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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 2019 was disappointing for me. All the games I was looking forward to failed to deliver.


    Sekiro was pretty shallow and the level design was nowhere near the quality of other FromSoftware games.


    DMC5 was too dumbed down and poorly paced. The story took itself too seriously and the level design is probably the worst in the series. At one point it seemed like I was playing the same level over and over again even though I wasn't. I never really got use to the art direction either. It just doesn't fit IMO.


    Code Vein was a gamble but I was expecting it to be better than what it is. The game has a lot of small issues that really weigh the whole game down.


    Borderlands 3 just made me realize I'm just done with the series. Couldn't get into the game.


    Death Stranding is just... Ugh... Just ugh... LOL fuck this game.


    Honestly, REmake 2 will probably end up being my GOTY. That or Shadowbringers but that's an expansion so it probably doesn't count.


    There's a couple other games I haven't touched yet though so we'll see if REmake 2 can hold onto that spot.

  2.  Maybe they're just cranking around the health and damage values for demonstration purposes but that was tedious to watch. At one point I glanced at the bosses health bar and was shocked to see he still had over half of his health after a continuous flurry of attacked.


    And is bosses jumping outside the arena going to be a consistent thing? Because that would get annoying. It just kills the flow of combat when they do it so frequently and both of the bosses they've shown were doing just that.


    As for the combat itself... Eh, not terrible but nothing really interesting either. Just seemed like standard Action RPG combat.

  3. Just now, Twinblade said:

    I’m not sure how that’s makes much of a difference. Most people who were interested in it backed the Kickstarter anyway, and a digital copy from there was only $28 for backers.

    Cartridges generally cost a bit more than a disc so they add the dev costs to the game.


    The digital version is 40 bucks (or at least it is on the PSN store) for people who weren't a backer.

  4. 31 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Yes, it re-signs your save data with whatever you select and you simply copy it to a USB drive and then copy that to the system. It's what I used to unlock everything in Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, no grind, max level, every swimsuit, pose, item, ticket etc. 


    Nice. I think the 360 had something similar to this.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

    everything up until aeriths death is ambitious considering theyve showed nothing but the bombing run :ben:


    They showed Cloud confronting Sephiroth on the Junon ship in the latest trailer. This is why the original speculation that Part 1 was going to end at Costa Del Sol was gaining steam.

  6. I don't think this season was bad but I don't think it was good either. I have more of a "Ehh, whatever" feeling about it.


    That might be because I'm a bit more understanding of the circumstances than most people are willing to be. I can see what the show was aiming to do but they just didn't give themselves the amount of time needed to execute it properly. 

  7. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    >one game

    >"2 parts is exactly how many I wanted"

    >"2 parts is great if true"

    >"$59.99 each"


    dafuq is wrong with you idiots :cosby2:



    We've known since the game was announced that it was going to be released in parts. The only question was how many parts. If two is true then I'm completely fine with that, I was expecting it to be worse. Much worse.

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