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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. No way in hell this is going to be three parts.


    If Part 1 is really ending on the ship ride to Costa Del Sol then that means they are segmenting the fuck out of this game to get as much money as possible. 


    Midgar>Kalm>Chocobo Ranch>Cross the Marsh>Through the Cave> Outside the cave to your left is Ft. Condor and straight ahead is Junon.


    Bam. Part 1 complete.... 60 dollars please. Go ahead and keep thinking this greedy ass company is "serving" your needs while they reach into your pocket as much as possible. We're not talking about SquareSOFT, we're talking about SquareENIX and this company cuts corners in their games and comes up with the most bullshit excuses to justify why they're not delivering on the things they're expected on. FF 7 is the one game where they CAN cut corners and get away with it because the game is STILL going to sell simply because it's FF 7.



  2. Just now, Remij_ said:

    That shit extrapolates across the entire game.  Even the smaller towns/areas are going to require lots of work... The experience has to be consistent.. and there's tons of areas and places which are massively different from each other.  All the set pieces and mini games and shit like that.  It's huge man.. stop being a Remi hater :bena: 




    You have no proof and until you show me proof I'll remain unconvinced. Show me, don't tell me. The fact they've ONLY been showing Midgar despite the fact the first part of this game is apparently coming in 2020 (and the first part is speculated to end after the trip from Junon to Costa Del Sol) should be a red flag that you might want to pull back your expectations.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    ...maybe because they're releasing the game across 3 parts :cosby2:


    ...and maybe because all the trailers and art designs we've seen so far show the scale as being massively bigger and more complex...


    Look at Midgar's design in the original reveal...




    I mean... it's what you know... but it's MASSIVELY expanded in detail..  They HAVE to make it more 'realistic'... the fact that you think that they'd literally just copy the pre-rendered backgrounds for the design of the towns and areas is why I think you're so fucking stupid.  





    Absolutely EVERYTHING we've seen so far shows them greatly expanding the areas and making them more LOGICAL.


    If you took FF7's BG's and areas and did a 1:1.. no shit it would look dumb and retarded as fuck.  You'd have to be fucking stupid to think that... based on what we've seen alone.  Use your fucking head...this is what I'm talking about.  You don't just have a few shacks in a circle and call it a town... This fidelity wont allow them to do that... which is exactly why I keep bringing up the fidelity that they are choosing to make the game.  It absolutely is a massive endeavor.


    I'm gonna start calling you Sabo Snow because you know nothing :tom:   



    Motherfucker I've already said Midgar, Wutai and Golden Saucer are the towns that are going to require a lot of work because of their size...

  4. 1 minute ago, Quad Damage said:


    tbf thats just scratching the surface of the towns and isnt displaying interiors for all those structures. then all of the towns are just like 50-60% of environmental assets, because then you have dungeons.


    it probably is close to impossible to recreate those environments in full 3d with the kind of fidelity people expect. looking at re2make and this trailer, they still dont match the prerendered backgrounds imo.


    Been awhile since I've replayed the original RE2 so my memory is hazy on it.


    A lot of the interiors in FF 7 though are like 2-3 rooms, if that. Really not that big inside. Shops and Inns are usually just a single room where you go to the counter and talk to the shopkeep.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    ^this idiot thinks they're going to be 1:1 diorama copies of the original but in 3d :kaz: 


    Sabo, stop talking... you're embarrassing. :rofl: 


    Until they show otherwise, yeah. Why do you think Voidler was making it a point that they need to expand the towns? Because the towns aren't big. Considering SEs history of cutting corners when it comes to their games (look no further than FF XIII and FF XV), I don't see why anyone should think otherwise.



    Keep being a delusional idiot though. 


  6. 2 hours ago, Remij_ said:

    ROFL... you are so fucking clueless.. they don't just have to design the buildings, which are unique and have character... but the surrounding areas as well...  And they have to interconnect.  It has to actually be crafted.. and hilariously, that's still more unique shit than the same wooden shacks which can literally be pre-configured in different size configurations in TW3 and then plopped down by the artist.  I'm simply listing unique visually distinct things within areas and areas themselves... in one part of the entire game of FF7.


    Telling me to replay the game to refresh my memory is hilarious.  The Shinra HQ alone will be require more effort than 90% of TW3's fucking map.  Jesus christ get a fucking clue dude.  These are well known areas, levels... not like TW3 where nobody knows what to expect for 90% of the game and they can just plop shit around all over the place...  There's FAR more setpieces in FF7 than TW3.. which have to be specially crafted.  TW3 ain't got shit on this, give me a break.


    And in your other post, you talk about them removing stuff... but my expectation is that if they are making 3 games.. they want to be as faithful as possible, and possibly expand certain elements...  See, you're already making excuses as to what they'd have to do to make this game at this level.. you're talking about them cutting things.  Which is exactly what would happen if they made it a singular game.  Things are going to be changed a bit, and reworked... because designing these areas to properly integrate into the environments and each other will require it in many cases.


    And who the fuck is saying it's the biggest game ever?  Designing any of 16bit/32bit FF games in this fidelity would be a massive fucking undertaking... and definitely more ambitious than TW3.  It's almost like you're trying to say that FF7 itself wasn't ambitious... because if you think FF6 is bigger.. then what was FF7?  Just prettier gfx?  Yea... and that's what makes it ambitious.  FF7 and the visual fidelity of it is what made it impressive.  They could tell their story and present it in new and interesting ways... and it was hugely ambitious because of that.


    ...and that's the same thing that makes this truly ambitious.  It's the fidelity of the animations, the character models, the locations need to all be raised to a certain quality level... It's a fucking huge undertaking.  You're trying so hard to downplay the hell out of it.


    And... ROFL omfg.... you don't think TW3 has fetch quests???  It's fucking full of them.  Jesus christ.. you'll say anything to try to argue with me :kaz: 


    You SERIOUSLY need to go refresh your memory of FF 7. Holy shit, I know you said you were bias but goddamn now you're acting asinine...


    The majority of the towns in FF 7 consist of at most: 3 houses, a shop, and an inn. Calling them "towns" is awfully generous. Hell, two of the towns aren't even that. Bone Village and Corel are literally just a couple tents with a few NPCs. The only actual towns in this game that would actually require a lot of work are Midgar, Wutai and Golden Saucer.


    Remaking this game is nowhere near this massive project you're making it out to be.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Voidler said:

    The only way I see it being more ambitious is if they significantly alter the world. Midgar more an open world city, outside towns are expanded significantly and the open world is BOTW like. Plus new side quests in addition to old ones.


    In reality I expect Midgar will still be mostly linear, they’ll replace the world map with a path and towns won’t be any bigger 


    Pretty much what I'm thinking we'll get as well. I'm also expecting them to just straight up remove a lot of the smaller areas. Like for example, I wouldn't be surprised if the Train Graveyard was removed. It's an area that's not really needed. When Don Corneo drops you down the trap hole you go through the Sewers and then through the Train Graveyard, once you exit the Train Graveyard you arrive at the Sector 7 Tower where Avalanche is fighting off Shinra Soldiers and the Turks. I can totally see them removing the Train Graveyard altogether and instead have the exit of the Sewers put you near the Sector 7 Tower.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Everything we've seen is visually on another level completely to TW3... and this is a tiny look at the first area of part 1 of a multiple part project... no shit what we've seen is confined.  LMAO talking about scope and scale...  Making a large open world is dogshit easy with the tools devs have.  The "scale" means fuck all... devs can easily populate a large area.. literally painting in trees, rocks, grass, ect..  It's the unique content and assets that need to be created... and most of TW3 is reused shit, and underground caves lmao.  It's all mostly the same looking shit across the entire map.


    FF7 has TONS of locales and areas which are completely unique and require completely unique assets to be created and levels to be designed... while at the same time being familiar to what people know and expect from the original.


    Again, I said... it remains to be seen how much they flesh out the levels and areas.. but in Midgar alone we have


    Sector 1

    Sector 1 Reactor

    7th Heaven
    Train Graveyard
    Sector 5 Reactor
    Sector 5 Church
    Wall Market
    Honey Bee Inn
    Shinra Headquarters
    Midgar Highway
    Midgar Wasteland


    Then on top of designing all those areas, you have incredibly detailed cutscenes and set piece moments that happen within them..

    Then we have the Chocobo Farm, the Mine, Fort Condor, Junon, Costa del Sol, Mt. Corel, the Gold Saucer... Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon.. Ancient Forest, Nibelheim.. and everything that happens there..  it goes on and on.


    There's a literal FUCK TON of unique shit that happens in this game... and no... TW3's lengthy dialog scenes and fetch quests aren't nearly as ambitious as what this will likely be.

    Sector 1 and 5 have the exact same load out. 7th Heaven is a tiny bar. Wall Market is the only decent size area. Honey Bee Inn is literally in the Wall Market area... The Sewers, Train Graveyard, and Midgar Highway? Goddamn you reaching, these areas are SMALL.  Hell, the majority of the areas you've said are small. I think you should go replay the game and refresh your memory, the game is not that big and is actually on the smaller side when compared to other games within it's own series. You revisit a LOT of areas in FF 7. 


    The fact you think TW3 has fetch quests makes me seriously question if you've even played the game...  


    This motherfucker trying to make a mountain out of an ant hill LOL...

  9. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    I'm biased when it comes to my love for the game... and looking past issues with the game... I'm not biased in saying that the amount of work to bring this game to life in this fidelity.. is much more ambitious than TW3..


    "FF7R wont even be half as ambitious as TW3"


    Talks about ridiculous claims :tom: 


    You're just trying to start shit. 


    Everything we've seen of FF 7 Remake has looked very confined and is nowhere near the scope and scale of TW3. 




    FF XIII had pretty hallways too but that "fidelity" didn't really help the game, now did it?

  10. 4 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Yea, you're probably right.  We'll just have to wait and see what they do.  But I'm still of the opinion that even then this is way more ambitious (in a sense) than TW3 is/was.. but that games getting old now, and Cyberpunk is coming soon, which will be a massive game and will make TW3 look antiquated itself, from the same team.


    It's also worth noting that KH3 has around 11h of cutscenes... and the vast majority aren't just repeating idle animations while talking.  So I wouldn't put it past them to make cutscenes out of everything lol.

    FF 7 Remake won't even be half as ambitious as TW3.


    Do you even follow SquareEnix LOL? They haven't been the standard setters for well over a decade now. Their games have consistently been behind the curve. SquareEnix is NOT Squaresoft.



  11. 19 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

    Take a look at FFXV as a base. It has very few varied locals, and one big city in which you basically can't do anything in. It's a big load of nothing with quest giver points on the map.



    FF XV is not a good example. 10 years of developmental hell as well as the dev team being forced to use a problematic game engine.

  12. ASW is really perfecting this style. Each of their games is consistently looking better than the last.


    How long until Capcom just gets ASW to make a fighting game for them? I can't see Capcom doing it with Street Fighter but Darkstalkers is right up ASW's alley.



  13. 6 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

    Witcher 3 had very simple locations outside of Novigrad.


    Recreating the varied locals of a prerendered PS1 game in this quality is an insane undertaking. There is a reason this game was 3 discs on PS1.


    PS1 used CDs. Not DVDs. The CDs only held like 650 MB and FMVs were the reason the game was on 3 discs. The game used pre-rendered backgrounds, essentially image files. Those barely take up much space.

  14. 7 hours ago, Voidler said:

    I mean in terms of their reasoning that it’s too big to be one game. Which is BS. There’s one big city and then an open world with a bunch of small towns they have to create after that poin


    No reasons it’s bigger than Witcher or tons of other open world games


    And I bet it’s not even open


    FF 7 is their guaranteed cash cow, they're going to milk this bitch for all it's worth.


    The bullshit reasoning I'm seeing from the defenders is just that, bullshit. I'm playing through Tales of Berseria right now, this game has just as much towns as FF 7 and they're all unique looking and the game is packed with other areas. Add in all the cutscenes and other stuff this game has to offer and I was surprised to see the game is barely 15 GB...


    SquareEnix is full of shit, this is the same company that claimed having towns in FF XIII just wasn't technically possible despite the fact there were other JRPGs that THEY published proving them completely wrong.


    1 minute ago, Handsome Horse said:

    took me a few tries but yea, the first dishonored is up there. i'll get the sequel soon


    Dishonored 2 is awesome, I like it better than the first one but that's mostly because Emily has really fun abilities (Domino is a crazy good skill).

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