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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. That's a terrible comparison... Retro had Nintendo looking over their shoulder the entire time and apparently had Retro routinely send them "blue rooms"so they could play test their ideas. Think about that.
  2. The level design in the new GoW was pretty damn basic, so I don't really consider this a loss and MS didn't actually gain anything.
  3. I have RE2 downloaded and ready to go... Just got to wait 13 hours to actually play it. Sigh...
  4. "...Ya' know what I'm saying" YES, MOTHERFUCKER, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING! You're not saying anything complicated. It is not that hard to understand you.
  5. No. I turned 35 a couple months ago. Our friend eventually got married and moved to Louisiana and started a family there when I was around 25. Around the same time my brother joined the Army so I was living by myself for about 8 years. My brother got out of the Army, got a divorce, and then moved back home like two years ago and now we live together. We rarely see other though, he works nights and I tend to work days so the only time I really notice him around is on the weekends since we both usually get weekends off.
  6. Not really. Me, my brother, and a friend of ours got a place together so it's not like I was taking care of everything on my own.
  7. Twilight Princess and Spore. Especially Spore... like holy shit the hype for this game was insane, quite possibly the biggest flop of all time.
  8. I mean, that was kind of a given. I guess it's nice it's confirmed but if you're remaking RE2 then that's definitely going to stay in since the game was literally designed around the idea.
  9. Sabo

    DMC3 ....

    People hating on 2? LOL, why? It easily has the best main character and the combat system was at it's peak with 2.
  10. Sabo

    DMC3 ....

    Is Warlords a collection or just Onimusha 1? Because I'll pick it up if it's a collection. If it's just Onimusha 1 though then I won't bother. I didn't really care for Onimusha 1. I really enjoyed 2 and 3 though, 2 is easily my favorite game in the series. I even liked Onimusha Dawn of Dreams, I thought the game was fun and don't really understand the hate the game gets.
  11. Sabo

    DMC3 ....

    FYI, you backtrack through the second half of the game in DMC3 as well except it's handled much worse than DMC4. For me, the ranking goes 1>4>3>Who gives a fuck about the rest.
  12. Sabo

    DMC3 ....

    Special Editions made changes to the gameplay systems and added new modes and characters. In DMC4's case the additions were great- new modes, three new characters, retweaked some of the game systems and is just generally an all around much better game than the original. DMC3 SE didn't really change much from the original. It just added a new checkpoint/orb system (Gold/Yellow), tweaked the difficulty settings (the original's Normal mode was actually the Japanese Hard mode), and added Vergil as a playable characer.
  13. Sabo

    DMC3 ....

    I've basically played all three in a row and DMC4 SE is definitely a MUCH better game than DMC3 SE. Easily.
  14. Sabo

    DMC3 ....

    I remember liking the game back in the day but recently I bought the DMC collection and have played through these games again (not DMC2 though because fuck that game). I enjoyed DMC 1, the game is showing it's age in some ways but it still holds up really well despite that thanks to well thought out game design. Playing through it again just reconfirmed why it's still my favorite game in the series. DMC3 SE, however, is just not that good. In fact, I think it kind of sucks. I have never seen a game degrade in quality as fast as this game does. Once you hit Chapter 8, th
  15. Only endgame is active on PS4. Game is pretty dead online until then. I was even playing when this game's population was at it's peak and I was still barely finding other players.
  16. They did server merges (same thing happened on PS4 as well), the game really isn't that active for the amount of servers the game originally had. It was the community that requested to merge the servers so the game wouldn't feel so dead online.
  17. You can go around finishing things you didn't do after you complete the game. The only missable things in SOTR are the combat related Achievements/Trophies.
  18. Game is boring as fuck to play now but for it's time it was alright.
  19. Damn, Diablo 2 and Ikaruga.... I can't believe I didn't list either of them. Ikaruga pretty much lived in my Dreamcast for like a year straight and Diablo 2 is responsible for me losing a lot of sleep on a school night during my high school years. Great games, great memories.
  20. There's a DMC5 demo coming to PS4 and PC later. Don't know if it's going to be a new demo or the same one Xbox got though.
  21. I wouldn't say that but it's pretty damn good. I'm generally not a fan of WRPGs but Witcher 3 is a different kind of beast. You should play it if you haven't yet, be prepared for it take over your life for the next few months though. The game is massive.
  22. In order? Because that would be fuckin' hard to do. I can give you 25 but I don't think I could order them. (Listing them as they pop in my head) Ninja Gaiden Black Bayonetta Devil May Cry Zelda Majora's Mask Resident Evil 4 Unreal Tournament 2003/2004 Quake III Starcraft Chrono Trigger F- Zero Radiant Historia Grandia 2 Portal 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence Need for Speed Most Wanted Shadow Hearts Covenant Dark Souls Bloodborne Castlevania SOTN Megaman X D
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