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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. Oh, the old "subjective" defense... How original... You might of had solid ground to stand on if David Cage's games weren't OBJECTIVELY bad in various ways.
  2. LOL, David Cage is a hack. No idea how this idiot actually gets people to buy his shit "games" let alone how he gets a publisher to willingly give him money to make his garbage. His writing is so god awful, the fact this douche is actually successful is a tragedy. I can't believe there are actually people hyped for Detroit, WTF is wrong you people? Are you idiots or just retarded?
  3. Went back to playing MHW to try to finish getting the Platinum. Just need 5 more crowns but of course RNG is fuckin' me over... There's a lot I like about the game but there's also a lot of stuff in the game I find to be insanely obnoxious. For the past 100 or so hours of playtime, I'm only noticing the obnoxious shit. I think this could quite possibly be the most trollish game I've ever played. There are just so many things in this game that I consider to be blatantly bad design, and the kicker is- it is done intentionally. Capcom KNOWS better than to do a lot of the shit that is
  4. Assassin's Creed Origins is meh. I'm starting to wonder if I'm playing the same game as everyone else because for all this talk of this game being a fresh and new direction for the series, this seems like your standard Ubisoft game. The game follows the Ubisoft formula down to a T.
  5. Finally decided to check out Assassin's Creed Origins. Put about an hour into the game so far and I'm not really feeling it. Combat is kind of whack and the stealth is simple shit. I just played a game with easy stealth gameplay (TEW2) so I'm not sure if I want to play another game with simple stealth gameplay immediately after... Might put this game on hold for the time being and play something else but I'll give it a couple more hours just to see if it picks up and gets better.
  6. For like the first two hours. Then it gets mundane and repetitive.
  7. It's not my Playstation, the game crashes on all platforms. The main areas seem to be Chapter 7 and 8, the shooting gallery, and the "fire walk" on Chapter 14 although the game can crash in other areas ( I know this because I've experienced it crashing in other areas). Nightmare and Classic mode are especially prone to crashing.
  8. Ugh... I am hating TEW2 right now. This fuckin' game just crashed on me... I'm going to have to play through 3 whole Chapters all over again. The game crashed on me 7 times in my first playthrough and now it's crashed on me for the second time in my Classic playthrough. Classic mode only lets you save 7 times total so I'm trying to space my saves out and use them strategically. But now it's starting to look like I might have to start saving at moments I don't want to just so I don't have to worry about losing progress if the game decides it wants to shit the bed again.
  9. Taking a break from MHW and have been playing The Evil Within 2. Currently on Chapter 8 (Nightmare mode) and so far difficulty hasn't really been an issue. I think the stealth in this game is piss easy, the AI is like PS1 levels of bad. Resources are all over the place so I don't even find the resource management to be strict. I don't think I've seen my Gunpowder supply drop below 100 now that I think about it. The only problem I've been running into is the game crashing. This game has crashed on me 4 times now, the last time it happened I was forced to replay a significant chunk
  10. I think I'm done with MHW. The constant grind with nothing to show for it thanks to the terrible RNG has killed my interest in the game. There was only a couple trophies left that I would've needed for the Platinum (the Large/Mini Crowns for every monster) but those are also RNG related so it really kills the motivation to chase that Platinum.
  11. HR- 104. Total number of Warrior Streamstones acquired- 27 Number of Warrior Streamstones for the weapon I actually want- 2 Total number of Hero Streamstones acquired- 3 Number of Hero Streamstones for the weapon I actually want- 0 I hate RNG....
  12. IMO it's because a lot of the JRPGs on consoles tend to go with a more modernized approach (usually dumbing down a lot of game systems and being semi-open world) in order to appeal to Western audiences. Handheld JRPGs for the most part stick to the traditional ways because they are more aimed at the Japanese audience.
  13. You know, farming for the Augment parts wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't such a tedious task to unlock Investigations for Tempered Elder Dragons... Anyways, did a lot of Tempered Elder Dragon runs these past two days, only got one part I can actually use. I got two parts for the Hammer and got four parts for the Bowguns but those are weapons I really have no interest in. Although I might just make one of the Bowguns to put these parts to use unless there's a way I can trade them. I might make a Hammer as a secondary, not really feeling the Greatsword. It's too damn clunky.
  14. Bad enough the drop rate is aggravatingly low but to then add weapon specific bullshit on top of it to make the chances to get what you need even lower? LOL, fuck that. I don't mind grinding but there is such a thing as too much RNG and this is definitely too much.
  15. Still playing Monster Hunter but I'm starting to get annoyed with the game. The Gem drop rate is ridiculous... I thought Plates were annoying to get but Gems are much worse (speaking of Plates, I'm getting them like crazy now that I don't really need them). I spent like 2 hours killing Legiana over and over again just to get the Gem, I'm really not looking forward to farming some of these Elder Dragons for their Gems.
  16. I'll be hopping online here soon actually. Probably in about two hours, going to start cooking something to eat and then take a shower but after that I plan to hop online.
  17. How is the netcode for that? I've been setting my filter to Same Language so I've been avoiding Japanese players. I assumed this would help prevent lag. If the netcode is good though then I'll change my filter settings. I do have CM on my friends list, he's the only person from here that I have. He's rarely online when I am though and when he is online he tends to be playing SFV so I don't bother him. I'll send him a message though to send me a Squad invite.
  18. It's not a game breaking mechanic but it is player breaking. It's too easy to exploit in order to ruin other players experiences. That's much worse than being game breaking IMO. Unless you join with people you absolutely know, you run the risk of running into BM players whose only goal is to troll. Hell, this is something I forgot to mention because it's not exactly tied to what we're talking about but it is another form of trolling I've seen, players intentionally dying so the reward pay out will decrease. There's a lot of assholes out there in the online world, I woul
  19. Dude, I was literally standing RIGHT next to a Long Sword user as we were both drilling the tail on a Rathalos and I did NOT get hit at all. Same situation with another player using Dual Knives except instead of attacking the tail, we were attacking the head of a Rathalos. I was getting hit constantly. I've had Light Bowgun users shoot through me yet I get hit by Bow users. The weapons do not all share the same rules. Interrupting carving is the least of the issues. I've seen guys intentionally cancel out other players charge attacks. I've seen guys prevent other players from using
  20. No they don't. I was standing right next to a dude as he swung his Long Sword around and it did nothing to me. Stand near a player with Dual Knives and I'm getting hit constantly. This is getting a little beside the point though. Bottom line- I don't like players being able to hit other players and want an option to turn it off. It adds absolutely nothing to the game and only encourages trolling bullshit.
  21. So I was bored and decided to answer some SOS signals and try out the co-op. Why do some weapons hit other players while other weapons don't? I think the idea of being able to hit other players is pretty dumb to begin with since everyone is going to swarm the monster as soon as it gets knocked down but the fact that only certain weapons will hit other players is just really dumb. They need to add an option to where you can just turn that off if you want because I don't like it. It makes no sense to me.
  22. Okay, there's one thing about Monster Hunter World that is REALLY starting to annoy the piss out of me. Why the fuck doesn't my Custom Radial Settings not save? What's the damn point of letting me customize this if I have to constantly keep redoing it? I might as well just get use to the Default settings.
  23. I dunno. I actually don't know how you can tell what your Rank actually is. I think I'm Rank 4 because I'm only allowed to take up to Rank 4 quests but that could also be because I haven't really progressed far in the Story. I just got to the new area, can't remember it's name. It's the place you go to after .
  24. Of course. I only do Optional quests once. After that I just stick to Investigation quests for Bounties/Farming needs.
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