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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. As funny as this is, I actually like the idea. I wish they did a bit more with the mechanic because after the first 30 minutes of the game the whole concept just disappears and you kind of forget it existed. Maybe something to revisit and build on in the future game.
  2. Here comes Femi with his leaking cunt trying to hop on my dick. Go shove a tampon up your twat.
  3. I thought she got out of the asylum at the end of the last game? EDIT: Oh wait, nevermind, it's a prequel.
  4. I haven't touched the game in like 6 months. CM plays it a lot though, he's pretty damn good.
  5. REmake 2 is great. I have my problems with the game but for the most part I enjoy playing it and it has me looking forward to what the next entry is going to be like. If the next game continues to build and improve on what REmake 2 does then it's going to be something really special.
  6. Okay? And "Tension" was achieved in the original series with intentionally bad controls and fixed camera angles. You trying to make a point here? Because you're failing. Are you seriously complaining about the story in the RE games? Have you played ANY of these games? The entire basis of this series universe is based off campy B rate horror films, you're not suppose to take it as seriously as you appear to be. And FYI, there is a connection to the series in RE4. Krauser and Ada were ordered to go undercover by Wesker (you know who this is, right?) to find out what this cult is us
  7. Sabo

    Mr. X²

    No, it's not worth it. He only stays down for like 20 seconds and then he's right back up again.
  8. I'm not even going to bother running around this circle... You seem to enjoy being a chicken with it's head cut off though so enjoy your run. Hope you don't get dizzy.
  9. Seriously? THAT's the best you can come up with? How does any of it amount to it not being a good RE game? That shit is subjective. No one fuckin' cares about your bullshit "buh buh it doesn't feel like a RE game therefore it's terrible" reasoning, RE4 is an objectively great game. If you didn't like, that's fine, but don't be throwing around works like "terrible" or "bad" to describe RE4 because they are simply not true. I hate Half Life 2, it's just not my cup of tea, but I recognize that the game is objectively well designed.
  10. I've replayed through RE4 recently, game still holds up remarkably well and I can say RE4 is WAY more intense than REmake 2. I like REmake 2, but the game doesn't get under my skin, I never feel threatened. The game has a great atmosphere but it's just window dressing, there's nothing in this game that actually made me feel scared or even gave a sense of dread. The most the game has gotten out of me is a feeling of annoyance. RE4 on the other hand, THAT game can still get under my skin. RE4 can be straight up relentless with making the player feel a sense of panic as t
  11. Sabo

    Mr. X²

    If you knew he was stunned then why the hell are you even asking what was wrong with him in the first place? That's retarded.
  12. Phew, just finished a Minimalist/Frugalist run. That last hour was intense. Now I just need 4 more Trophies and I'll have the Platinum. The hard trophies are over with though so the final four shouldn't be an issue.
  13. I like the old style, I like the new style. I'm just a RE fan, I don't really have a preference. I think REmake 2 did a solid job blending the two styles. There's definitely some improvements that could be made but this was a great first attempt. Hopefully the next RE game does a better job and nails it.
  14. I don't give a fuck, David Cage is a hack. If Quantic Dream would just get rid of him and hire an actual writer with talent they would be much better off. David Cage is single-handedly holding Quantic Dream back.
  15. I enjoy each campaign equally TBH although I do prefer to play as Claire since I find her run to be the more challenging of the two. Leon deals with zombies much better than Claire and I feel his weapon upgrades are just flat out better than Claire's. Claire's starting handgun is pretty bad, and it's upgrades don't make it much better. The SMG just isn't a very good weapon so I don't even bother to upgrade it since: A) You have to really go out of your way to get the upgrades B) The upgrades don't make the SMG much better so it's not wor
  16. Sabo

    Mr. X²

    Anyone who has played more than a handful of video games should be familiar with this shit. It's basic video game mechanics, this shit has been in games since the NES. Hell, you ever play a Zelda game? The boss fights are literally designed around this basic idea. Use the dungeon's key item to cause a deep stun to the boss and then proceed to unload on the weak spot when the boss is stunned.
  17. Sabo

    Mr. X²

    Scramble to save face all you want, it's futile. Your stupidity is clearly infinite. You see the Big, Scary, Man hunched over on one knee and still breathing and you want to know if he died? Seriously... Just put a bullseye on your forehead.
  18. Sabo

    Mr. X²

    If you would pay attention you wouldn't need someone to explain this simple shit to you. There's a difference between hit-stun and a stunned state. When you see him reel back but quickly recover, which stun do you think that is? When you see him drop down, completely immobile, what stun do you think that is? Hope you don't hurt your stupid, little brain trying to figure this simple shit out...
  19. Sabo

    Mr. X²

    WTF does it look like? He's stunned. Not dead. Goddamn, do you need someone to explain every little detail?
  20. Sabo

    Mr. X²

    It's pointless to fight him, you can't kill him.
  21. LOL, playing this game with the Infinite Machinegun is so damn satisfying. Want to be bullet sponges? That's cool, here- soak this up! I'm leaving nothing but living torsos all over the place. Funny as hell to look at, just a bunch of torsos trying to roll around and shit. Oh, and Remi- 2:12. 2 hours is not going to be hard at all. I need to watch some speedrun vids because I'm getting to Birkin 1 with an average time of 30-35 minutes but apparently speedrunners are averaging 20-25. I need to use whatever route they're using because clearly mine
  22. Sabo

    Mr. X²

    1 Flash. Problem solved. You guys have fun tiptoeing around this chump though. As for me, I'll be getting shit done.
  23. Yeah, that's where I've died three times because I didn't have any subweapons LOL. First try I got inside the Police Station but didn't go through the office and continued down the hall only to find it blocked off by a locker. Proceeded to get the shit beat out of me by Mr. X and a pack of zombies. Second try got to the Ivy hallway and got grabbed by one of them and died. Didn't have no more subweapons and it appears the Ivy's grab attack is an instant kill. Third try got to outside the Police Station and died at the "Entrance to Hell". Forth try
  24. Alright, did a test run to test my suspicion. I take back what I said earlier- Ranks aren't lenient, they're just straight up pointless. The game doesn't penalize you for using an Infinite weapon, just got a S rank with Claire and I used the Infinite Samurai's Edge through the whole game. That's disappointing.
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