smoke. My lungs/face gets itchy, feel like im burning up and my throat swells. Dunno how/why people do it.
  11. Again, the wind was blowing in my hair. Basically it looks like how you remember it, but longer. I've been meaning to cut it for months, but I'm unsure of what to do with it. The glasses, I've just worn for years. The lip piercings are called Dahlias; I simply felt like trying something different, but I probably won't keep them in very long. Makes getting a job rather difficult. I've seen snake bites (same sort of placement but going vertical not horizontal) never like that. I've got a lip piercing too but I have to take it out when I start this new job ;( Yeah haircut and better shades for
  12. Sky used to be so beautiful ;( Now im ok with 'alternative' styles but the hair, the glasses, the lip piercings (why in the name of fuck are they sideways at the very least) are obsurd. How did he nearly die? Well I can sort of see why...
  13. I did alot actually. I went around to Singapore, Thailand and the Phillipines. Those pics I will not post though What were you doing there in terms of service? http://www.marine-corps-news.com/2010/01/blt_27_ready_for_firsttime_exp.htm Cliffs or negs
  14. wtf no. i just want the baby and her with me when she goes into labor Ahh cool man. You freaking out at all? Got the name ready? the only thing i'd really have to freak out at all is my wifes back. she has a slipped disk near the bottom of her spine and apparently kind of a health concern while pregnant. we want to call her camila delacruz Shit man my brother did that to his back and couldnt move for weeks. He was a grown ass man crying. You will never be able to complain about pain again to your wife, slipped disk+childbirth
  15. wtf no. i just want the baby and her with me when she goes into labor Ahh cool man. You freaking out at all? Got the name ready?
  16. P.S. You didn't go anywhere after? You posted on SW? What the fark is wrong with you?
  17. Was it an elope type of sitch cos the baby mamas daddy is gonna be mad a browny knocked up his daughter out of weddlock?
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