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System Warrior
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Everything posted by AVK

  1. Mass Effect 2 is just beyond godly. I really don't see how Bioware and EA will top it. ME 2 is Probably the number 3 best game of all time behind Fallout 3 and Final Fantasy Tactics.
  2. MGS Portable flops has the worst controls in the history of video games. Now that I think about it the PSP itself is one of the 10 worst devices ever created.
  3. Lol, why Sony put it on the PSP is simply beyond comprehension. It would've done so much better on PS3 or even PS2. PSP is garbage.
  4. Back on my PSP GO and I finally beat God of War COO. Easily the hardest and worst of the God of War series. Still very good for a hand held game though. Gonna start on MGS 5 Peacewalker and GTA Vice City stories this weekend.
  5. Still playing Mass Effect 2 on Insanity. Just need 2 more achievements to complete this Godly game. This game is truly up there with the all time greatest games ever made.
  6. They need to make a new one for this gen There's a few for the DS Lol, please don't compare those abominations to the magnificent FFT.
  7. I feel like the enemies with recharging shields are overpowered. Makes killing them take foreverNope. You have to bring the right people for each battle. Fire demolishes shields in seconds and adrenalin rush plus the sniper rifle = awesome(nothing but headshots). I use reave and overload on the barriers and then lift or slam. I am a Mass Effect 2 master.
  8. If you played Mass Effect 2 on anything other than insanity I feel sorry for you. What a world of difference the game is when playing on insanity. The game truly feels epic. Every battle is tough,every strategy could be life or death. The combat is so much more fulfilling. Insanity really brings out the rpg aspect of the gameplay as you have to really think out every move. Frankly, you're a pure gaming noob until you play on insanity.
  9. you can absorb electricity to rapidly accelerate your health regen. Absorbing electricity was a life saver to me most of the time. Hard to absorb electricity when you're constantly getting stuck in knock down animations. 2 grenades thrown at you in rapid succession is pretty much instant death.Are you playing on hard or something. Cole isn't superman so you have to fight smart even if he has electric powers. The game gives you more than enough control to handle any situation. I loved the combat.
  10. Spiderman Web of Shadows. It is a bit repetitive but it has some good moments. what about ultimate alliance 2Horrible game. I pressed through it just to get my moneys worth. It was truly a terrible sequal. The first game demolishes it in everyway imaginable.
  11. I can't believe Dragon Age is that good. The gameplay vids I've seen look absolutely atrocious. Then again, I said the same thing about Fallout 3 before I found out just how awesome it was.
  12. Spiderman Web of Shadows. It is a bit repetitive but it has some good moments.
  13. Yes, Infamous and Crackdown made the open world genre fresh. Having to drive for miles in GTA is absolutely painful in some instances. I fell asleep just trying to get back to my safehouse. lol, what a terrible genre.
  14. Playing the Ballad of Gay Tony and it is better than GTA4 but for some reason the GTA games are getting pretty stale. It was fun last gen to have a huge open world game but now it's more like a chore to play these huge games. I'd rather have a good game with a solid 5-6 hour campaign than some open world flop.
  15. I don't there's been a TPS with shooting as satisfying as MP2. Stranglehold and all the other Max Payne knockoffs just aren't as fun. Also it's funny, in MP2, I actually preferred using the slow mo more than the diving. I'd hop in and out of slow motion like that scene in 300. Even Max Payne 1 still owns. Such an awesome franchise.
  16. Gay Tony is so much better than GTA4 and Lost and the Damned. The main character owns, it feels like vice city a bit.
  17. This is so wrong honestly. Game gets better the more you play it.Dead Rising is a complete mess. Most overrated game in history.
  18. Well said. That's exactly how I feel. The universe is just so rich. This is easily one of my favorite sci fi series ever. Better than star wars or star trek mythos.Yeah it's fucking awesome. It also helps that I love music and Jack Wall (the dude that composes ME's music) did a great job. The ship battle cutscenes near the end are too sick.The music is sick. I might actually purchase the sound track for my Ipod touch if it's available.
  19. Well said. That's exactly how I feel. The universe is just so rich. This is easily one of my favorite sci fi series ever. Better than star wars or star trek mythos.
  20. You just breezed through that infinite heighgast spawning part? I died like 20 times before I just gave up and traded the game in. If it had COD controls I could have owned it, but the actual game controls made it harder than it should have been.
  21. Yeah, I don't think Imma make it through. Killzone 2 comes in tomorrow. Along with Blur. and FNR4. I can't waiiiiiiit. Really wanna try KZ2 like...now :excited: KZ2 is visually stunning and it has it's moments but the difficulty spike near the end of the game just killed it for me. The controls simply are not good enough to compensate for the difficulty they throw at you. What I mean is it's just not fun to play once you get to the end. It's more of a chore than a game. I'd give it a 7/10 lmfao that part at the end where there were like hundreds of helghast i fucking lobbed my controller. I c
  22. What's DAO? I loved the individual storylines of each character in ME2. Really felt connected to all of them, and was compelled to use each and every one of them. I actually felt a little sting when Tali died on my play through. That's the sign of a great game my friends.
  23. You're a galactic US marshal, you're gonna get in a few fire fights. The storyline is what makes the game great, not simply the shooting.
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