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Posts posted by Sabo

  1. 26 minutes ago, kaz said:

    Witcher 3 is the best game ever made :( 


    I wouldn't say that but it's pretty damn good. I'm generally not a fan of WRPGs but Witcher 3 is  a different kind of beast. You should play it if you haven't yet, be prepared for it take over your life for the next few months though. The game is massive. 

  2. In order?


    Because that would be fuckin' hard to do. I can give you 25 but I don't think I could order them.


    (Listing them as they pop in my head)


    Ninja Gaiden Black


    Devil May Cry

    Zelda Majora's Mask

    Resident Evil 4

    Unreal Tournament 2003/2004

    Quake III


    Chrono Trigger

    F- Zero

    Radiant Historia

    Grandia 2

    Portal 2

    Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence

    Need for Speed Most Wanted

    Shadow Hearts Covenant

    Dark Souls 


    Castlevania SOTN

    Megaman X

    Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

    Valkyrie Profile

    Guilty Gear XX Reload

    Witcher 3

    Metroid Prime




    I tried to limit myself to only one game from a series otherwise you'd be seeing multiple games from a series. I also tried to limit myself in genres otherwise my list would have a lot more Action games and Fighting games. Truth be told, this isn't even concrete, I could swap games out with others constantly and would probably never be able to have a cemented top 25. Fun little exercise though, I haven't participated in a thread like this in a long time.

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  3. Let It Die?




    Out of all the games you could've picked, you're going to go with that one?


    Are you sure?



    Anyways, mine is a easy pick- Bloodborne. Honorable mentions to Witcher 3, Nier Automata, Horizon and Monster Hunter World.


    Still haven't played Persona 5, I've had the game since it's released just haven't got around to playing it. Might start it now actually, kind of in the mood for a JRPG.

  4. We're not in a thread discussing it's gameplay though, are we? No, we're in a thread talking about it's dumb as hell story.


    FYI, the gameplay is the main reason why I think the series is garbage. It's all flash and no substance, an extremely masher friendly game that requires little effort to get through. It's this very reason why I absolutely hated to find out that Nomura is designing the FF VII remake because I already know the gameplay is going to be shit.

  5. Only thing you really need to know is Xehanort is the cause of everything.  Everything all ties back to him in some form or another because Nomura can't write for shit so he uses Xehanort as the ultimate safety net. Whenever the plot gets out of his hands (which happens all the damn time because he seriously can't write for shit), he'll just tie it all back to Xehanort. Just look at Organization XIII for the biggest example, damn near half the members are literally just a different version/variation of Xehanort. Rather it be a Xehanort from a different timeline or a Nobody variation, its still just another fuckin' Xehanort who only exists because Nomura wrote himself into a corner for the twentieth time. 


    God, this series is fuckin' awful.




    I will never understand it. The series is just absolute garbage.

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  6. Look at the bright side, Lemmings- MS bought a lot of studios this year so at least you know games are definitely coming in the future. Verdicts still out if those games will be good or not but now you finally have something to look forward to instead of pretending to still care about Halo, Gears, and Forza.

  7. 19 hours ago, Remij_ said:

    Thinking it can get worse :D 


    It can definitely get worse, Nomura is still there after all. I don't consider Yoko to be a step above Nomura when it comes to game design. Definitely writes great stories but he's really not a good game designer.


    Want to save FF? Bring The Gooch back or get Kitase to step down from his executive position and get him to design games again. Hell, let Yoshida have a shot, think the man has earned it considering he saved FF XIV.

  8. MGS4 and great story never belong in the same sentence. Story was dumb as shit right from the get-go and continued to find ways to keep getting worse. Kojima was pulling shit out of his ass in an effort to tie everything together.  The story is just one of the many reasons why MGS4 is considered the worst game in the series...

  9. 2 hours ago, Remij_ said:




    Now give Yoko Taro Final Fantasy and let him revive that franchise as well :lawd:



    I want the series to get better, not worse.


    Nier Automata is a big success because of Platinum, not Yoko.  Yoko's games tend to have interesting stories but downright awful gameplay.


    You want to have him be the main writer for a FF game? Sure. Go ahead. But that's literally all he should be in charge of.

  10. Playing Yakuza because it's free so why the hell not. Was going for the full Completion List but then hit a wall. Only tasks I have left are Mahjong related and no matter how many times I play this stupid game, I just don't fuckin' get it.


    At first I thought it was like Rummy so I was trying to play it like that but that was giving me zero results. This game is bloated with so many vague and unnecessary rules, what is Asia's obsession with making things overly complicated for no damn reason? Aren't they supposed to be smart?


    Just fuck this stupid ass mini-game... Thank God Haruka didn't have Mahjong related whims because I would've just left her ass at the bar. Although that stupid Otametal song was really testing my patience... Whoever thought needing 950 on that song was a good idea can go fuck themselves.

  11. I'm fully aware of what games he's made. Crisis Core sucked but so did everything else that was involved in the FF VII compilation. 3rd Birthdays gameplay was alright, the story was dumb as hell though. Type-0 was fine. All three of these games were clearly held back by hardware since all three were for the PSP. Not claiming the guy was great but he is definitely better than Nomura.

  12. On 2018-11-08 at 9:54 AM, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Platinum doesn't have to deal with Square Enix' management.  Nomura was in charge of Versus Xiii, now KH3 (13 years after KH2 release), and is overseeing FFVII remake, announced over three years ago, and still talking about the direction he wants to take it.


    Tabata ain't the problem.




    Really wish they'd stop putting the fuckin' idiot known as Nomura in charge of shit. Dude is an artist, not a game designer. Stop making him a director.

  13. 1 hour ago, Bodycount NX said:

    cant wait to get this :jerkit:but these trophies are impossible 


    Huh? These trophies are incredibly easy. A vast majority of them you'll get for just fighting a boss. I could Platinum this game in a dedicated weekend if I really wanted to.

  14. On 2018-09-15 at 11:53 AM, -GD- said:

    Lol some of you guys take gaming way too seriously. It’s subjective. Just agree to disagree. While I think GoW is the “better game”, I enjoyed  Detroit a lot more - and it’s a 7.0 flop. I also couldn’t get into Zelda BOTW after 3 tries. Some things resonate with certain gamers, while others don’t. Nobody’s taste is an absolute. If you think “your taste” is better than another’s, get over yourself.  Also, stop dissecting these games and just enjoy them. :smoke: 


    True, but when people discredit my opinion as wrong even after I explain why I personally don't like it, that's when I take offense. I have particular tastes when it comes to games, I completely admit this. If you don't agree with my opinion, fine, but don't sit there and tell me I'm wrong and am being anal and nitpicky. I'll gladly tear into your ass when you do that shit.


     I've been playing games since I was 5 and I'm 35 now. That's 30 years of my life spent playing games. I have been conditioned to expect certain things when it comes to game design. One of the things I value most in a games combat system isn't technical depth or combo complexity contrary to popular belief. No, I value consistent behavior and rules. As long as you have that, I can easily overlook the lack of technical depth or combos.


    I want to know that when X happens then I can do Y and Z is the result. Consistent behavior and rules. GoW lacks this. In GoW, thanks to systems applied, this basic information gets unreliable. When X happens then sometimes the player can do Y and maybe Z is the result. That is unreliable information.  Now this seems like a "minor" problem but it's really not and it has a major effect on my personal enjoyment of a game.


    When the player has reliable information to work with then the player is able to form-*GASP*- concrete strategies and tactics. Using these strategies and tactics, combined with reliable information and game behavior, the player is then able to experiment with other possible solutions which creates- *DOUBLE GASP*- Depth.  The act of learning, understanding, and discovering new ways to play a game is my biggest joy when it comes to gaming. I don't play games to interact with a story, I play a game as a fun mental exercise.


    Various aspects of GoWs gameplay do not give me a fun mental exercise. The combat is the biggest offender because  this is what makes up the majority of the game and it's poorly designed IMO. Because of the way homing works in this game I found myself actively AVOIDING close range combat because it was the only way I could get consistent behavior and rules (avoiding CLOSE range combat in a MELEE focused game, do I even need to explain how contradictory and flawed this is?).


    However, playing the game by avoiding the homing feature only exposed to me how completely busted the balancing of the move list is in this game. There are too many moves and tools in this game that are easy to exploit. Just for a quick example, there is an upgrade for the Axe that adds a move when you hold R1 (Kratos will fling the Axe in front of him and the Axe will spin in place). Grab this upgrade and go fight a Werewolf, supposedly one of the hardest normal enemies in the game but honestly this will work on nearly everything, but just to show how stupid this is we'll use the Werewolf as an example. Now proceed to hold R1. That's it. Just hold R1 and keep holding it until the Werewolf is dead. This move that requires zero effort to perform is so terribly balanced that enemies will literally get locked down in hitstun until they die. That's just the effects of ONE move, this game has a shitload of nonsense in it.


    I understand some people are far more willing to overlook this kind of stuff than I am but that doesn't mean I have to overlook this stuff as well. Nor does it mean I'm wrong for valuing certain things from a game and voicing my displeasure when a game fails horribly to deliver on the things I value. It's a sad age when wanting consistent rules and behavior out of a game is now considered a "bad" thing. So bad in fact you get labeled the elitist, anal, nitpicky, or any other negative synonym that's become common to place upon someone perceived to be the "hardcore gamer". I play and appreciate games on a completely different level from others in this thread, that's becoming more and more apparent. If wanting good, solid and consistent design out of a game earns me a negative reaction from my peers then fuck my peers.

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