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Everything posted by HolyAx

  1. Another book burning of the classic children's books
  2. Not a single country outside the English speaking ones have gender and sex seperate.
  3. Im not surprised. This, anime and My Little Pony are responsible for 90% of trans.
  4. what is wrong with you? Trans have brains just like everyone else who has disabilities. The point we are making is not to celebrate degeneracy like your kind does.
  5. I havent bought any new tech outside Switch for the last 7 years
  6. well, better know what to expect
  7. Just how ignorant do you have to be to be this gullible? People die EVERY single day, and they will keep dying, with the so called 'pandemic' or without. The virus danger is a big lie which you gobble up like a good boy.
  8. Make sure you guys dont watch the news
  9. https://nationalfile.com/hungarys-pro-family-policies-lead-to-jump-in-birth-rate-marriages/ No immigrants allowed. European Leader
  10. then why dont you just STFD if you have no idea what trans is about?
  11. Should be done in all of white countries. Good luck doing that in America tho.
  12. Clarence even had a MC player in the show lmao
  13. I was pretty sure you were a lighter Tal version. Not so pretentious, but would defend anime with your life.
  14. You were that weeb who hated being black as far as I remember. Always having some anime avatar too.
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