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System Warrior
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Everything posted by LordSEER

  1. After reading through this thread I want to say and you really didn't fuck things up that bad and you're still good to go but you really need to find something else to talk about and work toward a date. Conversation will come more naturally in person, especially if you have some drinks.
  2. forgot to edit the number okay this thread is a bit too risky yeah, to be cereal, dial down the gamer shit a moment eh? but yeah man come on, most of us wouldn't do anything but you're lucky someone like spicoli or z weren't ITT but the gamer shit is all I have to talk about with this girl. ultimately if that did happen, it wouldn't be too big of a deal. I have no expectations with this chick anyways. dude if you don't steer the conversation asap you're fucked. The conversation is already borderline nauseating. Ask her more about herself and then try to set up a date.
  3. What I want to know, is if it was like a homemovie an ex put up or was she payed to do this? Oh, and to keep it systemwars, what did you expect from a white chick that dates black guys?
  4. Or, if she didn't cheat, like a normal girl, she could just be upset there's a fucking porn video of her online? Nah couldn't be that.
  5. so you just throw around words like 'faggot' for no real reason? out of habit? for 'kicks'? nothing better to do? lack of a better vocabulary? GTFO, you've been exposed -> I think he was using it more as an observation than an insult. He was simply pointing out that you are a faggot, not getting angry at you for being one.
  6. I'd never pay money before seeing a chick's face. That shit's just as important if not more important than the body for me. Yo, great thread though. This shit is hilarious.
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