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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 3 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Almost 60 hours in Death Stranding and Im only on chapter 8 (Heartman). This game is overstaying its welcome.


    Maybe I should just take a break and finish Control before coming back to it.

    I'm impressed you made it to 60 hours considering how quick you are to drop a game if you find it lacking. I barely got to 6 hours and that was the most boring and derivative 6 hours of my life.


    I don't care what anyone says, the game is awful. I'm aware this is going to upset people but I seriously mean it. I can't believe we waited 6 YEARS for whatever the fuck this sick joke is. The game literally soured my opinion of Hideo. I don't give a fuck about any of his future projects. /endrant

  2. 20 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Insomniac have rejected multiple attempts to be acquired in the past (dating back to the PS2 era). Wonder what changed now. 

    Didn't know that. My guess would be the huge success of Spider-Man could be the cause of the change of heart.

  3. Ninja Gaiden (Obviously)


    Shinobi (Also obvious)


    Breath of Fire (Did Capcom forget about this series?)


    Unreal Tournament (Fuck these battle royales, resurrect skill based arena shooters)


    Classic Tomb Raider (I miss classic TR)


    Tenchu (Sekiro made me realize how much I want a new Tenchu game)


    As for genres, turn based JRPGs. It seems every JRPG now is an Action RPG. Shits getting lame. I would love a Radiant Historia 2 for one example.



  4. 5 hours ago, -GD- said:

    so d2 is good? hmm...i should play it. i loved the first. it was like a dark zelda with better combat. 

    Yeah. The open world segments are pretty bland and can feel barren because some are unnecessarily large but the dungeons are really well designed. 


    The one thing that did turn some people off though is the loot system. I personally didn't care foe it but it wasn't that big of a turn off for me personally.


    Darksiders 2 is a solid game overall. Not as good as the first game IMO but still worth playing.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I like the idea behind Bayo just because it's so bat shit crazy but the fucked up proportions definitely bring her design down a lot.


    2B is just an awesome design period. One of my all time favorites. I really love her design. She's a perfect example on how keeping it simple will always be better than going nuts with excessive details.

  6. Finishing up Darksiders 3. I'm a fan of the series but holy shit is this game disappointing...


    Sloppy mechanics, terrible story and characters, minimal enemy variety, a completely fucked difficulty curve, leveling and upgrading is poorly thought out, bugs and performance issues are numerous... So much is wrong with this game.


    It's no wonder the game flopped. The game is straight up bad, especially in comparison to the other games.

  7. You're the third person to mention caffeine to me. Coworkers have mentioned it as well because they noticed I was drinking a lot more coffee than usual. I didn't think much of it at the time but now I'm going to cut back on that and see if that helps some.



    Sleep is another issue though. I've had insomnia since I was in High School so not sure how to fix that. Its just something I have dealt with for so long I don't really consider it a problem. It's "normal" for me. Then again, I am older now. Maybe I'm at the age to where my body needs a specifi amount of sleep.


  8. I don't know why but lately I've been having them. Not sure if it's being caused by stress or what but I'll be sitting there just fine and then out of nowhere it'll just hit me. And the thing is I'm aware of what's happening but I still have trouble calming myself down. Usually takes like 20 minutes for it to pass but those 20 minutes are pure misery.


    So was just wondering if anyone here has any experience with this shit and what do you do to handle it?

  9. Retry sounds great until you really think about it. Living a life where you have the ability to always make the better decision isn't as good as it sounds. Bad decisions are just as important as good ones when it comes to growth. A life without struggle can make a person weak.


    New Game is too much of a coin flip. Your new life could be great or you could get reincarnated into a bug or something and only live for a couple weeks.



    Hmm.. Tough call. I'd probably go with Retry but actually make the effort to pick the wrong choice every now and then.

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