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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. Not a very high bar but sure, it's better than the last one. The demo told me everything I needed to- it's just another Star Ocean game. Second tier JRPG series and will never be nothing more than that.
  2. Yeah, Halo use to be a killer app. A guaranteed system seller. Then Halo 4 happened and everything after was hellbent on trying to be worse. 343 single handedly killed the franchise. Same thing is happening with Gears. Gears 1-3 were great. Everything after? Not so much. The meme use to be "Halo, Gears, Forza". Now it's just Forza LOL...
  3. LOL... Patriots. Bears whooped that ass.
  4. Dynamic Difficulty works the same on every Difficulty setting. It's a secondary difficulty slider that's separate from the main difficulty.
  5. I actually liked the first one, thought it had an interesting combat system and it was one of the few games that really utilized the DS' dual screens. Took awhile to get use to it but once it clicked I had fun with it. Definitely a unique combat system. Did not give a shit about the sequel though. Think I dropped the game around hour 3 or 4.
  6. RE4 has dynamic difficulty. If you're getting ammo/item drops it's because you're playing bad LOL... The better you play, the harder the game gets. Enemies are more aggressive, enemy encounters are different (usually more enemies), the enemies will rarely drop anything. You basically have to rely on the ammo you find on the field and even that can be influenced by the dynamic difficulty.
  7. It takes place after Arkham Knight.
  8. Remember when Final Fantasy games were actually Final Fantasy games? Yeah, good times. Better times.
  9. 5th time for me. Yes, I bought the PS2 version even though I had the Gamecube version. Don't judge me. Game looks amazing. The Village is the easy part to get right though, the real test is the Castle. Hopefully they can nail it.
  10. It wasn't made by Rocksteady and the game seemed like it lacked direction for most of its development so not surprised. Theres still remnants of it originally being a Live Service Game present in the game (there is like 10 different currencies still in the game). Even the way the game is structured shows signs of it originally being a Live Service Game. After seeing the failings of others they appeared to have shifted gears very late in development.
  11. OMG, yes. So glad I experienced that game thanks to PS+. If I had paid money for that slog of a game I would've been pissed. The tech was impressive though.
  12. Hat in Time, huh? Yeah, I can kind of understand that purchase. I recently bought Spyro Reignited Trilogy, for some reason I just had a craving to play something classic and chill. A Collect-a-thon style Platformer seemed to fit the bill. It's been many years since I've played one.
  13. Remedy sucks period. They don't make games, they make 8 hour long tech demos.
  14. Yeah, totally fair. Its an Action game. Action games are not very story or cutscene heavy so there isn't much dialogue. Getting paid that amount for like 5 days of work is such easy money it's basically free.
  15. Okay, those figures make a lot more sense. Now I can see why Hale would take the job.
  16. Is Spyro Reignited Trilogy any good? It's on sale right now for like 10 bucks. I remember playing Spyro 1 on the PS1 back in the day and enjoying it. Never touched 2 or 3 though. I know they're "Collect-a-thon" style Platformers and honestly it's been so long since I've played a game of this style so I'm thinking "Old might feel New again". I know the remakes are largely faithful to the originals, they just updated the graphics and modernized the controls. Also did some QoL stuff. Just want to know if the games hold up and if they're still enjoyable. Anyone
  17. What a great game. Honestly, the game would play fine at 30. The combat has Platinum's signature flavor but its nowhere near as demanding as say Bayonetta. Its an Action RPG, its not a full blown Action game.
  18. Honestly, only the first one is really worth it. I have zero desire to replay 2 and 3.
  19. Dude, WTF... If you want to play it, then play it. You're a big boy, you don't need permission.
  20. Jennifer Hale accepted that?! She can literally make that doing Additional Voices. She's in that class of VA like Steve Blum, Laura Bailey, Troy Baker, Nolan North, Liam O'Brien, Tara Strong...etc. These people don't need to be a feature character, they can make money off doing Additional Voices. Seriously, I'm shocked Hale took the job. Maybe she just really wants to play the character? Because her talents are definitely worth more than $4k. This is Commander Shepherd for crying out loud...
  21. So yeah, I'm doing some trophy cleanup in Asterigos and I'm losing my mind. Just wanted to share that. Carry on with your day.
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