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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 1 hour ago, Delita said:


    kotaku. wtf am I even reading. Sad part is Twinblade will still post his review on release and take their word as gospel as to how it apparently is not great after all






    Guy clearly didn't understand he needed ATB meter to do any of those things. He was probably spamming.

  2. 1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

    It's one of the prettiest games this gen. I doubt it's doing anything any other UE4 game isn't doing on consoles, just great art design and polish. Bad damn the hair is so well.done.

    FF XV and KH3 are shit games but they are great eye candy. Graphics is like the one area SE will never falter on. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Heres a question: Were you guys ever able to dodge the boss' shockwave attack? The moment it starts charging I would immediately roll in the opposite direction and that attack would still get me every. single. time.

    The one he does to get you off him? EMP Field I think it's called?

    Yeah. You can dodge it consistently. Paying attention for the text prompt is what I was using because it's startup animation is a little similar to another attack. As soon as the text pops up get out of there because if you hesitate you will get caught.


    That attack needs a bit more startup because it's a little unfair right now.


    One attack I still haven't figured out how to dodge is the missile barrage. Starting to think you're intended to just block it. The way it's splash damage works doesn't seem like you can dodge it consistently.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Delita said:

    Meh I’ve played a fucking shitload of character action games but I still wouldn’t be able to get a feel of the combat system of a game if all I only spent with it was “15 mins” Even I had trouble kinda getting the feel of it down and I lasted an hour with it. 


    That’s why I tried it a 2nd time for the fuck of it. this time skipping every cutscene and doing it as fast as possible. Still took me like 25 mins. The biggest time sink is the boss which that alone is like 10 mins.

    Playing a game and actually diving deep to understand a game are two completely different things.


    I've played a lot of RTS games but I'm no expert on them because I never dive in deep on them. 


    But Action games? That's my shit. I'll average 300 hours into a Action game and easily put more time than that if I really enjoy the game. Like NGB, I put well over 2000 hours into that game. DMC? Easily over 500 into each of them (well except DMC2 and DMCV). 



    I don't know how long the boss took me but I know it didn't take 10 minutes. Were you focusing on Staggering? It is pretty much the same system from FF XIII, huge damage multiplier on Staggered enemies so abuse it.

  5. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    No I didn't.  I'm talking to someone who skipped every cutscene... knew exactly how to play, and dashed his way through the demo, on his first playthrough...  then went on a forum to say how quick of a demo it was right after someone said they were surprised how long it was.


    You want to act like watching the cutscenes isn't part of the experience and that learning to play the game efficiently isn't a thing... go right ahead.  But don't act like this is a 15min fucking demo...


    I think what REALLY happened was that you played the game normally, and just wanted to argue some stupid shit on this forum because you can't and wont admit that you like it.  Fucking master of mechanics after his first 15min playthrough.. :tom: 

    I already said the game wasn't bad. After the massive disappointment of KH3 I wrote this game off completely. After the demo though, I'm willing to give the game a chance. So you can fuck right off with this false accusation.

  6. When it comes to combat systems? Yeah, I know my shit. 


    Mock all you want but anyone who has has paid any attention to the things I talk about when it comes to combat systems knows I'm not talking out of my ass.



  7. Just now, Remij_ said:

    He rushed through the game in 15min....didn't watch any of the cutscenes, but he's an expert at the combat and how to defeat enemies in the quickest way possible... on his first playthrough...

    Game isn't complex. Did you forget who you're talking to?

  8. You guys know there's a dash button, right?


    I was skipping scenes as well because there's no point in watching them now.


    How long are the fights taking you guys? Because an average fight lasts like 20 seconds. Use your abilities more, you build ATB fast and Abilities is where all your damage is. Normal attacks are just for building meter. Only normal attack that does decent damage is charged attacks.


    Demo does not take 30 minutes to play through...

  9. Just now, Pureis said:

    Oh I didn't even notice the Atb bar tbh. I was playing it like an action game. Will get back to it again later today.

    Yeah, it's underneath the health bar. Normal attacks fill the ATB meter and once a meter bar is full you can use an ability. Barret seems to build meter much slower than Cloud so you're going to want to keep an eye on his ATB to make sure he's not wasting it doing stupid shit.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Pureis said:

    I like to spam the attack button while going into command to use ability/magic/item but they are often gray out cause Cloud is in an attack animation. When i hit r2 to get Barret to do something the command is gray out too cause I think he is in an attack animation lmao.


    Did you have ATB meter? Abilities cost meter.


    The AI in particular is very bad with managing ATB so you have to babysit the AI a lot. There really needs to be an option that lets you tweak the AI behavior sort of like the Tales games allow you to. Because right now the AI acts like an idiot with it's meter.

  11. 3 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

    Well that sucks but the camera doesnt look nearly as janky and spastic as 15 

    More annoying than a legit threat since standard enemy attacks don't really do any damage. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if you could pull the camera back more than you currently can but the game seems more focused on trying to show off rather than giving you a clear view of the battlefield.

  12. 10 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

    At least it looks like they addressed the absolute shit camera angles in battle from 15

    Ehh, I think the camera's too close even when you change the option to max distance. Most of the damage you take comes from off screen attacks that you don't see coming thanks to the camera. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Delita said:

    Pretty good. A lot longer than I thought it was going to be

     Shorter than I thought it was going to be. Only takes 15 minutes (if that) to finish it. 


    As for the demo, ehh, not bad. Not great but not bad. Combat is a huge improvement over KH3 but that's really not saying much.


    Some of the mechanics need some tuning and I really want to change the controls. The default controls are a little messy.  I kept hitting L1 to Guard which caused me to keep pulling up the quick menu for one example. 



    Scorpion boss felt a little cheap with the constant spamming so the fight became less about tactics and more about face tanking (which wasn't hard to do thanks to the game drowning you in potions).



  14. Twilight Mission boss is way easier than the Mission Boss. I can see that Mission Boss being a wall for a lot of players if he ends up actually being the Mission 1 Boss. He doesn't fuck around and forces you to learn the new mechanics quick or die. Fun fight though once you understand what to do.

  15. Eh, I'll wait for a price drop. Game feels like Nioh 1.5 instead of a full blown sequel.


    The new weapons are pretty fun though, Switchglaive in particular. Not a very good weapon unfortunately and it scales with Magic for some odd reason. It has huge openings during attack strings so your assault tends to get stuffed alot. Weapon is best used in a bait and counter type manner. Despite its flaws though it is just a fun weapon to mess around with. Really slick looking moveset.


    Dual Hatchets seem pretty OP right now, enemy AI seems to have trouble understanding certain moves so you can cheese quite a bit if you want.


    Think there was another new weapon but didn't mess with it. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

    gonna skip this until a GOTY edition or price drop, first game was way too hard

    Too hard? Like the first 5 hours or so can be difficult but the game gets piss easy pretty quick thanks to all the OP shit you can do. Ninjitsu builds make the game a complete joke for one example.

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