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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Haxlike

  1. best game ever made
  2. I beg to differ. He is right though. Apart from the Play Arts Kai figures, I never bother opening figures now, never know what they might catch. Not like I play with them anyway, they just sit beside the games they're from. Yeah but that is boring.
  3. Just ordered a Fanatic Forza CSR with the CSR pedal and shifter kit. Such a godly wheel but it is a shame the only wheels available for Xbox are either ~300$+ or shitty mad cats.
  4. yeah a while back, game was really cool. there's a bit of backtracking which is kinda lame but it ain't even a thing really. boss fights were great especially I don't mind backtracking if the levels look nice or are well put together. I'm loving it so far Slapped u with the iPhone 4 using tapatalk Yeah game is beautiful. The gimmick was really fun and pretty unique.
  5. Bought chivalry at GMG for only 8$. The game gets the brutality of medieval combat so perfect. Maps are kind of lame and it doesn't seem to have a siege mode like M+B
  6. Well it gets significantly better once you actually get into the game.
  7. Just bought Faster Then Light, finally get to play it. You're lucky. Far Cry 2 is one of those games that makes you angry for wasting so much potential.
  8. If you're too cheap for the 360 controller this is logitechs new cheapo controller. http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-940-000110-Gamepad-F310/dp/B003VAHYQY/ref=dp_ob_title_ce
  9. I use a 360 controller but I thought they were more. Only 35$ on amazon, get one of those. And the logitech dual action are good PC controllers.
  10. Ugh how can even play it. Get one, 30$ free shipping. http://www.emtcompany.com/logitech-g-uf13a-dual-action-gamepad/101331928.html
  11. Forza Horizan is the best "simcade" this gen, easily. Perfect balance between the two.
  12. Lol your description of it just inspired me to try it Yeah I redboxed it for a night free. Will for sure buy it when the price drops. Great game. Even though you can easily see the games it is mimicking it still feels fresh and very fun.
  13. Playing Dishonored. It is very good but damn does it rip off mechanics from other games. Feels exactly like Bioshock with Deux Ex/Thief style stealth and a HL2 narrative style.
  14. How so? The game had to change and Rockstar did a brilliant job. clumsy controls, lack of memorable missions and way too frequent cutscenes make it far from brilliant. Lack of feed back to let you know you're getting shot is annoying too. The enemy deaths reactions are great though. Didn't have an issue with the controls like you and twinkie. Diving felt way more realistic then in Max Payne 1/2. And a game like this needs a cover system. Cutscenes happened a lot, but that was rockstar trying to make it feel like a movie.
  15. How so? The game had to change and Rockstar did a brilliant job.
  16. Eternity is a child at play with colored balls. You let me know in 20 years when you even get a sniff of that one
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