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Mr. House

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Everything posted by Mr. House

  1. At least it's not another Dark Souls clone.
  2. Xbox 3shitty exclusives. Crackdown, Gears 2, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, Banjoe Kazooie NB, Ninety Nine Nights, Dead or Alive Xtreme 2, Project Sylpheed, Ridge Racer 6, Otomedius, Kameo... Absolute dog shit. All of them. I'll give a pass to Ace Combat 6 and Forza 2, the rest are not worth my time. It really is no wonder why everyone is collecting PS3 games instead of 360's. TLHBFR.
  3. The largest video games collection in the world. 0_o Worth 1.6m.
  4. Destroy the kiddy trash that is Halo and Gears. Better graphics and production values than anything on the 360.
  5. It's new ruleset from the department of energy that was brought in this year. I have been duped because 2020 also had similar measures being passed? Lol, what? It's not happening Ramza, even though it is. Brilliant damage control, Gouk. This thread is perfect demonstration of how far you are willing to shill. When your only DC is crying 'fake right winger propaganda' but everything they say is actually happening. Remind me of Remy who keeps denying that woke propaganda from radical left wingers being pushed to children while simultaneously defending drag ti
  6. Never played this, nor Jedi Outcast/Academy. I always wanted to but it always eluded me. Best thing about Night Dive Studios is that they don't mess up the original experience but still greatly improve the games all around with smart QoL improvements and modern development techniques. I don't care much for remasters anymore but these guys got the right idea. Still got to play Exhume, which seems like one of their best remaster seeing as they combined the best elements from the PS1, Sega Saturn and PC version all rolled up into one game. That's true dedication.
  7. More games: Rage (360) Fable 3 (360) The Suffering Ties that Bind (Xbox) Time Crisis 4 (PS3) Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition (PS3) *picked it up for PS3 because of Kratos as guest character. I started playing my PS3 games and I must say I'm quite surprised at how much more fun I'm having on PS3. I had more fun with PlayStation All-Stars than 95% of games I played recently on 360. I find Killzone 2 far better than Gears of War 2. Graphics shits all over the 360. Hot Shots Golf is more fun than anything I played on 360. Motor
  8. I played The Darkness on 360 recently. It's still a really cool game but the gunplay has aged horribly.
  9. I can't wait until those said kids grow up and start getting nostalgic for their shitty Switch handheld from their childhood nostalgia. I have over 20 Switch games sealed. I'm just waiting for Switch 2 to be come out so I can sweep everything Switch 1 for cheap from a bunch of clueless soccer moms and sell it back 15 years to their stupid ass sons. TSWBFR
  10. That reminds me, I need to pick up the 360 version for 10$.
  11. Never thought I'd say a Alan Wake sequel looks fantastic. I don't like Remedy games, at all.
  12. The graphics are amazing for a Japanese game. But it also looks and sounds like a gay Anime.
  13. One consequence of US/NATO policies has been strengthening the BRICS alliance and the American dollars being dropped as the favored money exchange in massive quantities by a few key countries. Am I wrong? Also, Russian economy is still going strong despite the sanctions and the predictions of many. The state of their armed forces is debatable but they aren't deconstructed like Brian Kilmeade says so brashly. If anything, they're reconstructing in some ways. I'd much rather face the dumb large tanks convoy they had in the beginning of the invasi
  14. Guy with baseball hat had the same exact thought as me on Pregozhin death. This might be some elaborate cover up. Probably not but the whole thing is still weird. Like he points out, Putin usually assassinate his opponents with poison and fake suicides, not grandiose plane crashes.
  15. Oh I see. I have no idea who 'ended' it first. I mean it still exists even today. That's acceptable. I just saw the youtube headline, which was an accurate statement to me. I saw nothing wrong with such a statement but I don't know the rest for sure. I have seen Owens a few time, I kinda like her but she's bit unhinged. I grow tired of that kind of stuff to be honest.
  16. The sound designers had a pretty easy job on this game, if they wanted to recreated the sounds of explosions they only had to put a mic outside their windows.
  17. White people didn't invent slavery. The Egyptians, the Persians, the Assyrians, The Chinese were conquering and having slaves in the millions before any white European men ever did. Unless you considered the Greek Myceneans to be white or something? They weren't, well, not exactly, they would look like most Arab people of today, dark hair, tanned skin, brown eyes. You know who were some of the first ever recorded people to have been enslaved in the history books? The jews.
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