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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. Yeah, the graphical jump from PS3/360 to PS4/XOne really wasn't that big. There's quite a few games from the PS3/360 era that still look good even by today's standards. Didn't care for the game but FF XIII is a way more visually pleasing game than FF XVI is. Gears of War 3 still looks good. Look at Bayo and Bayo 3, Bayo 3 looks better but not by much. GG Xrd is another game that comes to mind. Compare that game to GG Strive and sure, Strive looks better but it really doesn't look that much better. MT Framework games in general all sti
  2. I can't even go to YouTube without this game flooding my feed. I've basically had the whole game spoiled for me at this point so I don't really have any interest to play the game now.
  3. It's a short manga series that Akira Toriyama did like decades ago. Post apocalyptic setting, the world has limited water supplies so society is basically fighting over what little water is left. Main characters are Beelzebub (yes, that demon prince), his assistant Thief, and Sheriff Rao(?).
  4. Impulse buy a few months ago. Think I got it for like 15 bucks? Can't remember.
  5. I can actually see them dropping the Switch name and calling it something new.
  6. Finished Scars Above. Don't recommend, play literally anything else. Game is only like 6 hours long but it's the most bland 6 hours ever because everything about the game is just so damn basic. It's like the perfect average game.
  7. And only one of them is new- Red XIII. Cid's confirmed to not be playable as well. The rest of the playable characters are characters people have already played with. The characters will get some tweaks and new moves but they're not going to play any differently from the previous game which means combat is going to feel very familiar, very fast. A couple new characters would've helped with that. There isn't enough new being implemented which means combat in this game is going to end up feeling too same-y.
  8. That'd be cool bit I wouldn't trust these fucks to pull it off well. They'd ruin it.
  9. Vincent isn't playable in VII Rebirth. He'll be a companion character like Red XIII was in VII Remake. Purposely holding Vincent back just so they can charge you for the eventual VII Rebirth: Intermission or whatever the fuck they'll call it where Vincent will be playable.
  10. Same. My PS4 collection is like nearly 200 games and only 6 of them are physical copies because they were gifts from birthdays/Christmas.
  11. The only difficulty spikes I can remember is the double boss fight that's pretty infamous.
  12. B3cause seeing those numbers will give an idea of how effective this strat is. Fuckin' duh. We'll know how many subscribed for just 1 month to play Starfield and how many decided to stick around after that month is done.
  13. How much of those are Gamepass though? I'd imagine it'd be a pretty significant amount. Hell, there's people who bought a 1 month subscription just to play Starfield and then plan to cancel afterwards.
  14. I still can't believe they're charging 70 bucks for this. If it was like 35 bucks or so I don't think people would be shitting on the game so much.
  15. The first one really grew on me. Watching the twists that put on the classic Job formula and Summons was fun and by the end of the game I was a little disappointed because I wanted more. I rarely preorder games but I'm preordering this one. Fuck FF VII Rebirth, fuck P3 Remake... THIS is the JRPG of 2024.
  16. HEY! They changed the voice cast too, buddy! And I'll have you know the new voice cast is worse than the original, thank you very much.
  17. Dude, WTF is up with the hitboxes in this game? Did they have an intern code all the collision boxes in this game or something? Some of the attacks in this game have the most bullshit hitboxes I've seen. I literally get hit by shit that's like 10 feet away from me LOL. I would be annoyed if it wasn't so damn comical. I'm not dying or anything and I don't even think the game is hard but the amount of times I've been hit by something thats made me go: "WHAT? Are you serious?" Or "HOW!? I'm 5 feet BEHIND you!" O
  18. As goofy as that looks, I would even take this design over the PS5's design. Goddamn, the PS5 is ugly...
  19. Well even a broken watch is right twice a day. Whatever, okay. That's great, YOU called it. Good for you, have a fuckin cookie. YOU were not surprised but YOU are singular. But BG3 definitely surprised the gaming industry. No one saw this game coming, which again, was my point. Well, no one besides you. There, I said it, enjoy your validation.
  20. I literally said only the people within BGs circle were talking about it and expecting it to be good, you dumbass. But not even those within that circle were expecting it to be as big as it is. Even fans are calling BG3 a unicorn, a rare exception. Games from this genre just don't see this kind of attention and praise. BG3 surprised everyone with how it blew up and took the gaming world by storm. THAT was my point. Even fuckin Hasbro is surprised and is expecting BG3 to make more money than all of its film licensing over the past 10 years. So don't even try to act like
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