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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. Not as good as Silient Assassin but it's still fun. A lot more open than the other games in the series. Lots of ways to do things, it's fun to experiement with it all.
  2. Blood Money. Awesome game, everyone should play it.
  3. Final Fantasy XIII. One of the worst games in the series, barely better than XII. -Story sucks. I don't even want to comment on it, it sucks that bad. -Characters suck. Lightning's a bitch. Snow's a damn tool, not to mention an idiot. No, seriously, he is literally an idiot. Need proof? He lives on the beach and he's walking around in pants, a trenchcoat and a beanie. I cringe everytime Vanille opens her fuckin mouth, just shut up. Please. Just. Shut. Up. Hope just left me hoping (ha!) he would just go or better yet, die. He had a chance to win some cool points but of course he didn't ki
  4. Darksiders: The combat is definitely very Zelda like with some slight (and I mean slight) DMC influence sprinkled in. There's only four dungeons in the game but only one of them is what I'd consider to be challenging (Black Throne). There really aren't that many puzzles in the dungeons either, out of all the puzzles that do exist in the game only two of them are what I would consider to be challenging. The majority of the time though they're really easy to figure out. If you've played Zelda or Tomb Raider (or even Portal) then the puzzles in this game really aren't going to show you anything y
  5. I played the 360 version of Darksiders and don't seem to recall the problems being that bad with it. I noticed screen tearing but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it seems to be for other people. Anyways, rented GoW3 today. Figured it'd take awhile for GameFly to send it out so I just went to my local BlockBuster and rented a copy. Will try it out later tonight.
  6. You mean besides the fact it straight up uses the Zelda formula? Enter dungeon, get new item, use new item to solve the puzzles and defeat the boss. Rinse and repeat.
  7. At one point I did, I just kept on playing it for the achievements. I wasn't expecting Hard mode to be a huge step up in quality for the game though. Normal mode really doesn't do this game justice at all, the difference is really that big.
  8. So I'm playing through Hard mode right now in Bayonetta and I must admit I'm finally starting to enjoy the game. The difference between Normal and Hard mode is HUGE. Makes me wish this difficulty was available right from the start. Enemies are straight up relentless and are literally trying to rip Bayonetta apart. The action is so much more intense and is really making me use Bayonetta's canceling abilities to their fullest (I'm not just talking about dodge offset either, this chick can cancel with a lot of shit). The fact the enemy encounters are different too helps because I never know what
  9. It's alright but the game will get dull before the midway mark and from that point on it just feels like it's dragging to the end. Doesn't help that the RTS element really doesn't require much strategy even on the Brutal difficulty. I suck at RTS's but I just straight up blew through Brutal difficulty by just massing troops, taking over fan geysers and moving in for the kill. Rinse and repeat. The game really nailed the Heavy Metal world look though, well, at least on the main land. The other areas are the standard generic settings we've seen in other games. It's a game with wasted poten
  10. Ugh, I'm trying. God knows I'm trying but I just can not get into Bayonetta. I want to like this game, I really do but it does such a great job either boring me or just straight up annoying me. I didn't know you had to collect records in order to unlock weapons, I was getting pissed at the Rodin guy for never having weapons in stock. Anyways, once I started to mess with the newly acquired weapons disappointment quickly followed. The combos are exactly the same across all weapons and weapon set ups. They all feel exactly the same with the exception of the sword. The sword is the only weapon
  11. I loved it, but it's very slick and doesn't offer a great deal of challenging combat in the main game. It's fun though, and it really does justice to the Batman universe. does the game have any puzzles? or it just combat/stealth/platforming? The Riddles are puzzles, some of them are pretty challenging too. The ? mark challenges for example, very creative and will have you spending some time on some of them.
  12. Really the only big complaint I have against Batman AA is the lack of gadgets. Batman has a shitload of toys to mess around with but we only got to use a couple.
  13. I loved it, but it's very slick and doesn't offer a great deal of challenging combat in the main game. It's fun though, and it really does justice to the Batman universe. Word. I actually like the combat though. Sure, it isn't insanely deep but they really did a great job of capturing Batman's elite hand to hand combat skills. It's just fun to watch him fly around all over the place owning fools.
  14. I remember him. He hasn't really been that active this past year but I remember him. Still not sure if this is true or not but if it is true then that sure does suck. Dead at 18, pssh, he barely lived. Such a shame.
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