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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 4 hours ago, Quad Damage said:

    its not so much the geometry of the levels, its the art that lies on top of it. everything is just a bunch of grey looking trash.

    Yeah, and then you get to the demon roots part around Chapter 10 or so. From that point on it starts feeling like you're replaying the same level over and over again.


    Honestly, I don't like the art direction at all in the game. Even when the game was revealed I remember saying I wasn't feeling the art direction but I was hoping it would grow on me once I played the game. It didn't, I never got use to it. While technically it's impressive, very impressive actually when you factor in the frame rate is locked at 60, but the art style just doesn't fit with a game like DMC IMO.


    I don't care what anyone says, DMC is anime as fuck. Always has been so it's art style should compliment it. The realistic approach doesn't and I feel like it actually takes away from the game.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ike said:

    This seems to be the way with all GaaS-type titles. They just want to get you stuck in the gameplay loop and spend more money on their upgrades and bullshit. I hate that type of shit.

    This isn't a GaaS game. Loot boxes are literally cosmetic only. No gameplay purposes and you can even earn loot boxes through in game means. I've gotten like 50 of the things by just playing the game normally.

  3. Still playing Division 2 although I'm starting to change my feelings on the game.


     Gearing up in this game is so damn tedious....


    Finding the specific part and brand you need is a pain in the ass. If you do manage to find it then the chances are high that it's going to have shit rolls and talents. The Recalibration system SHOULD'VE been the solution to this problem but the system is so limited it might as well not even exist. Why am I only allowed to change ONE thing?


    You're basically forced to look for the needle in the haystack. 


    So. Fucking. Stupid.

  4. Literally the first time I've heard of this game.


    Honestly it actually looks pretty good for it's time. Kind of disappointed I've never heard of it until now because if I had known about it then I would've liked to have tried it.

  5. Bought Division 2 since it was only 3 bucks. Easily the best 3 bucks I've ever spent. Just some quick impressions:


    Game isn't that bad TBH. I would've paid 30 for it so getting it for 3 is a crazy good deal.


     Cover based shooters are just lame as hell now and this game doesn't change my mind on that, but this is a looter shooter before that. The game does a really good job of feeding you good gear but doesn't get too generous in order to keep you chasing the carrot.


    The leveling process in this game has a really nice flow to it, probably one of the most pleasant leveling experiences I've had in years. 


    Co-op is great. It's really easy to hop in and out which is a big deal for a game like this.


     The main missions so far have had some pretty solid level design. 


    The world size feels perfect. Reminds me of Arkham City in the sense that they ignored scale and instead decided to jam pack it full with all kinds of stuff to do. I much prefer this approach, makes the map a lot more entertaining to explore because you're always finding something to do. There's really no lull.

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