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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 4 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Interesting list so far. Drip feed the rest for maximum tears :face: some awesome games there that don’t usually get mentioned so your rules are working. 

    It was until I got to the top 25 and realized a lot of the usual mentions managed to get in despite my efforts. 

  2. First, a couple ground rules I set for myself.


    -Only one game from a series allowed. I tried to be objective but if that proved difficult then I just went with my favorite. This was done so I could include other games that I really love and enjoyed that don't really get the attention I feel they deserve. 


    -There are a few games that are no brainers to include in these types of lists but I decided not to. I purposely only picked a few of them and left the others off the list. Mostly because these games get mentioned all the time so I don't need to mention them all but also because I wanted more room to work with. 


     Now, with that said... Lets start this shit show. Number 50 is a game I felt obligated to include no matter what and that annoyed me. This game made me break my own rule so it gets to be at the bottom of the list.


    50. Super Mario 64

    49. The World Ends With You

    48. Return to Castle Wolfenstein

    47. Tomb Raider 2

    46. Kirby's Dream Land 2

    45. Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

    44. Vanquish

    43. Call of Duty 4

    42. F-Zero

    41. Valkyrie Profile

    40. Hard Corps. Uprising

    39. Nier Automata

    38. Shadow Hearts Covenant

    37. Left 4 Dead 2

    36. Need for Speed Most Wanted

    35. Guilty Gear XX Reload

    34. Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green

    33. Hitman 2 Silent Assassin

    32. Unreal Championship 2

    31. Blaster Master

    30. Tetris

    29. Donkey Kong Country

    28. Warcraft III

    27. Terranigma

    26. ActRaiser


    Top 25 I'm still tweaking...


  3. I'm actually making a list. Got my 50 games down and more or less have settled on my top 15. Might tweak it a bit but I'm fine with the games that are there.


     Struggling with 16-50 though. Too many times I'm saying, " Damn... Do I really want to rank this game here?"


    This is fuckin' hard LOL.

  4. I can't. I just can't.


    I could've played 3, 3 games is within the realm of possibility for me and I thought the worse was over with...


    Until I booted up KH 1+2 and was greeted by what I can only describe as an absolute nightmare.


    I thought this bundle was only 3 games but I was wrong. Its seven. Seven of these damn games. The screen wasn't just KH 1 and 2,  it was far worse than that.



    KH CoM

    KH 358/2

    KH 2

    KH BBS

    KH Recode


    I thought maybe 4 of those would just be synopsis videos but no... They're real. They're the full games.


    Realizing this all I felt was despair. I said I was going to play all the games in this bundle and I could've managed 3.


    Hell, I was prepared for 3! 


    I even had a game plan that I was confident would work and help me through this endeavor.


    But this?


    No way. No fuckin' way.


    You can say you can only play 1 and 2 but I wouldn't be able to do that. Knowing these others exist would compel me to at least try to play them. The only way I could escape this fate was to close the game and uninstall.


    I can't play seven of these fuckin' games. Its asking too much, I'm only human. 


    I've accepted that I've paid 30 bucks to play KH 3. I don't like it but I can live with that.

    • Haha 3
  5. 1 minute ago, Ike said:

    Has anyone played the City that Never Sleeps DLC for Spider-Man? I'm thinking of getting that when I finish FFVII. I want a quick experience before I dive into another lengthy RPG with Trials of Mana when I'm finished with FFVII.

    No, but I've been thinking about picking it up since its cheap right now on PSN. So I'm curious if its worth it too.

  6. I think I'm just going to go 3-2-1.


    I already know the story and I played these games before so its not like I need to play them in order.


    From what I remember, KH1 is the only one I didn't have strong negative feelings for at the time, I just didn't think it was anything special gameplay wise so I didn't understand the praise. So its probably best I save this one for last.



    I do remember having negative feelings for KH2 though. Can't remember why but I guess we're going to find out if younger me was being too harsh or not. At the very least, no way it can be worse than KH3.

  7. 1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

    Man now we are really deviating lol. Yes, Valkyrie is a strategy role playing game, but it's also a JRPG. Final Fantasy/DQ is a turn based role playing game, but also a JRPG, Tales is a real time role play game, but also a JRPG. The variation are just their combat systems but they are all JRPGs. 


    Regarding Diablo, literally the first words mentioned after the title:

    Diablo III is a hack-and-slash action role-playing game


    But you're not wrong, it is also an action rpg. Same as many games are rpgs, but there is many variants. Hack N Slash is Diablo, Torchlight 2, titan quest, that free PC one I always forget the name of, etc. 

    Dynasty Warriors is also hack N slash though. Diablo and the like are isometric and DW is 3rd person. One has RPG elements and one doesn't (or to a lesser extent anyway). 


    Since you've said you're comparing specific hooks I've already said that's fine. Personally I don't really have any interest in continuing this tbh, I get what you're saying and hopefully you understood why I disagreed given your initial post.

    I did understand which is why I pointed out you were talking the broader sense and I wasn't. In the broader sense, yeah, they are alike. They share a lot of similar systems.


     Their hooks are very different though and I tend to separate games in the same genre by thier hooks because they give games... Hmm... Hard to answer... Hooks are definitely part of the gameplay but they're a bit more important than just that IMO. They're like the heartbeat for the gameplay.


    They're what gives a game an identity? Value? Not sure what the proper word would be but they're the thing that keeps you playing the game but can separate it from other similar games.


     I realized then though that I should reiterate what I meant by specifically mentioning the hook but it was too late for that. The conversation took on a life of its own and was out of my hands.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

    Lmao good one :D but yeah the ending was a joke. The rest of the game was disappointing but once I saw the credits roll my reaction was literally 'wtf, I waited nearly 15 years for this?'

    I shit on KH fans all the time but I feel for them on this one. If the ending disappointed me, soneone who hates this series, then I can't even imagine how the disappointment feels for the fans. That ending literally had like 3 HUGE cliffhangers and it just feels like nothing was actually accomplished. 


    WTF is really all that can be said. Just the worst kind of WTF too.

  9. 12 minutes ago, madmaltese said:


    and I'm still not convinced you know what genres are. 

    In the other thread you were saying SRPGS like Valkyrie Chonicles aren't JRPGS (LOL) and here you are saying that Diablo isn't a hack n slash game. I would really love to know what is a hack n slash if it's not diablo tbh. 

    You've jumped on this 'hook' argument once you realised how wrong you initially were. Your intial post I replied to was you saying things like Nioh is nothing like a Souls game and more like Diablo, which is as ridiculous now as it was then. It's as ridiculous as me saying that Destiny is nothing like Halo and more like Nioh. Now if I said that Destiny's loot driven mechanics are more like Diablo then Halo, then no shit. But that's not what you said until well after. 

    Valkyrie Chronicles is an SRPG....


    I've never seen anyone refer to Diablo as a Hack n Slash. I've seen it called a Dungeon Crawler but its actual genre is Action RPG. A Hack N Slash is something like Dynasty Warriors.



    I was comparing the hooks... Which I've had to repeat 4 times now. In retrospect I should've made this clear from the start but whatever... This shitstorm already started so I'm just riding it out.



  10. Does Jerry have to repeat himself a lot with you too?


    I'm still not convinced you actually know what a gameplay hook is.


    I'm going to name 3 games. I'll go with recent games with simple hooks so I don't come across as condescending because I'm really not trying to be.



    Gears of War


    Resident Evil 


    Devil May Cry 


    I swear to God if you get these right I'm going to be upset with you LOL...

  11. Just now, madmaltese said:

    I do, so using your own logic, you really should go play Destiny and Divison. They are very much like Nioh. Guess it won't matter if you don't like FPS or 3rd person cover shooters cause the gameplay 'hook' is the same. 

    I have them both. Their hooks are the same as Nioh's. Also the same as Borderlands, Diablo, Anthem... Etc.



    I literally told you I wasn't talking about Nioh and Souls in a broader sense. I was talking about the hook. 


    Don't get snippy with me because you just now finally caught up... Not my fault. I tried to tell you, you were just so dead set on trying to "prove a point".



  12. 34 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Fair enough to disagree. But simple question. Who has the bigger chance to like Nioh, a fan of soulsbourne (for lack of better term)  esque games, or a fan of hack n slash Diablo esque games. The gameplay for Diablo and Nioh is polar opposite. The loot is there as a thing to grind and create a loop for the core gameplay, it is not the gameplay though. It's why you see loot driven mechanics in pretty much every genre now (Destiny - FPS, Divison - 3rd Person Shooter, Diablo - hack n slash, Nioh - Souls esque Action RPG, heck even shit like Steamworld Dig for 2D sidescrollers)

    Do you not understand what gameplay hook means?

  13. 3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    I completely agree with Madmal.  Nioh is definitely more loot based than any Souls like game.. but it's not even close to a dungeon crawler hack and slash like Diablo.  The core gameplay is FAR closer to Souls than Diablo and would definitely appeal to those players.


    I've never heard anyone suggest that if someone like Diablo they play Nioh, or vice versa lmao

    FFS, I already said THREE times now that Nioh is it's own thing. I don't think its like anything else. 


    If I had to choose a game it would be Diablo. Nioh's gameplay hook is much closer to Diablo than it is to Souls. Not it's "core" gameplay, its hook. The thing that drives you to keep playing the game.



  14. 18 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Fair enough to disagree. But simple question. Who has the bigger chance to like Nioh, a fan of soulsbourne (for lack of better term)  esque games, or a fan of hack n slash Diablo esque games. The gameplay for Diablo and Nioh is polar opposite. The loot is there as a thing to grind and create a loop for the core gameplay, it is not the gameplay though. It's why you see loot driven mechanics in pretty much every genre now (Destiny - FPS, Divison - 3rd Person Shooter, Diablo - hack n slash, Nioh - Souls esque Action RPG, heck even shit like Steamworld Dig for 2D sidescrollers)

    The fact you're calling Diablo a Hack n Slash has me wondering if there's another game called Diablo that I don't know about.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Lol don't start with 3. 1 > 2 > 3 is the perfect order. And then when you start 3, even if you hate it you can still be impressed by the graphics at least.

    Beat KH3 a couple hours ago. I was going to make this whole ordeal a separate thread and document the whole experience for shits and giggles but decided not to after I looked over what I wrote down during my time playing KH3.


    So I posted what was originally the intro to this experiment so to speak and plan to give quick reviews on each game instead.


    I'm still collecting my thoughts on KH3 and just WTF... Just WTF at that ending... But I'll probably be ready to write a review for it tomorrow.


    Right now I'm trying to decide if I want to play 1 or 2 next, or if I just want to tap out completely at this point. The worst is over with though so I may soldier on. I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow.

  16. Well... I'm doing it. I paid 30 bucks for this shit and I have nothing but time thanks to quarantine so I'm just going to do it. Sigh, I'm going to play...




    ... I'm going to play KH.



    I bought that damn All In One Bundle so I got three games. It was an impulse buy, I shouldn't of done it but I did. At the time I bought it I thought maybe younger me was being too hard on these games and older me would be a bit more objective. But then I started KH3 and I played it for 2 hours. I quickly realized I made a terrible decision and I need to do a better job controlling my impulse buying habit.



    Nonetheless, I did buy a bundle. And spending 30 bucks for 2 hours is a terrible investment unless this bundle sucked my dick and made me a sandwich after. Obviously it did not so I have to actually play these games to make this investment matter.


    That means three games... Three of these fuckin' games to play. Dunno if I'm gonna finish any of them but I'm going to try. I'm gonna start with the worst one first and godammit... it's KH3.



    Just Goddammit. Just godfuckindammit...

  17. 2 hours ago, madmaltese said:

    I already said Nioh is loot driven, I said that doesn't change what type of game it resembles. It's why I used Destiny (the ultimate loot driven game outside of Diablo as an example). You can add loot driven mechanics onto nearly any game and it's doesn't mean it becomes closer to Diablo than games that share similar gameplay. Division is a heavily loot driven game, but it is closer to Gears of War than Diablo. Bordelands is purely loot driven but it is closer to a regular fps than Diablo. Nioh is still closer to a Souls game and games of that new found genre than it is to Diablo. 

    LOL Disagree completely. Your looking in a broader sense. I'm talking the main hook of the gameplay.

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