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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 6 hours ago, kaz said:

    They show Sephiroth in a truck, they also show zack in a truck, they show both in Nibelheim. He never appears in Midgar, but like I said Cloud has the delusions the first time in Midgar.


    I think it's just that, they will defintely flesh it out but remain true to the story. I wouldn't be worried about it. The game looks amazing tbh and I was super sceptical at first.




    My dude almost finished the remake and really a small spoiler from the remake in the beginning that might explain the concerns about changes:


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    Sephiroth appears in Midgar (for actually no reason lmao) right before Aerith. It's a small cutscene and it's all in Clouds mind.


    I mean we know why he appears or what he wants etc. but it wasn't in the original and it wasnt needed.



    He's not talking about the Kalm flashback scene. He's talking about the hidden scene you get when you return to the Shinra Mansion library after Cloud regains his memory.


    Its a scene that shows Zack and Cloud escaping and they hitch a ride on a truck to get to Midgar. Clouds all fucked up from the Jenova Cell injections so Zack is pretty much doing all the talking in the scene.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    The DLC characters in Granblue Fantasy Versus is a total rip-off. Especially with so little characters in the base game. Great game though.

    Is it? It just looked like standard ASW formula stuff to me so didn't bother to try it out. ASW hasn't really tried anything different since the BB series.


    Persona, DBZ, and Xrd were toned down and simplified compared to their previous stuff. Two of those series make sense since they're meant for a different audience but Xrd was just kind of meh...

  3. On 2020-03-19 at 9:46 PM, kaz said:

    you should leave SW too.


    On 2020-03-19 at 9:43 PM, DynamiteCop! said:

    Oh that place is going to nose dive sharply without me, boring ass leftists thinking anyone is interested in their continual delusions. 


    Sheltered echo chamber over there, it's pathetic. That fag Dark legit accused Snakey of being racist because he called him a virgin. That's the mental gymnastics it takes to be as offended by absolutely everything that they are. 

    DarkXerro or whatever?


    If its the guy I'm thinking of then yeah, he goes on tilt real easily. I remember he loved to voice his opinion but couldn't stand to have anyone challenge it. 

  4. 23 hours ago, Remij_ said:

    Such a needlessly confusing fuck up on their part.



    And notice how they STILL don't say "at launch"...  Not that I have doubts anymore.. but still... this unclear messaging is baffling.

    Pretty sure I read awhile ago that said the top 100 most played PS4 games will be BC at launch. The rest will come slowly with system updates. Think they said these BC updates will be optional but can't remember.

  5. Played a little bit of Nioh 2 today (2 hours maybe?). Don't have work tomorrow so I plan to put in a long session with the game.


     I'm liking it so far, level design is a lot better compared to Nioh 1. For starters the shortcuts in this game are useful and don't feel pointless like they did in the first game.


    The bosses I've fought were the ones in the betas and trials so it was nice to see the final game has you getting them out of the way so soon. Pretty much nothing but new bosses from this point on and I'm still very early into the game.

  6. The Bad




    Did the guy just forget to type this part?



    From the LCT, the only bad I really saw was it really does feel like Nioh 1.5. The new mechanics are nice and all but they didn't really feel new, they all had a feeling of familiarity.


    The game is still fun though even if its just more of the same.


  7. Demo alleviated some concerns but left me with new ones. After KH3 I almost ignored this game completely but the demo left a good enough impression that I'll be willing to try the game out depending on one important detail.


    I'm going to wait until SE confirms how parts this remake is going to be before I buy. Any more than 3 parts then this game can kiss my ass. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    That sounds like more of a issue with the gamer than the game. A lot of these types of games allow you to spend ridiculous time trying to make an extremely optimised build (looter shooters do this heaps), but that doesn't at all mean you need to. 

    Yeah. Nioh has plenty of tools for you to customize a gears stats and abilities to your liking. Only thing you'll be looking at really is Rarity, Level, and if it's part of a Set you want. This is information you can get with a glance. No reason to spend too much time looking over loot drops.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Nah, sounds like they found the right balance with Nemesis. Although the  "special thing" sounds a little overboard depending on how often he'll do it. If he only does it when he's in pursuit, that's fine. But if he does it randomly even when he shouldn't know where you are then that's bullshit. Probably the former though.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Delita said:

    In the original game, yes. But since this is being expanded into a full stand alone  game I’m willing to wager more freedom will be given to the player earlier to make it feel like a real full fledged rpg rather than part 1 of xxxx

    I'll think you'll lose that wager. The team isn't all in the same place until the assault on Shinra HQ. The team is constantly separated until then. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, Casual said:

    I actually thought the demo was really solid. I’m not a big FF7 fan but they really nailed the atmosphere, even if it was really short. The music is great as expected. Has anyone done an analysis on the differences? A lot of the dialogue is stuff I didn’t remember from the original? 

    I thought the combat was fun too, how close is this to FFXV? Might have to give that game a whirl, think the full thing is on game pass now. 

    The tone is similar but dialogue is different. The constant banter with Biggs, Wedge and Jessie is all new. 


    Combat is more similar to LR. Nothing like XV.

  12. 40 minutes ago, Delita said:

    Think ima roll with Cloud/Tifa/Aeris in the full game. Never cared for Barrett or Red XIII in the original. And I’d replace tifa with Vincent Valentine or Cid if they were in this episode but they won’t be. Aeris is obligatory and Yuffie and cait sith can kick rocks 

    You're character locked for Midgar anyways so it doesn't matter. In the original you don't get the ability to form a party until  after you leave Midgar.

  13. 51 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Demo was awesome! Combat system a lot of fun and visually terrific. I still don't know how much game is actually gonna be in this. It's a little worrying how still we've seen on the scope of the game given it's imminent release

    Ends when you leave Midgar. In the original that's around the 7 hour mark but SE claims this game is going to be the length of a full release game. They never specified if they meant a typical FF game or your average game today though and they still don't know how many parts this game is going to be which worries me.


    I'm willing to bet this game is going to be around 15 hours, give or take a few hours. I don't see how you could stretch the Midgar part alone to 60 hours (average length of a typical FF game).

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