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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 2. Chrono Trigger


    Probably not surprising to some. In fact, you were probably expecting it to be number 1 since it hasn't shown up in the list yet and NGB has already been mentioned.


    I love this game. You all know how great it is so I'm not going to bore you with the things you already know about its gameplay.


    Instead, I'll just explain why I place this game on a high pedestal. This was the first game I ever played that showed me that my choices can actually matter. There were probably games before Chrono Trigger that did this but this was the game that introduced that to me. This simple thing absolutely blew my mind. 


    The Trial is one of my favorite gaming moments and one of the most memorable moments of my life. This was the first time the game blew my mind but it wouldn't be the last. I couldn't believe the game was holding me accountable for the actions I made during the Fair with Marle. I made ALL the wrong choices so when Chrono got sentenced to jail I legit thought I was getting a Game Over. Breaking out of jail was a huge sigh of relief moment for me but from this point on I became more conscious of my decisions and choices that I would make throughout the rest of the game. My entire way of playing the game changed and this game constantly rewarded me for doing so.


    It was such a unique experience for me. As I was getting to the end of the game I was growing with excitement. Not because the game was ending but because I couldn't wait to immediately start a new game. So after the credits roll and I get ready to begin my adventure again something sticks out on the title screen. Something I've never seen before...


    New Game+


    New Game+?


    What's that?


    I start the game.


    Hmmm... Everything looks the same so far.


    I walk out of Chrono's room and talk to Chrono's Mom.


    Hmmm... All of this is still the same.


    I leave Chrono's house and open the Menu to Save on the World Map. I Save but before I leave the Menu I notice something. 


    Chrono's Level. Chrono's Gear. Chrono's Abilities.



    I still have them. I have them all.




    I couldn't believe I still had them. Immediately the New Game+ made sense and I quickly went about playing through the game to get to moments where I could try something different to see if the game would change.


    I proceed to progress a few hours into the game and realized I could fight Lavos apparently whenever I want. Out of curiosity I fight Lavos and when I beat him I got something unexpected. I got a different ending.


    The realization that this game has different endings sets off a nuke in my head.





    Epic. Masterpiece. 10/10. These things literally don't mean shit today because the gaming world has devalued their importance.


    You don't just give a game that type of praise haphazardly. I don't throw those words around lightly. Those words mean something to me.


    Epic. Masterpiece. 10/10.


    No game deserves to have those. But a game can EARN them. Chrono Trigger earned them. It earned every single one.


    Fuck you if you don't agree.

    • aitch 3
  2. Oh, this is one of my favorite games for the PSP but I was hesitant to mention it but maybe you'll give it a shot.


    Guilty Gear Judgment


    Its basically two games. The first is GGXX Reload, which is a solid port of the game and actually plays well on the handheld.



    The other game is Judgment, the main reason I'm even mentioning this game. Judgment is a GG spin-off game. Its basically a Beat Em Up with a GG twist. You got different playable characters, each with their own move set, and a decent amount of levels to play through. 



  3. 5 minutes ago, Pureis said:

    Crimson Gem Saga

    Kingdom Hearts bbs

    Persona 3

    Hexyz Force


    Oh shit, Hexyz Force. Forgot about that game. Yeah, that's a good one.


    Not a fan of Crimson Gem Saga though. Gets pretty grindy around the midpoint of the game because equipment prices skyrocket to ridiculous levels for no damn reason. Gold grinding gets old fast.

  4. Oh, just noticed the list of games you mentioned. Ignore my mention of MGS and Lumines.


    Depending on how attached you are to the series, The 3rd Birthday is actually a pretty solid handheld shooter. If you're a fan of PE then avoid the game.

  5. 10 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    Looking back, the Wii honestly had a decent collection of third party games. At least ones I enjoyed


    Trauma Team

    Fragile Dreams

    Red Steel 2

    A Boy and his Blob
    Zack & Wiki

    Sin & Punishment


    Sonic Colors

    Dead Space Extraction


    Another Code R

    House of the Dead Overkill



    Muramasa. :love:


    Vanillaware needs to remaster that game. If they can do Odin Sphere and Dragon's Crown, they can do Muramasa. No reason not to.

  6. 6 hours ago, Snowman said:

    There are some strong ass curveballs on this bitch, but it’s a pretty solid list overall Sabo. What’s yo PSN by the way?

    Thanks. Its not what my 'real' Top 50 would be because of the rules I created for myself. There are a lot of games that definitely should be on the list but I had to leave them off. I never did mention how I decided this part of the process and the answer is I didn't decide.


    I left it to chance- I legit just flipped a coin. Heads (this game) got on, Tails (that game) got eliminated. It was the most 'fair' way I could think of to decide. 


    Not-Much-Effort is my PSN.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    I think a lot of people skipped Forgotten Sands and dismissed it as a half assed movie tie-in which sunk hopes for there being another game in the series. Its unfortunate because I played it years later and actually found it to be pretty good.

    Didn't help that that the Prince of Persia game before Forgotten Sands wasn't well received either. It's no wonder they put PoP on the backburner and focused entirely on AC. 

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