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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 1 minute ago, Ike said:

    Nah, the island wasn't that bad. Although the QTE Krauser knife fight could be redone. I thought the fight against "It" was fun. It's mostly the castle that needs to be redone. The puzzles there weren't enjoyable and just seemed annoying to pad length. Also, the double gigante fight needs to go away. It was so stupid and all you had to do was pull the lever to drop them in lava.

    The Castle? The Castle is one of the strongest parts of the game. Could it use some tweaking, sure, but every area can benefit from tweaking.


    The Island though, its a huge difference in tone compared to everything before and I would like to see a complete redesign. The game just goes, "Herr iz all teh ammoz, pew pew deez bitches ded". Does the Island have high points? Yeah, but not many of them. Especially compared to everything before it.

  2. 21 hours ago, TLHBO said:

    RE4 doesn’t need a remake. The original was so good any changes may end up making this one worse.

    I love RE4 but the mechanics are dated and could use a facelift. The ending portion of the game could benefit from a redesign too, a little too action focused and could benefit from shifting to a more deliberate pace and flow that the first half of the game has.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Delita said:

    Bloodborne is still the only platinum I have and will likely remain that way. Shit was too damn good and I didn’t want it to end that I even enjoyed the chalice dungeons. There’s some unique bosses in them that are harder than anything in the main game 

    Playing through them once was fine... But I spent a lot of time grinding them for Weapons and Blood Gems. 



    Ugh.. Never again.

  4. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    Well... I'm disappointed as fuck.  They completely ruined this thing for me.  I can't believe I'm saying that as most of the game was great... but the ending and where they are going with this has completely turned me off of the game.  What a bunch of fucking bullshit.


    I guess new fans of the series, and more open minded people might be happy... but I'd be lying if I said I was.  Plain and simple.


    For FUCK sakes :shake: 

    Yikes... LOL....



  5. 9 hours ago, madmaltese said:

    That's a bit of a stretch. A game having loot driven elements doesn't really change it's core gameplay. Destiny is purely loot driven, more so than Nioh, yet it is still more like Halo than Diablo.

    Nioh is definitely a refinement of a Souls game and a lot closer to Souls games than Diablo. If a Souls fan asked for other games they might like that are similar you would recommend Nioh, Sekiro, Surge, etc. If a Diablo fan asked for other similar games they might like you wouldn't recommend Nioh. 

    and yes, I have played them. 


    I literally said Nioh is it's own thing because I really think that. If I had to compare it to something it would be Diablo.


    I dunno what you're talking about, Nioh absolutely is very loot driven.


    Did you only play on Way of the Samurai? Because it sounds like you only played Way of the Samurai. Once you hit Way of the Demon, you unlock the highest tier quality (Ethereal) and hit the gear level cap. All you're doing from this point on is grinding for loot. Its literally the only way to get stronger.


    Nioh 2 takes this to another level because they changed the way gear sets work, stats now belong to Stat "families", Accessories can now be Tempered, Soul Cores each have their own innate stats and abilities that you're going to use to further min-max, and Inheritables got a new type (Orange) and are more important now than ever.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bodycount N said:

    bloodborne was so good even I put 100 hours into it and i don't even like souls. would have got the platinum, i'm one trophy away but those randomized chalice dungeons just suck too bad to play any further.


    Cainhurst castle one of the best moments in gaming history BAR NONE


    Yeah, Chalice Dungeons suck. They get way too repetitive. Pretty sure you can summon other players though, so you can do that to blaze through them all and get the trophy. 

  7. 3 hours ago, kaz said:


    Have you played it? Because you wouldn't be saying this if you did.


    Nioh is very much its own thing but if you were to compare it to something then Nioh is closer to something like Diablo than Souls. Nioh is all about the loot. The main driving force of the game is getting the right stats and using the right gear sets for your build. Hell, even levels have suggested Gear Levels before you start them.

  8. 1 minute ago, Ike said:

    Nah, the same outcome probably would've happened. Sega really shit the bed and started their downfall with how they handled Saturn.

    True, but I feel like if the Dreamcast really got it's fair amount of time to shine instead of being overshadowed by the PS2 launch a year later... Then maybe, just maybe the Dreamcast could've turned things around for Sega. A big "What if?" there but in retrospect, the console was definitely strong enough. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

    Ok, but that doesn’t mean that they stuck with his vision for Nioh. For all we now they could have scrapped his ideas and started from scratch.

    Sure, I have no proof to prove it but you have none to disclaim it either.


    All I got is a track record and random bits of information from old interviews to work with.


    Under Itagaki, Team Ninja made great games. Without him, they floundered. Their biggest hit in the past few years is Nioh, a game Itagaki was planning and designing before he left. Crazy coincidence? Maybe.


    Oh, here's another random little bit of trivia that you of all people might appreciate. When Itagaki discussed NG he mentions Zelda as an inspiration and it shows. When he was asked once about any inspirations for Nioh he mentioned Onimusha as one of the inspirations for the game. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

    ? AFAIK Itagaki had nothing to do with Nioh. The game came out long after he left Team Ninja to form Valhalla.

    Well, consider this a history lesson for you then. Itagaki was the one behind Nioh. During interviews for NG2 he even mentioned the plans and design were pretty much done for Nioh. All they had to do was actually make the game. But then NG2 released, the sexual harassment charges surfaced shortly after that and Itagaki left the company. Nioh was put on the back burner while the new Team Ninja struggled with their next few games.

  11. Devil's Third went through development hell and the finished product was nothing close to resembling what it was originally suppose to be. The game he wanted to make was going to have 3 unique characters with their own playstyle, hence why he was calling it Devil's Third.


    Then the THQ bullshit happened, the game went in limbo and got picked up by some Korean company who basically forced him to change everything about the game and add in a shit MP. 


    The fact the game even was completed is somewhat of a miracle...


    And as for him "not having it anymore"- Nioh says otherwise. Nioh was Itagaki's creation and he was planning and designing the game alongside NG. You can go as far back as his interviews from the OG Xbox days to see him talking about Nioh.


    After Team Ninja shit the bed with NG3, Metroid and the stumbles of DOA... Hayashit did what he always does, piggyback off Itagaki to make a game because he's incapable of creating one on his own.


    Why do you think Nioh 2 is really just Nioh 1.5? Because they ran out of plans and designs of Itagaki's to work with.

  12. Just now, Bodycount N said:

    they hid it in DLC which made all the more devious.


    and, she was a 14 year old girl in that game. Fucking disgusting developer. :D I won't ever spend a dime on their shit, got UC4 and TLOU: R For free on PSN and that's where it ends for me. I'll try TLOU 2 just to laugh at it when it's given away for free, like the worthless piece of shit it is, on PSN.

    You're a sad, sad, little man. :ben:

  13. 11 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It's not about her being gay, no one cares about that, it's about how the 'gayness' and everything attached to it becomes a focal narrative point. Kind of how like straight people are just straight and their sexual orientation doesn't dictate their personality and doesn't consume their identity whereas for the vast majority of LGBT people it does.


    Having a gay character is one thing, making the game a gay vendetta against puritans is something else entirely.



    Fair enough. But no one has played the game so why are people assuming it's like what you're describing? That's premature.



    On another note- I didn't read the spoilers because I do plan to play this game.

  14. 6 minutes ago, kaz said:

    nooo, we are all right, sabo. who even makes the definition. we know what you mean by JRPG GENRE, but it's not like that anymore. we can call it traditional JRPG. 


    I mentioned few posts ago the J or W stands for the origin and a style. But JRPG is not a genre. I know we all referred to it as such, still do, but it's wrong. :ben:  

    it's just stupid definitions, we are all right basically. nobody should ever argue about this shit :ben: 

    No. We're not wrong. The children are wrong. Why do we have to sacrifice for them? Why do we have to refer to JRPGs as Traditional JRPG, newer games should be referred to as Modern JRPGs. We had the JRPG term first so we keep the original label.


    Fuck the kids.

  15. 3 minutes ago, kaz said:

    we know exactly what you mean, but you are wrong man. JRPG doesn't automatically mean it's a turn-based rpg. It's like a myth fried into your brain cause the genre was dominating in japan. That's all. :ben: 


    Like you said, times changing, it's just the origin man. W or J. It's rather a style than genre. 

    Wrong? If you what I mean then how is it wrong. I never said anything about turn based being a specific qualification for JRPG either, you're throwing that in. I'm not. Mana series and games like that have more Action oriented combat systems but they still fit into the JRPG mold because of the way they're structured and designed. That's my point, JRPGs refer to a specific design... Well, the original description for JRPG. The one I grew up with and still refer to today because those types were "JRPG" games.

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