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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. Wow, Chapter 5 of Leon's campaign really soured the overall experience. Four boss fights in a row is really dickish. It wouldn't be so bad if they were spread out a bit but it's literally one boss fight right after another with very little time between them. The whole ordeal is just tiring and had me going, "OMG just fuckin' die already....".
  2. Real talk, I'm having fun playing RE6. Don't know if the other campaigns are going to be this enjoyable but Leon's has been entertaining so far (currently on Chapter 4).
  3. He has a 360, I saw him online yesterday playing RE5.
  4. Well, the game started with the Leon prologue so it just seemed natural to start with his campaign. Thanks for explaining how to use herbs. :]
  5. Tried RE6 last night and played it for a bit. Some early impressions: -The first thing I notice is the controls felt really foreign. It actually took me awhile to get use to them and even then I never really got comfortable with them. Wish there was a option to have the classic controls TBH, the closest thing I saw was Type II but that's still awkward feeling to me. -Another thing that bothered me was the HUD, I turned off the little waypoint icons but I don't like how your HP/Ammo indicator doesn't stay onscreen. I get that they're trying to clear the screen to make it feel more immersive b
  6. Haven't played the game yet but when I do I'm most likely going straight to Mercs mode. Unless of course I have to unlock it first.
  7. All I've been playing for the past two weeks is DFO. This game is so much fun, more people should be playing this game. About to hit level 67 with my Striker (Champion), trying to get together some good gear so I can tackle the OV dungeons and try to get my hands on some Chronicles.
  8. When it first came out the online really wasn't that active either. It's a shame too because the game is fun with other people.
  9. God damn, I missed an epic thread. Just read through the last 7 pages or so and this shit had me laughing hard. Would've been much funnier if I was here during the moment though.
  10. This kind of stuff should be a bannable offense. You can't say something like that without providing a link.
  11. Borderlands 2 is really meant to be played with other people. It was designed around co-op, don't know why people solo through it. Would you play L4D by yourself? No, you wouldn't.
  12. Playing through the Campaign of WarCraft 3 and am about halfway done with the Undead part right now. The gameplay is still pretty unique even today, I'm having fun with it. I never knew how much of an asshole Arthas became because I was skipping through a lot of the cutscenes the first time I played through the game. I have The Frozen Throne as well but never played through the campaign of it. Plan on doing it after I finish RoC.
  13. Enslaved is really all about the story and characters. The gameplay is honestly nothing special like all other NT games.
  14. Well... I finally broke down and decided to give the game a shot. The game in question is none other than Ninja Gaiden 3. I went in with low expectations and I was still really disappointed. Holy fuck, this game is just awful. Really, really awful. I could give a very in depth analysis of all the things I feel are wrong with this game but to be honest that is way too much to type and I don't feel like doing it. I beat it once and literally have no desire to ever touch the game again. For an action game that is quite possibly the worst response you can get.
  15. Resident Evil 4. God damn this game still owns. I figured it'd start to show it's age before I started it but the gameplay still holds up really well. I haven't touched the game in quite a few years as well so everything about the game feels fresh. The Castle section of the game is just flat out amazing. Truly a game worthy of being called a masterpiece.
  16. Godhand. The camera and control quirks were easy to overlook before but now not so much. I don't think the combat holds up that well either. The game is still good but I don't enjoy the game as much as I did before.
  17. Yea, I wasn't a big fan of XIII-2 either. Don't really see how every one else here could actually claim it to be a good game. I just thought it was decent at best.
  18. Heavenly Sword is alright. It's more combat oriented than Enslaved so the level design isn't anywhere near as strong, it's really linear actually but it's an action focused game. The combat system is solid, just solid enough to carry the game although it's not the only strong point. I thought the story and presentation was better in HS than it is in Enslaved but that could just be me. A lot of people happened to really like the story and presentation of Enslaved. If you liked Enslaved though then there's a good chance you'll like Heavenly Sword. I'd say check it out, you can find the game dirt
  19. Wow, it was that easy, huh? Just kick a little sand in your direction and you can't wait to jump at a chance to smack talk back when you see even the slightest opening. I expected it would take a bit more than a simple remark to get under your skin, looks like I was wrong. Silly me for expecting a bit more of a challenge.
  20. bull shit. I would respect him if he was just honest. I was honest about that call girl I called up back in December. Funny the only person who remember me making a thread about it was Handsome Horse. Who hasn't lied before? Every person on this planet has. He got caught lying, that's embarrassing enough. Wanting the guy to come back just so you can continue to chastise and humiliate him further just seems unnecessary. Why are you making this about you now? Good for Handsome Horse, I guess... because I don't see what's the big deal. lying or not lying. I l
  21. bull shit. I would respect him if he was just honest. I was honest about that call girl I called up back in December. Funny the only person who remember me making a thread about it was Handsome Horse. Who hasn't lied before? Every person on this planet has. He got caught lying, that's embarrassing enough. Wanting the guy to come back just so you can continue to chastise and humiliate him further just seems unnecessary. Why are you making this about you now? Good for Handsome Horse, I guess...
  22. I don't really see the need to continuously troll the guy over this. He lied and got caught, that's embarrassing enough when you think about it. I'd actually respect him if he had the balls to even show himself after this.
  23. Well, I'll give him credit for one thing, he brought some entertainment to this place even if it was at his expense.
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