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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. It's pretty ridiculous lmao. I've said far worse things honestly.
  2. What? You were going to say something but Rockstar has summoned you? It's cool, go take of your business. Don't forget to cup the balls.
  3. I typed one short paragraph... That's hardly me going on a synopsis on the subject even though I could if I wanted to. Lord knows Rockstar's games give me plenty to talk about.
  4. Chill? I ain't even mad... lol. Are you so easily threatened that words on a screen can trigger a red flag for you?
  5. you're always so butthurt about Rockstar games. No. I'm not. I'm just one of the few people who sees the bullshit double standards Rockstar games are held to. Because of this I'm also very vocal people about the unworthy praise and recognition Rockstar recieves. uh huh lol. Are you trying to discredit that gaming journalists amd fanboys don't over hype and overlook obvious flaws in Rockstar games? Flaws that would be zoomed in and focused on if they were present in any other game. But oh no, let's ignore the fact that basic mechanics in Rockstar's games are behind the cur
  6. you're always so butthurt about Rockstar games. No. I'm not. I'm just one of the few people who sees the bullshit double standards Rockstar games are held to. Because of this I'm also very vocal about the unworthy praise and recognition Rockstar recieves.
  7. Because it's Rockstar. For reasons I can not fathom Rockstar gets a free pass on everything. It is absolutely pathetic to see their fanboys and gaming journalists continue to suck Rockstar's dick and gladly gargle on the cum before swallowing it which they'll proceed to do with a big smile on their face.
  8. Don't be fulled by the hype, they're shitty expansions whose quality is over exaggerated because Rockstar actually put in some half-way decent missions instead of the usual bland and boring shit. There are far better open world games out there.
  9. Lollipop Chainsaw? There's the most expensive attack you can buy I think (Holy something) that's good for sparkle hunting, but the best is the one where you do a low spin. x, square square square. I think the best place to farm that shit is stage 3 (? or whatever one the farm is). That one bit where like 30 weak ones come at you at once, you can rack up like 6/7/8 zombie sparkle hunts easy, get you some mad coin for whatever it is that you need I've just been doing runs through Stage 5. Lots of enemies and mass groups, I'm averaging about 70 Platinum medals a run but it's getting
  10. Hey Rede, what's the fastest way to get Platinum medals? I need a lot of them to unlock stuff.
  11. Hmm, I'm thinking about giving P4 a chance. Should I bother with it if I didn't care for P3?
  12. You have the camera constantly panned down, don't you? yeah Lara's ass is the real reason I'm playing it Juliet is the only reason I'm still playing Lollipop Chainsaw so I know where you're coming from. have you unlocked that seashell bikini costume i think it was yet? Nope, not yet. Costumes seem to unlock in a set sequence.
  13. You have the camera constantly panned down, don't you? yeah Lara's ass is the real reason I'm playing it Juliet is the only reason I'm still playing Lollipop Chainsaw so I know where you're coming from.
  14. You have the camera constantly panned down, don't you?
  15. Mirror's Edge is one of my top 5 games for this gen. Awesome game.
  16. I'm liking this game. Sure, I could point out a lot of problems I have with the gameplay like the camera isn't that great, some of the mechanics are a little iffy, the combat can get repetitive and isn't that deep to begin with, etc... But the thing is the game is aware of it's shortcomings so it does a lot of things to take your attention off them. The game does a good job of placing it's quirky and silly set pieces to help break up the monotony of it all so it keeps the game feeling fresh and more importantly, keeps me playing.
  17. Well Vaas was by far the most interesting character, so at least to me, the campaign wasn't as good after his death. I also started radiant historia, the combat system is a little odd but it's decent for now. The combat gets really fun as you progress and learn new skills and get more party members. The combat can be as simple or as deep as you want it to be. The real draw of the game though is the time traveling, this game uses it so well. Radiant Historia is, IMO, the closest we'll ever get to a true Chrono Trigger sequel.
  18. Hmm, this game isn't that bad. Gameplay is nothing special but the spectacle of it all keeps me interested.
  19. Have you tried Grandia II? It seems to be another one of those games like Chrono Trigger that people seem to dig. Nah, I'll give it a chance next weekend though. Radiant Historia. That is all.
  20. How does this not annoy the shit out of you? That would drive me crazy. Stopping a good way into a game but having an intention to come back to it months later? I could never do that. To me, doing that just completely breaks the flow of the game. Once I start a game I feel like I have to finish it and I'll rarely start playing another game until I finish the one I'm playing at that time.
  21. Not for like 2 hours into the game. The beginning is really drawn out and honestly when you finally get to the gameplay it really sucks. It's just a repetitive dungeon crawler with a shitty combat system. I personally didn't care for the high school sim aspect either, thought it was lame as hell and way too weeaboo even for my tolerance level.
  22. Just finished Darksiders 2 and I must say I enjoyed the game. The game has problems but compared to it's predecessor DS2 improved on a lot of things. Darksiders was a solid game IMO but I think everyone who has played the game will agree it never quite felt like it's own game. It was just a mix of other games and even though the overall package was well made the game never had it's own identity. Not the case with Darksiders 2, you can find similarities to other games (in this case Prince of Persia and Zelda) but DS2 finds a way to stand out from it's influences and become something unique to i
  23. Well, I finally got enough skill points to start investing in the main skill trees but I'm not sure which one will make the combat more interesting. Should I go with a Magic, Sword or Alchemy build?
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