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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. Take all of this with a grain of salt, of course.




    ***** Game is two parts (each part costing $59.99). Part 1 ends with the death of Aerith.


    ***** Different weapons have different triangle heavy hits (does not cost an ATB charge). You use these heavy hits after a string of regular hits. Regular hits are chip damage and the main damage will be from heavy combo finishers and the of course the massive limit breaks.


    ***** Magic costs both MP and an ATB bar. You gain more ATB bars as you progress.


    ***** Weapons will be modeled and visible on the characters. Materia will also be shown inside the weapons. Accessories and Armor will not be visible on characters.


    ***** Summons work the same as the original (summoning them triggers a cutscene where they do their attack then leave). They won't fight with you on the field. A new Wolf summon has been added.


    ***** Over-world map is almost seamless. There are some “zones.” There will be roads and methods of transportation. It is open world. Vehicles like the Tiny Bronco work almost exactly the same only being able to go in lighter water. There will be items available occasionally on the field. Chocobos will of course be obtainable after the farm.


    They have really made an effort to make each town feel lived in, and feel like there is a reason why each place is like the way it is. Each town is very unique from the last. Cosmo Canyon and its occasional dust storms are a stark contract to the streets of Midgar. Upper Junon feels very much more like a military installation than Midgar as well.


    ***** Shinra-HQ will have less floors but there will be more to do on each floor.


    ***** Golden Saucer will have limited mini-games but more will be added as you progress through the game.


    ***** Sephiroth is very limited in what is shown of him until the Kalm flashback. Before this you only hear his voice or see glimpses of him during Clouds breakdowns.


    ***** Monster redesigns for a lot of the enemies but most will remain recognizable. Some do not make an appearance. For example, there were no ghost enemies in the train yard.

    ***** The design for Tifa is also true to the original outfit, her face appears to be mostly similar to her Advent Children design but slightly more western. Materia also shows up on her gloves.

    ***** Cait Sith seems to be pronounced "Ket" Sith but has undergone no major design overhaul. His fighting style is more close up, and does have his BARS for a LIMIT BREAK.

    ***** Cid does not appear to be smoking but you see evidence that he does. He is clearly upset with Shera but toned down the aggressiveness as they felt it was unnecessary.

    ***** Yuffie and Vincent are no longer optional. You can miss them up until a certain point where they then become mandatory to get. You automatically get Yuffie if you have not gotten her before Rocket Town for example.

    ***** Cloud will have a dress and wig in one particular scene. But its fade to black getting in/out of it.


    ***** Will be a playable demo at E3 and this demo will be available to download on PS4 later.





    Game being two parts each costing 60 bucks isn't bad at all. This is probably the best case scenario TBH, I was really concerned they were going to go nuts with the Episodic route. Hopefully this turns out true.


    Combat system kind of sounds like a combination of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy XIII. Don't care for Kingdom Hearts combat but FF XIII's combat system is pretty good.


    Not quite sure what they mean by "zones" when it comes to the overworld. My initial thought is something like FF XII.


    The Golden Saucer bit sounds like it's exactly how it was in the original. Although I can't shake a feeling we might be getting Golden Saucer DLC.




    Again though, this could all just be bullshit so don't take any of it too seriously.

  2. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    Is that why he was his age or is it because of what he was?


    Weirwoods can apparently live forever if left undisturbed. Considering all of the mystical powers surrounding the trees themselves, I wouldn't be surprised if TER was extending his life by living inside of one.

  3. 13 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Something to touch on that no one seemed to remember, the Three Eyed Raven was over a thousand years old before he was killed by the Night King. 


    How exactly is a successor to Bran supposed to take hold of the throne if he is apparently immortal to natural causes of death? 

     TER was literally living inside a Weirwood though.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Voidler said:

    She could be ruthless but she also was protective of those who were being unfairly treated. War crimes, rape victims, slaves etc. she was always able to make the right distinction. I could totally buy that she lost that, became more and more ruthless but they needed to earn it not have it be the flick of a switch


    Oh, I don't disagree it could've been executed better but they only gave themselves so many episodes to work with.

  5. 2 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:





    I like Queen. I've heard arguments about how they influenced Heavy Metal and I agree with that. Just not sure I agree that Queen themselves was a Heavy Metal band.



  6. 9 hours ago, Voidler said:

    I agree. I really enjoyed the last season


    But I can also see where some of the hate is coming from. 


    I think they could could have made Dany’s turn one of the all time great moments. But it had to be earned and consistent with her characterisation. Even if she snapped in the moment, she needed to show something in the last episode. A regretful and reflective Dany would have made the decision she made more powerful. 


    Having started rewatching the whole series, she has has always wanted to be a “good” leader and always displayed a good moral compass. She helped those who needed helping. There was no real trigger to move move her away from that, and if it was purely the heat of war that needed to be reflected on by Dany.  It was too simplistic and strayed from the “shades of grey” that every character exhibited in the writing


    They justified her turn being that the people didn’t love her but her entire arc in Mereen is that being loved doesn’t make you a good leader, learning to rule and politics. Nothing seemed

    learned there. She should know from experience not everyone will like her


    I ultimately like the idea, but it needed more time. And most people are right that the season should have been 10 episodes





    Don't necessarily agree. Dany doesn't necessarily have a good moral compass, but she was smart enough to always surround herself with people who do have good moral compasses. Dany has shown she is quick to want to take a violent approach to solve her problems (Season 7 really showcases this), the thing is though there was always someone who was there to convince her of a better way and to her credit she would listen. She was always on a leash and whenever she wanted to do something a bit drastic, someone would tug her back and be like "Nah, don't do that, do this instead". That starts changing in Season 7 though, she slowly stops listening to the suggestions and starts questioning the advice of people. It got so bad she asked Jon, a man she barely knew at the time, what she should do and he was barely able to convince her of a better way.


    Season 8 she gets slammed with loss one after another.


    Jorah dies protecting her. Her best friend is beheaded right in front of her. One of her children is shot down right beside her. The revelation that Jon is the rightful heir to the throne, a throne she believes and was told her whole life is rightfully hers, no longer belongs to her. She's in a land with people who don't worship the ground she walks on, something she really isn't accustomed to. And to top it off, the people she surrounded herself with who had the good moral compasses, she no longer trusts them or they're no longer living. All of this shit happening to her in such a short time span clearly had an effect on her mental state. So when she starts her attack on King's Landing, her natural tendency to want to take a violent approach is now going unchecked. No one was going to be able to tug her back because she's off her leash.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Playground Games.  The studio that makes the Forza Horizon games.  They grew their studio and started building a second team to make a new RPG open world game.  Rumor had it that it was Fable for MS.  Then MS bought them and expanded their studio even more and it seems pretty certain now that it is indeed a new Fable game.  However, it's not a sequel so to speak.. they (according to the recent rumors) are starting fresh.



    They are a highly talented studio, and definitely have the technical expertise, but whether or not they can make a good RPG remains to be seen.


    Well, at the least I guess one can expect the new Fable to be a lot more open and a larger scale considering this studio's pedigree. The original trilogy could feel pretty linear and the series never did achieve the scope it aimed for. Then again, a lot of what made the original series stand out was the British humor and charm and now there's a chance that's going to be missing.


    I dunno, maybe a fresh start is the best thing for the series.

  8. 10. Easily.


    Better characters 

    Much better combat system 

    The story is structured and paced better

     Better end game content.



    12 is a single player MMO.


    Only a couple characters are cool, the rest are completely forgettable and one dimensional.

    Combat is very automated especially once you get your Gambits setup

    Story happens in chunks, not uncommon for you to play 2-4 hours before any cutscene happens.

     Side content is repetitive since it's roughly all the same,

    • Upvote 1
  9. 19 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

    We are probably going to get three 40 hour games. It's going to be huge like the FFXIII Trilogy.


    Did they ever specify what they mean by "full game"?


    Hell, did they ever specify the Remake was going to be 3 parts or is that just what everyone is assuming?


    Because I get the feeling that when they say "full game", they mean "full game" by today's standards (10-12 hours). Not "full game" by RPG standards (40-60 hours).


    If 10-12 hours is what they meant, no way in hell is this game going to be 3 parts. And considering all the speculation that Part 1 is going to end at Junon (which is around the 10-12 hour mark in the original FF 7), we're looking at FF7 Remake potentially being 5-7 parts.



    This could just be me expecting the worst case scenario, but they better start specifying shit when June comes around.

  10. 7 hours ago, soup said:

    There's this one scene in Days Gone that is a perfect example of what the game is and everything wrong with it. 

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    Throughout the entire game youre made to believe that Deacon has some trauma surrounding water, it never shouts it at you but there are multiple instances where Deacon refuses to go into the water and when you jump into a lake during gameplay your "tread water" meter drains so quickly that you almost are guaranteed a death. Fun? No but at least they "try" to play it into the ficiton.


    So with all that out of the way, there's a scene towards the end of the game where Deacon is split apart from his "might be dead" friend by a body of water. Which would have made for an opportune moment to have Deacon overcome his fears. What we get instead is Deacon clumsily lowering himself into the water and immediately we see a lengthy loading screen followed up by him climbing out of the water. That's the pay off, a fucking loading screen. 



    LOL, Sheesh... That's awful.

  11. Just now, kaz said:

    it's kinda the same tbh. 10 was the downfall for me, but at least the combat system was good.


    Nah, not really. X and XIII are both linear, sure, but X had much better level design. FF X had lots of towns, temples, and other things interspersed between it's "hallways".


    FF XIII was just endless hallways with no variation to it's level design. You literally just fight enemies, reach the end of the hallway and enter a new hallway, then fight more enemies. That was it. The game had nothing to break up the monotony.

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