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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    Lmao, hes right though. BOTW is so overrated.

    I haven't played it but I've watched a lot of it just to see what was so special about this particular Zelda game since fanboys were praising it so much. Every video I watched just made me go, "Seriously? People are actually serious about their praise for this game".


    Just WATCHING the game is annoying as fuck. Just so many annoying things constantly present that would drive me insane if I actually played it.

  2. I like song but that's not surprising, both Nier games have great OSTs so why would this be different.


    Hmm, what else? Oh, I guess it looks nice for a mobile game.


    And uhh.... No, that's pretty much all there is to talk about.



    If this game is seriously just you running through empty areas while you listen to a song then WTF.


    Obviously I don't think this is all it is but then again it is a mobile game... Mobile games aren't exactly the most ambitious types of games and there are plenty of very simple games that are really just cashgrabs.


    I hope this isn't a lazy cashgrabs. Because I can listen to the Nier OSTs while I play any other game.

  3. My top 3 games are games that made me look at games differently which is why I rate them so highly. They're great games in their own right but they're also a bit more than that to me.


    So let's get started... Oh, just a heads up, this will be a long post.


    3. Street Fighter II


    I remember seeing this game for the first time in the small arcade section of a store close to my house. At first glance my friends and I thought it was just another Beat Em Up but then we noticed there was always only 2 characters on the screen. Never any more than that.


    As we continued watching the demo video we realized this wasn't a Beat Em Up, this game was something different. This was a type of game we've never seen before. Then we noticed the second set of buttons and joystick and suddenly it all made sense.


    You don't play against the computer. You play against another player.


    Little did we know then but this game was about to teach us about the spirit of competition and how powerful it can be.


     An almost daily ritual was born for us and that ritual was going to the store to play a couple games whenever we had the spare change or when we could talk our parents into giving us some money. The days I could get 10 bucks from my Mom were glorious, the amount of games that 10 bucks would give us just made us all the more excited. On the days we weren't playing the game, we were talking about it.


    Now we were not good. We were downright terrible obviously. The only characters I would use in the beginning were Blanka, Chun Li and Honda because they were the ones who would do the Special Move if I pushed the buttons fast enough. To us, the best buttons were Fierce Punch and Roundhouse because they did the most damage. We would mash those buttons relentlessly trying to be the victor in our battles.


    Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost.


    The spirit of competition is a powerful thing though and I didn't want to lose. I wanted to win. I wanted to win the most. I wanted to be the one who got to stay while the loser had to give up his turn. I wanted to be the best out of us.


    But how do I go about that? No matter what I did, I couldn't win consistently. I thought the answer was being able to do the Special Moves but we didn't know how to do all of them. We only knew how to do one of them for 3 characters. That one Special Move wasn't enough though, I needed to know more.


    Then one day we arrived to a new scene. There were a bunch of older kids huddled around the only two SF II cabinets and it didn't look like they were going to be done anytime soon. We waited anyways though but eventually my friends got tired of waiting and went to play something else. But I didn't, I stayed. I stayed because despite all these other guys giving up their turns there was one guy who never moved. In fact, he never moved from his spot at all. This guy was winning. This guy was winning every single time. 


    I watched him like a hawk. He was using Guile but oddly enough, he wasn't using Special Moves much. Instead he was using a lot of crouching kick and two punches with a Sonic Boom thrown out there every once in awhile. That crouching kick wasn't the Roundhouse button though, Guile's crouching Roundhouse was a double sweep looking move and the kick he was using wasn't that. Isn't Roundhouse the best kick button? Why isn't he using it?


    I watched this guy keep winning without it though. Crouching kick, two punches, a Sonic Boom. He would do other stuff but these 4 moves where the ones he was using constantly. I don't know how to Sonic Boom but I can push a kick and two punch buttons. So I'm watching and trying to memorize exactly what he's doing.


    Eventually my friends and I get to play each other. I immediately pick Guile and try to mimic what I saw but it's just not working. I know this is suppose to work because I watched this older kid win over and over doing this but I just can't get it to work.


    Those next few days I stick with Guile and I keep trying to mimic what I saw because its the best knowledge I have that I know can win consistently but I'm still getting mixed results. I'm definitely doing something wrong but I just can't figure out what.


    Some time later a kid from school was having a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's and everyone from class was invited. When we all arrived there me and my friends were shocked to see there were two LONG rows of SF II cabinets. An even bigger shock was when we noticed on the side of the machines there was a move list. A move list on how to do the Special Moves for every single character. I shit you not, we acted like we just discovered buried treasure.


    Finally. Finally we now know how to do all these Special Moves. And what perfect timing... All these machines, all these kids, and all these tokens. Oh, what's that? Some of these kids have never played this game before?


    Perfect. Too perfect. My chances of winning so I can keep playing grows higher. But the real matches can wait, me and friends only care about one thing right now- Special Moves. It was the mystery that has eluded us for weeks and now we finally had the answer. We immediately start trying to do the Special Moves but quickly discovered something we weren't prepared for.


    These moves were hard to do!


    We fumbled and stumbled trying to do these Special Moves for like 30 minutes before one of us finally managed to do a Hadouken. When it happened, the rest of us popped. Hard. We popped for a fireball. Real matches became a distant thought, the only thing that mattered now was learning how to do these moves.


    Sometime during our struggles I noticed a familiar scene happening in the row of SF II cabinets behind us.  A lot of guys moving to pass their turn except for one. I immediately knew what that meant. One guy was winning over there. One guy was winning a lot.


    I got closer to check it out and saw he was using Ryu. He was basically using two moves- Fireball and Dragon Punch. He would use others but the game plan was Fireball and Dragon Punch.


    I didn't understand how the Guile player was winning despite my best attempts to mimic but this was a different story. I understood this. It was simple but effective. It was easy to see why its working and more importantly how it was working. Now all I had to do was actually learn how to do these Special Moves...


    And for the next couple weeks, that's what we did. We would go to the store and take turns practicing. You practice your moves this round, I practice mine the next round. We would keep alternating until we ran out of tokens. This is how you did Training Mode back in the day. We would have a real match every now and then but most of our time was spent practicing.



    So I'm going to stop this story here and get to the point of this. Before SF II, I just played games mostly for fun. I didn't beat many games before SF II and the games I did beat were either easy or could be beaten with brute force (Konami code for Contra for an example). I didn't think too much about games when I played them. I never questioned why things worked or why they didn't. 


    SF II changed that. The game wasn't easy and there wasn't a way to cheat it. SF II was the first game I played that forced me to learn how to actually play it because it was the only way to win. I wanted to win because I wanted to be the best out of our group.


    This game opened up my mind to a new mentality to have when I play a game. A mentality that I have carried with me with every game I've touched since. Playing games is fun but SF II taught me that learning how to play a game and trying to understand how it works is a lot more fun.








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  4. 13 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    All time classics. Wonder if Nioh 1/2 will end up being your highest ranked modern game. (I'm pretty sure you like Nioh more than Bloodborne)

    Nioh isn't even on my list. 

  5. 1 minute ago, kaz said:

    same :ben:  I thought you were a console only guy. you said you only game on ps4 rn. :ben: 

    Yeah, now. I use to play games on everything but as I got older I got less free time. Just don't have the time to game on everything anymore. UT 2003, Quake and Starcraft are some of my favorite MP games.


    Little sad I had to exclude UT from my list but I wanted to shine a light on UC2. I really feel like UC2 was very ahead of its time and I still think its the best console MP shooter. A really cool game that got overlooked thanks to the Halo 2 craze. Such a shame.

  6. 7. Castlevania Symphony of the Night


    When people discuss Metroidvanias, two games sit at the top fighting over the crown-Super Metroid and SoTN.


    I'm with Team SoTN, I think it's the better game. It's not nostalgia goggles either that allows me to place this game this high on the list. I replay the game all the time. I buy every re-release. This game is amazing. After all these years my opinion of it has not swayed one bit.


    6. Resident Evil (REmake)


    This was another series I really struggled with when it came to picking just one. It basically became a 3 way tug of war between REmake, RE2 and RE4 until I finally decided to go with REmake.





    5. Starcraft


    Zerg for life.





    4. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past


    Another series I had trouble with but for an opposite reason. I really wanted to go with my favorite (Majora's Mask) and had to keep reminding myself to try to be as objective as possible.


    I'm going to be real here, the hands of time hit games from the 32 bit era the hardest. A lot of games from this era haven't aged well. There's a lot of games from this era that I love but can not play today because of how bad they've aged.


    The 16 bit era though? The games from this era aged like fine wine. LttP is one of the finest wines.








    • Ben 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, kaz said:

    at least it wasn't VI, like all the tryhard faggots tell themselves it's the best FF. character design, okay, skills unique, but everything else was mediocre. 



    your take on demon's souls makes me want to go for another run. the game isn't perfect, but it's a perfectly fine game. frankenstein's monster? probably. that's why I love it. 

    Damon's Souls is a remake I'm most curious about.


    How would they do it?


    Do they just update the graphics and stop at that?


    Or do they make a completely new game  thanks to it being its own thing from the beginning?


    Its one of the few games that I can think of that could really benefit from a second chance so to speak. I do like the game, I just don't share the same strong feelings other people have for it.

  8. 10. Final Fantasy IV


    This was one of the series I had trouble with when it came to picking one. Ultimately, I went with 4 because it has been remade twice and both of those remakes showed me that the game still holds up. 




    9. Bloodborne


    Some of you probably thought this would be number 1 if NGB is 15, huh?


    Nope, although I was surprised to see it crack my top 10 until I really thought about it.


    The Soulsborne series has created a pretty passionate fan base and that fan base has strong opinions on which one is the best.


    A lot say Demon Souls and I disagree. Demon Souls was originally a different game that was going to be scrapped completely until Miyazaki talked the higher ups into letting him finish it. Demon Souls is this weird Frankenstein of a game and it shows. A game with a lot of cool ideas but the execution of it all was sloppy. This is mainly because it was originally something else.


    Dark Souls was the game that executed most of those ideas much better because the game was designed from the ground up to be its own thing. The ideas weren't being shoehorned into another game.


    Even then though, I don't think Dark Souls is the best either. Playing Dark Souls Remastered made me realize the game peaks at Anor Londo. Everything after that feels rushed and nowhere near as well thought out as everything that came before. The last stretch of the game is a huge dip in quality. Still a great game, don't get me wrong... Just not better than Bloodborne IMO.


    So why do I rank Bloodborne above the rest? Simple. Consistency. Bloodborne maintains a consistent level of quality from beginning to end compared to the other Soulsborne games. It took all the other ideas and added its own unique ideas that blended in perfectly. Its a Soulsborne game but it stands out the most because it has a strong identity. Also because its just head and shoulders above the others. Come at me, Hot Sauce.


    8. Megaman X


    When it came to picking one game from a series, this series was the easiest. Megaman X is just cool. Its just fuckin' cool. Well designed, awesome soundtrack, the best powers (who didn't love shooting Hadoukens all over the place?), the new gameplay mechanics were fresh and amazing (who knew a simple Dash command could change the game so much?). Just Goddamn, what a cool game.


     This game is so cool it actually made me curse in front of my father for the first time out of pure excitement. My exact words were, "Holy shit!" followed by an immediate thought of "... Oh shit..." as I slowly turned to look at my father dreading the punishment to come. Instead all I got was laughter and a simple "Don't ever let your Mom catch you saying that".


    You see, Megaman X is so cool I got away with cursing.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Casual said:

    You added an extra 1 after Metroid prime. And why did you skip 11 spots 

    LOL... That actually took me a second to figure out what you meant. "11 spots? What's he talking abou-OOH! I get it now". :ben:

  10. 1 hour ago, Teh_Diplomat said:


    LOL. Yeah, I was a bit surprised too when I had to really think about the ranking of these games.


    Look, I love NGB. That's no secret. But the best games are like the towering rock in the ocean. The raging waves of time don't make them budge no matter how hard the waves crash into them. 


    When I had to really think about it, I had to ask myself, "If I think so highly of NGB, why haven't I replayed it at all these past 10 years?"


    I tell myself its because I put over 3000 hours into the game so I don't need to play it anymore but that's not true. The truth is I don't want to know the effects that time has had on the game.


    The feelings and thoughts I had the last time I touched the game are the last I want to have. I'll never replay the game because I don't want new feelings and thoughts to replace those. I just love the game that much.

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  11. 55 minutes ago, kaz said:





    If I had to pick one mario game it would be super mario all stars, but I feel like that's cheating cause of the multiple games. so i would pick super mario bros 3. :] 


    (or mario RPG, if the same series rule applies, i'm not sure).

    I guess it would depend on how strict you want the rule to be. Super Mario RPG is different enough to be used IMO but if you want to make "1 game from series rule" super strict you could consider it part of the main Mario series. But does that mean Mario Kart or other games like that are also being added into the main Mario series as well?

    • Ben 1

    1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:

    The fucking disrespect on these lists for Super Mario World I swear.

    There's a reason for Super Mario 64. I felt obligated to include it no matter.


    1 hour ago, モンキー said:

    red = how dare you

    green = niceee





    I don't like this 1 game per series thing though, because being part of a series has almost zero to do with how good a game is. But still an interesting twist on list making I suppose. :yeshrug:

    looking forward to final 25 either way :obama:

    The rule was only used because it made making the list more interesting. My original list was pretty generic and included like 80% of the games you always see on these types of lists with a lot of those games being different entries from the same series. 

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