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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. Still playing Sekiro when I have the time but I haven't touched it in a couple days. Tried to play some earlier but I have no idea where the fuck I'm suppose to go LOL.


    Last thing I remember doing was I beat Genichiro and talked to the kid afterwards. IIRC, my main objective now is to grab stuff for the kid but I don't remember where he said this stuff was. I'm pretty sure I'm suppose to jump down the hole (an old lady is praying next to this hole) but I don't remember where that hole was.

  2. 8 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    This is actually backfiring, they're now being called out for being sexist by forcibly covering women up. 




    This is why you just do you and make a game without political intervention, if you pander you're going to piss people off one way or the other. 


    MK is like the LAST series that should ever be trying to take a political stand. This is a series that literally has a history of being extremely controversial and would routinely show up on the news alongside games like Doom and GTA back in the day.


    I have no idea why they thought they needed to do this, everyone has long accepted MK for what it is and is no longer considered controversial. Well, until now...

  3. I've only played RE2. Haven't touched any of the other games that have released this year.


    I don't care about Ace Combat. Never liked the series.


    I fuckin' hate Nomura so there's no way in hell I'm ever going to touch KH III. Fuck that garbage.


    Have no interest in Metro because fuck FPS games.


    DMC V disappointed me a lot, I'm not going to bother with the game until it gets a price drop.


    I bought Sekiro earlier today but I only played it for about an hour. Haven't played the game long enough to even form an opinion of it. All I have is early impressions.




    So out of the games that have released this year- I guess REmake 2 gets my vote for now simply because it's the only one I've played and beaten. 

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