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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 2 hours ago, Remij_ said:

    Nah, it's amusing engaging you speaking about how deep COMBAT is in Souls games.


    You're literally on the verge of arguing that different weapons do different amounts of damage... as a crutch that it's actually deepens the actual combat loop.  Nope.. sorry.  It's dodge attack, dodge attack..  


    You literally didn't understand a thing I said if you think I was even talking about different weapons doing different damage. I never even bothered to bring up damage to begin with because that had nothing to do with the point I was making so the fact that you are somehow drawing a correlation to it is baffling.



    I take back what I said- you're not ignorant, you're just stupid. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    Nope.  You have lots of attack methods at your disposal.


    And movesets don't make the combat deeper shithead.  You circle the enemy and attack... circle and attack.  There's NO instance in Souls games where you actually HAVE to use 2 handed attacks or a certain weapon over another or whatever... it's useless fluff.  Shit simply does DAMAGE... it doesn't make it any deeper.  You're only changing the amount of damage you're doing... while doing the same fucking shit... circling and attacking...


    By the simple virtue of having a poise meter that you have to break, meaning you're actually compelled to parry as well as attack, Sekiro's combat is deeper than any fucking souls game.  Enemies is souls games don't require ANYTHING other than simply attacking.



    And I said Sekiro has DEEPER combat.  And it does.  Straight the fuck up.  You HAVE to block.. you HAVE to attack, and you HAVE to parry.  You have your standard attacks, your skills, your ninjitsu, and your arts.  You can take enemies out from above, below, behind... and you actually CAN stealth if you choose.



    Holy hell, the ignorance... And the gross oversimplification only heightens it.


    You clearly don't understand the point of all of those move sets and their reason for existing. They're not fluff. Unlike Sekiro, everything has a cost in the Soulsborne games. STAMINA governs all.  Those different move sets? Different costs. Stamina is a constant resource you have to take into account with every action you take. I could seriously write paragraphs on how much the Stamina system alone changes the way you engage in the game because it's a system that constantly forces the player to think.


    The Poise system is a TERRIBLE substitute. It's a completely one dimensional system. Fill the bar so you can push your "I Win" button.


    There is no "depth" in Sekiro's combat because it's intentionally designed to be simple. The game follows very strict Rock/Paper/Scissors rules. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    No, see he made himself suffer through it so it lends more credence in his opinion about the game.


    The hilarious thing I find is complaining about the combat... which is more in-depth than any souls game before it.  The story... which is actually told in a more direct way, yet still has some amazing lore behind it.  The stealth... which wasn't ever meant to be a main pillar of the gameplay.  The level design is great.  The game has beautiful environments, which considering how the player can move through them, are designed in a way that allows for options when engaging enemies.


    He wanted Tenchu.. and he didn't get it.


    It's got better movement than any souls game, better combat, better visuals, better presentation.. and the setting is awesome.


    I definitely agree with him about there not being enough reasons to explore though and find different loot.  It's always the same shit you're finding... which sucks.  And obviously there's certain limitations of the world design when you're basing something in a real place VS a completely fictional one.  But w/e.  Game is amazing.

     You literally have no idea what you're talking about.


    The Soulsborne games definitely have a deeper combat system than Sekiro.


    Sekiro's combat is very basic. The game has ONE move set. The Soulsborne games have SEVERAL move sets. But let's just limit Dark Souls/Bloodborne to one weapon just like Sekiro so I can show you how much of a dumbass statement you're making.


    In Sekiro, you have one weapon with one primary Attack button. You have one move set and you can hold the button to get a charge move. That's it.



    Each weapon in the Dark Souls games have a Light Attack move set, a Heavy Attack move set,  a TWO HANDED Light Attack move set,  a TWO HANDED Heavy Attack move set. You also have access to a Guard Break (Forward+Light Attack), a Lunge Attack (Forward+Heavy Attack), Block and Parry/Riposte.


    In Bloodborne's case the shit gets even crazier because every weapon in that game is literally two weapons in one. The weapons in Bloodborne can freely transform into a completely different weapon with a whole new move set at any time and then change back again.


    This is the shit you have access to with just ONE weapon in these games, the Soulsborne games have MORE than one weapon to choose from. 


    And that's just discussing one point of the combat systems in these games... 



    Sekiro has deep combat... LMAO.... 

  4. 40 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    I came back from my mini Colorado vacation and just lost the drive to continue playing sekiro even though I was really liking it and I’m not sure why.



    Game just isn't that great.


    -Combat is shallow and repetitive 

    -The stealth is terribly designed and brain dead simple

    -The level design is nowhere near as good as the Soulsborne games

    -The world, characters, and story just aren't that interesting. Sekiro lacks that mysterious factor that Fromsoft's previous games had in spades because Sekiro spells everything out for you.


    After I got the Platinum I haven't touched the game since. The game has no replay value.

  5. Scar without Jeremy Irons' voice is just wrong on so many levels.


    This trailer was meh.


    On the technical side, yeah, the CG is amazing looking. But I'm not a graphics whore so it's visuals aren't going to put my ass in the seat. The actual movie is but everything about this trailer was so underwhelming.


    I'll pass. If for some reason I want to watch The Lion King, I'll just watch the original.

  6. Got all endings, just need to do one more playthrough to get all the Skills and get the last two Prosthetic upgrades and then I'll have the Platinum. After that I'm done with the game.


     If I'm going to be honest, this actually hurts to say but I don't think the game is all that great. I'd probably give it a 7/10, game has a lot of problems and doesn't live up to the standard the Soulsborne games set (although to be fair, that's a high bar). I appreciate that FromSoftware tried to do something different with Sekiro but it still falls short in too many areas.

  7. 1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:

    The one thing that kinda holds Sekiro back for me is that the sections between bosses are way too easy. The Soulsborne games just had so much satisfaction outside of bosses and that feeling of relief when you see a new bonfire or open a new shortcut is completely absent in this game.


    Yeah, I agree. Level design in this game is pretty weak. The vertical nature of the world is nice but that's about the only positive thing I can say about it. Soulsborne games have much better and more intricate level design. The lack of shortcut porn is just one of the problems of Sekiro's level design when compared to the Soulsborne games. The other problem is much larger. Sekiro lacks the essential element of what makes the level design so good in the Soulsborne games- and that element is exploration.


    Sekiro doesn't reward exploration, the Soulsborne games do.


    In the Soulsborne games you want to search every nook and cranny because your curiosity is going to be rewarded. Weapons, armor, spells, Estus upgrades, etc... Soulsborne games have tons of loot to find which makes exploring the world fun and worth doing so. Sekiro lacks this. Sekiro only has one weapon, no armor, and you get the majority of the Skills through the Skill trees. The loot in Sekiro is worthless junk 90% of the time (seriously game, I don't need any more Ceramic Shards or Fistful of Ash). The only loot worth a damn is Prayer Beads and Gourd Seeds so just use a guide for those and ignore everything else. There are Prosthetic upgrades but you would have to actually try to NOT gather them all since they really aren't that well hidden.

  8. Owl Fight 2 is rough LOL. Took me like 7-8 tries to beat him. First phase of the fight isn't too bad, the gunpowder/flame strike combination attack is the only thing that you really need to look out for because it will pretty much one shot you. The rest of his attacks are pretty straight forward. The second phase of this fight though... holy hell Owl is a terror in this phase.

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