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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. Umm... I think I just fucked myself over. I accidentally reset the New Bodhum Gate so I had to playthrough everything again but when I got past the part where you meet Hope the game won't let me access the next gate to continue the game. I can only go to New Bodhum, Bresha Ruins and Yaschas Massif. I can see the two other gates but when I select them they do nothing. Am I going to have to restart?
  2. Currently playing FF XIII-2 and to quote HurricaneMike, "WTF is going on in this game?" I even played the first game and I'm just like "Wait... what? I don't even- You know what, fuck it. I'm not even trying to figure this shit out".
  3. Spelled vanquish wrong i haven't played it yet Best TPS this gen. finally got around to playing the BD demo. awesome. It's like vanquish in many ways but the biggest addition (besides general game flow and voice commands) is the upgrade system. Vanquish needed it hard. Vanquish did have an upgrade system, it just wasn't the standard system though. It was more like old school Contra style upgrade system. I dug it.
  4. Extend is the latest and I can't really recommend it unless you're either a fan of the series or you just happened to skip Continuum Shift. However, if you never cared for the series before then this game isn't going to change your mind. A lot of the people I play with aren't feeling the game as well, myself included. A couple of us have dropped our characters and are learning new ones. I'm messing around with Makoto now that she is nerfed and is no longer stupid good.
  5. Mostly BlazBlue CS Extend right now. Hate they changes they made to my girl... Trying to play through Dead Space 2 as well but the game is a chore to play. I think it's boring to be perfectly honest, don't think I'm even going to finish it. Overrated shit. Knights Contract, this game is soooo bad lmao. I also just bought Tales of Vesperia but haven't actually gotten around to trying it. For all the praise this game gets I'm expecting it to be good.
  6. Dark Souls mostly. Messing around with the latest Spidey game here and there.
  7. Infamous 2 and BB CS2. I'm pretty sure I'm at the end of Infamous 2. I'm on the last island and I only need one more blast core.
  8. Finally got around to playing Persona 3 and after spending an hour and a half with it I feel like it's done nothing but waste my fuckin' time. The only gameplay I've gotten is moving my cursor to select a response. If this game is seriously nothing but a cheesy high school sim then tell me now so I can send this shit back to GF. I thought this was suppose to be an RPG...
  9. Actually played through CT before I played through CC and still enjoyed the game today as much as I did back when it first released. CT just ages very well, even though the battle mechanics are dated it never feels dated. Hard to explain but it's just a really entertaining combat system. CT definitely deserves it's mention when people start discussing about the best JRPGs ever made. It really is a timeless classic.
  10. Been in a retro mood lately so I've been playing some of the PS RPG's. Just finished playing Chrono Cross. Gameplay hasn't aged too well and this is by far one of the stupidest plots I've seen in an RPG. Seriously, people think it's actually good and well written? Really? The game withholds all the important information until you get near the end and then proceeds to have massive plot dumps dropped on you one after another. No pacing, no time to really decipher what the hell is really going on, and some of the information is just so ridiculous I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Gave FF I
  11. Downloaded the Untold Stories bundle for Resident Evil 5 and am pretty much only playing Mercenaries Reunion these days. Some people hate the scoring system but I love it, a lot more challenging than standard Mercenaries scoring system that was more focused on building time in order to get a high score. In Reunion, the kill combo is really important now so you definitely don't want it to break. The higher the kill combo the more points you get for killing enemies. You'll want to save the boss enemies for last that way you'll get massive points and let me tell you, trying to keep your combo ali
  12. Right now: Vanquish- Ugh, really not feeling the game. Shinji has always been hit or miss with me and this is a miss which sucks because I was really looking forward to playing it. I actually haven't beaten it yet because I just stopped playing it and moved on to other games. AC Brotherhood- Single Player isn't as good as AC II's but they did make some nice improvements to the combat system. I also like how you can map whichever weapons you want to the d-pad now. The ability to call a horse at any time is nice as well but it makes you wonder why they even bothered to add in horse stables if
  13. Finally got around to playing Castlevania LoS and just beat it an hour ago. The ending was straight up stupid, Kojima definitely must've had something to do with that. As for the game itself, it was alright. The combat is pretty rough around the edges though, lots of dumb design decisions had me rolling my eyes. For starters, I don't like what they did with their counter attack system. To do a counter/parry in most games you have to block just before you are hit by an attack but this game doesn't use that same timing. You actually have to push block a lot sooner, I guess some would consider
  14. I played MoH for a little while and walked away from it. I only got to like the 5th mission and the majority of them were taking place at night. Got too annoying for my tastes, I don't mind night missions but I think they should be used sparingly. As for what I'm playing right now: Playing Spiderman Shattered Dimensions now. Pretty fun game even if it is rough around the edges, but in any case it's nice to see Spiderman get away from the open world gameplay. The different Spidey's don't offer that much different gameplay though. Amazing, 2099 and Ultimate pretty much have the same kind of ga
  15. Way of the Samurai 3 and NIER. WoTS3 was better than I expected it to be. Not the deepest game but it has a lot of replay value thanks to 20+ endings and plenty of weapons to collect with new skills to learn. NIER is a game I picked up because of the word of mouth. I find the combat to be mind numbing. I'm literally getting through on hard doing nothing but mashing one button with ease, there is a defend and evade button but I have no real need to use them. The combat is just that simple. The side quests are extremely annoying time sinks. What should be a simple fetch quest ends up being muc
  16. How does it look? He can clearly see each pixel. So yea, it looks pretty damn good.
  17. Castlevania Symphony of the Night. It's been years since I've played the game so it feels brand new again. Still holds up really well even today, a true classic.
  18. ya this bugged me a little. still i give it a 9. had a blast with it. Same here. The Labyrinth was wasted opportunity IMO. Once you finally got it all set up I was expecting some real brain benders but instead we just got three simple rooms and it was over.
  19. Finally got around to playing God of War III. This game is so ridiculously good looking, easily the best graphics I've seen in a video game. I'm not even kidding, this game is a real treat to the eyes. This is the first God of War game that I actually want to keep replaying, the level design is so damn good it's nearly flawless. There's a flow to the game that I just get lost in and before I know it five hours have passed. The only real knock I really have against the game is the puzzles weren't as challenging as you'd come to expect from the series and there weren't many of them.
  20. -True. -True. You need lots of CP. You'll need well over a million CP to max out all roles. -Get the Growth Egg. Farm turtles. You'll take care of both gil and CP that way.
  21. Resonance of Fate. Only played it for about an hour, combat system is kind of confusing but it's interesting to see characters shoot muhfukka's in a JRPG.
  22. Okay, I'm starting to do all the end game shit in FF XIII just to finish getting all the achievements. Is adamantoise farming really the only way to get gil and trapehzonwhatevers the fastest? Because this is boring as hell...
  23. Not as good as Silient Assassin but it's still fun. A lot more open than the other games in the series. Lots of ways to do things, it's fun to experiement with it all.
  24. Blood Money. Awesome game, everyone should play it.
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