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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. JRPG definition has evolved into more murky waters, sure. But that's because the fuckin label is broad by definition. I didn't make the term, it's just always been that.


    You motherfuckers know damn well what someone means when they say JRPG. You grew up with the NES and SNES just like I did so you know the specific type of game the term originally referred to.


    Unless I'm talking to two kids who started gaming with the PS2 and if that's the case then fuck this conversation.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    They are all JRPGs, if you wanted to compare only traditional JRPG then you should have said so in the first place. Winning first place by default because there's no competition doesn't make it better anyway.


    I feel zero obligation to justify myself to you. I didn't like the game, period.

    I shouldn't have to clarify. When people say JRPG they're talking about a specific design. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Breath of Fire, Suikoden... Etc. There's a clear philosophy behind the way these types of games are structured and designed. Its distinct enough that it was able to create it's own subgenre.


    Considering every RPG from Japan to be a JRPG is stupid and wrong. Yeah, its a RPG made in Japan but they're not all in the JRPG subgenre.


    If we're going to start going down that route then shit is about to get messy.


    Castlevania games. They have RPG elements and they're made in Japan. I guess this qualifies them as JRPGs now?



    But hey, let's branch out a bit with something more modern and something not from Japan.


    God of War? Action Adventure game? Nah, there's RPG elements so clearly its an Action RPG.


    TitanFall? First Person Shooter? Nah, I can run on walls and jump all over the place so it's obviously a Platformer.


    Hell, I guess we could say every game with a jump button can be considered a Platformer of some kind if we really want to push stupid line of thinking.



     You stated an argument, I challenged it. Simple as that. If you can't handle that then keep your fuckin mouth shut, snowflake.

  3. Just now, Ramza said:

    You asked for better JRPGs, I mentioned some.


    All better games than Tales of Slow Paceria. I deleted the game last-night, fuck that shit.

    Most of those games you listed aren't JRPGs though so no, you didn't name better games. Only one of them really qualifies and I think Vesperia is better than Resonance of Fate. Easily.



    And wow, what a surprise..  You have now resorted to saying you quit playing (insert game here) and proceed to state the reason (usually the reason is "it's trash" or "shit") in some failed effort to prop up your paper thin argument as if you're right about (insert game here).


    Why do I waste my time with some of you...




  4. On 2020-04-13 at 9:02 AM, Ramza said:

    Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls, Resonance of Fate, even NieR was far better. 


    Vesperia was on the level of Ni No Kuni or Lost Odyssey. Overrated flops.

    Valkyria Chronicles is more of a SRPG.


    Demon Souls is an Action RPG.


    Resonance of Fate... Hmm... Yeah, I guess it could be considered a JRPG. I wouldn't call it a good one though. Lots of good ideas, sure, but the difficulty was all the over the place and the level design can get atrocious. Most people I know who played it didn't even finish it. Hell, I quit playing the game around Chapter 7. 


    Nier Gestalt? Cool characters, interesting story, amazing OST but absolutely terrible everything else. You wanna talk overrated then here's your winner IMO.

  5. I don't think Vesperia is overrated at all. It's claimed to be the best Tales game, which I agree with. It's also claimed to be the best JRPG from last gen which isn't that bold of a claim when you look at the JRPGs that released last gen. Vesperia pretty much wins by default. You could make a case for Lost Odyssey but other than that game, what other good JRPG was there last gen?

  6. 2 hours ago, Delita said:

    Nah Square games of late always been on the easy side which is why I hate they never have a hard mode. XV was a cakewalk and kingdom hearts 3 was a joke. I had to use an accessory that stops me from leveling up less than halfway through the game because there was no challenge at all

    Square games have always been easy. The answer to the problem was never play better or use a different strategy, it was always "Oh, I guess I'm underleveled so time to grind for a bit". This was especially true in the older games where you would have to grind for an hour before you started the next dungeon.



  7. 16 hours ago, kaz said:


    To be honest, why wouldn't there be? It's a proper remake. I fucking hate all these games recently juggling the term remake/remaster around like if they are eggs you eat for breakfast.


    FF7 is legit the first REMAKE I acknowledge. Okay, that said, i don't know what they changed in the story but I do welcome it. It is not supposed to be the original experience. 


    And it makes me more excited to play the whole thing. :blessed: 

    You clearly didn't play Crisis Core or Dirge of Cerberus.... The changes and retcons made in those games were fuckin' stupid. 

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