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System Warrior
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Posts posted by AVK

  1. i tried to do as much as possible on my first playthrough of me2 so i wouldn't have to start a 2nd.

    the game is just too repetitive and the small differences in story/dialogue aren't worth it.

    Lol, ME2 is the best game ever made (behind Fallout 3). It's far from repetitive. No other game offers such a rich and believable universe. The gunfights are just as good as Gears of War and the story may be the best in gaming. If you don't like ME2 you just don't "get it". Bioware has created a masterpiece of gaming that will go down in history as legendary much like Chrono Trigger or FF7.
  2. Honestly, 4 playthroughs? The middle part drags so bad I could never do that

    Yeah, I don't think Imma make it through. Killzone 2 comes in tomorrow. Along with Blur. and FNR4. I can't waiiiiiiit. Really wanna try KZ2 like...now :excited:

    KZ2 is visually stunning and it has it's moments but the difficulty spike near the end of the game just killed it for me. The controls simply are not good enough to compensate for the difficulty they throw at you. What I mean is it's just not fun to play once you get to the end. It's more of a chore than a game. I'd give it a 7/10
  3. So cows claim they can't find pos3. I point them to 200+ pos3's and none of them buy it proving all the cows here are fakeboys. And I am somehow owned? :D

    LoL....they completely misunderstood your point. They thought you meant that no one would buy it.

    :D Either way the point is retarded. I haven't seen one cow say they didn't get a PS3 because they can't find one. All the cows that wanted a ps3 got one. Just like alot of sheep didn't get the Wii yet. What dumbass logic this kid has.
  4. Fool, I go to alot of gaming stores and I always ask do they have Wii's or PS3'S. Absolutely none of them have either. When they do get PS3's they immediately sale out. This is facts. :|D Plenty of 360's though.


    PS3's selling at retail and in some cases below retail. Fact!

    GTFO cows. If you want a pos3 you'd be able to get one at www.ebay.com or that the site I just listed.

    Got mine at launch. B)
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