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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. Ain't got no interest in this dumb as fuck sequel series. The story is just straight up shit fanfiction. Anyone who thinks this garbage is anywhere close to the original needs to go play in heavy traffic.
  2. WTF? That ain't RF. That looks like a Genshin clone.
  3. Blizzard really isn't the same company they were 10 years ago. They've been bleeding talent for years and a lot of the key vets aren't even there anymore.
  4. Combat sounds terrible. Just your typical brain dead, heavily automated Korean/Chinese combat system. All flash, no substance. Dumbass scrubs get fooled into thinking the combat is "good" because of all the extravagant animations and don't even realize there's very little skill involved to achieve anything in these garbage ass combat systems.
  5. Nope. I'm not really in the mood to jump into another gear grind heavy game. I just played through Wo Long not too long ago.
  6. Cool but let's be real- LOL at Fighting Game reviews. They should always be taken with a grain of salt because they're not the type of games that are figured out or understood in a week. It takes months just to get a solid understanding of the game's balance and system mechanics.
  7. Well deserved. The game is easily in my top 3 for last gen.
  8. Sheesh, with the development time this game had there really is no excuse for it to turn out this bad. Only explanation is complete lack of talent and skill.
  9. Knew it's been in the works since DMC5 wrapped up but it's nice to see an official announcement.
  10. Anything concrete about the Pro? Heard something nuts about the PS5 Pro expected to cost around $700 and I immediately went WTF. There's no way Sony would do something that fuckin' stupid, right?
  11. Another one that popped into my head after The Raid movies was Daredevil Season 1's "Hallway" scene. Probably doesn't count though since it's not from a movie. Still a fuckin' awesome scene though, I love it because it didn't feel choreographed at all, the fight had a sloppy and clumsy feel which made it look real. I love the end of the scene after DD makes it to the end and he just pauses for a moment. He's out of breath and is just like "Fuck... I'm spent".
  12. I'm surprised it took this long for these movies to get mentioned. They were the first movies that popped into my head when I saw the thread title.
  13. LOL I mean, it looks fine but it's like the last thing I want from a FF game so it's hard to feel excited for the game.
  14. I mainly remember him for The Punisher movie. His Punisher is my favorite out of the actors who have played the character.
  15. Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed this one more than Ys VIII.
  16. Probably not the best guy to answer this since I play these types of games a lot. I didn't find the game hard though, there are a couple spots that can be rough (Chapter 2 boss fight and the gauntlet on Chapter 5 come to mind) but the game's difficulty is pretty moderate for the most part. The game's hardest difficulty is nowhere near NG's Master Ninja levels of difficulty.
  17. Wanted Dead is fun. Don't pay 60 bucks for it though, honestly not worth it at that price. If you can get it for 40 bucks or cheaper then go for it if you're interested. I think the game is on sale right now on PSN. EDIT: Yup, sure is. https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10003731/
  18. Damage control? Bitch, I keep it real. I shit on PS exclusives just as much as Nintendo exclusives. They're all overrated.
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