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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. GoW fanboys are so sensitive LOL.


    If you like the game then that's fine. Hell, I liked the new GoW game. Thought they did a great job with the characters, world building and the story. But combat? Combat on the level of these games? LOL hell no.

  2. On 2019-12-31 at 10:34 PM, DynamiteCop! said:

    Final Fantasy VII was never good 

    It was alright for it's time. Definitely better JRPGs but they didn't have the insane presentation that FF VII had so they were overlooked. FF VII was the game that proved you can be a mega-hit with the 'all style and no substance' approach.

  3. Just now, kokujin said:

    i wish this game ff7 remake had different mehcanics, used kupos in neat ways, had some changes and shit. I like the combat seems successful, but I really think they believe just remaking the game alone is battered pancakes.  So.  yeah.


    As for KH3.  :hest:    seriously, "hay let's not change the gameplay the fans love outdated shit. it's what they ppease."





    I miss FFX.  And the gameplay of 12. It's tetsuya responisble for either of those?

    Only character designs for X. Nothing to do with XII.

  4. Valkyria Chronicles 4. Late to trying this game but it was on sale for like 15 bucks so figured why not?


    Really enjoying it so far, I don't really like SRPGs but this one is pretty unique. I understand now why the first game has such a strong following. The story is whatever but the gameplay is just addicting and fun. I really enjoy replaying missions and trying different strategies.

  5. On 2019-12-25 at 10:21 AM, kokujin said:

    I think this game is gonna be so lifeless... I dunno.  I see nothing cute or different about it. 

    I've lost interest in the game myself. I was hyped for it and figured I'd give Tetsuya a second chance and played KH3.


    I got like an hour into the game and was quickly reminded why I can't stand Tetsuya. KH3 is fucking garbage. Easily the worst game I've played in years. The game reconfirmed that Tetsuya is all flash and no substance.

  6. FPS. Last gen killed this genre for me.


    Platformers. Loved them as a kid, hate them as an adult.


    WRPG. They're jank as fuck and are repetitive.


    Open World. Oversaturation and lack of real innovation has made me lose interest. You play one game then you pretty much played them all when it comes to this genre.

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