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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 55 minutes ago, Sabo said:


    Less about emotional attachment and more like awful execution and timing. They literally did a fake out just a couple episodes prior.


    What was the point if they were just going to follow through right after?


    It just became very apparent to me that the writing shifted focus to being about trying too hard to shock the viewer instead of being about trying to tell a coherent and interesting story.


    It's no surprise to me that the show lost a massive chunk of its viewerbase and the show began its decline after this episode. The writing went to complete shit. 

    You're not entirely wrong but I found Negan really entertaining and the best actor along side Rick and his old cop buddy (forgot his name). And Daryll I guess. He was a fun villain but the plot was really stupid. I didn't find season 6 any worse than what came prior, in fact it beats a couple of these seasons based on Negan alone.


    I don't know/ besides season 1 I find they're mostly shit, with some cool moments sprinkled throughout, but lot of fillers, boring characters and pointless side stories. 


    What I'm saying is the writing was never particularly good. I think you'd be surprised to hear some of the shit they pulled out in the later seasons if you think Negan beating you know who was bad. :pavarotti:

  2. 1 hour ago, Sabo said:

    Holy shit, you stuck with the show?


    I bounced after the episode 


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    Glenn died. Show was just done for me after that. 


    That was like, what?


    Beginning of Season 6?


    Can't imagine sticking around for more after that.

    That got people riled up. Lmfao. Getting emotionally attached to awful one dimensional characters. 


    Negan was one of the more entertaining character and was one of the best thing to happen to this dumb ass show. 

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  3. 15 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Someone has to at least attempt to do something other than first-person shooters for online games.


    So far, the only thing people have been able to think of is "uhh........have them shoot something other than a gun, or not have them shoot at all."


    That's not innovation, that's stagnation.


    Best thing to ever happen to PC gaming in the 90's: first-person shooters.


    Biggest reason why everything seems stagnant in PC gaming from the 2010's onwards: first-person shooters.

    There's a nice revival of 90s style FPS going on right now that I really dig. Thanks to indie devs. 


    I agree mainstream FPS are trash in general, they're all designed to get people addicted to repetitive ass gameplay with carrots on a stick approach. But they're just much of console games as they are PCs so I don't get your argument on that front. Whatever. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Save scumming is not ideal in this game. The load times are way longer than in a game like JA3 for example where I save scummed like a bitch.

    I don't know how many times I restarted fights in Divinity 2. First try = complete failure. Second try = made it but barely. Third try = destroyed everything in a few turns. 


    You can always set up smart ambush by separating your characters. Knowledge of enemy emplacements and environment traps are key in these games. And it can fuck you up just as much as it can fuck the enemy. 

  5. I want to play Divinity OS 2 with JonDnD. :pavarotti: 


    These games are surprisingly awesome in multiplayer because they make no sacrifice to the gameplay, it's the same game with party members controlled by real people which opens up tons of new possibilities. It's just as their game as it is yours, no one is the main character. Your friends can even give answers during dialogues and mess up the conversations.


    I have no idea how BG3 handle it's multiplayer but I'm just going to assume it's a pretty similar experience. 

  6. The combat in Ys since 8 has been really solid. Parries, last time dodges that slow down times, heavy combos with lot of options. 


    But they are also pretty grindy. You roam around the same areas quite a lot, just destroying everything for loot and exp. I never finish them but they're still very good, imo. It's like Tales with lower budget but much better gameplay. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, kaz said:

    lol yea they recreating the tv show? :D  thanks boomers and zoomers 

    I love TWD TV show even though I can admit it's mostly shit. Watched 11 seasons. :D 


    Looking forward to the new one with Daryl in Europe. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    I hope I’m wrong and this game meets the hype. I love that it can be beaten in 30 hours. 

    For one I can say their presentation was really smooth and the combat looked pretty amazing but that's under a controlled environment.


    What worries me are the long stretches of randomly generated landscapes and the storyline/lore. 

  9. 1 hour ago, MalaXmaS said:

    I played the first one and liked it but found it a bit hard.

    I haven't played the first one much. They're similar but 2 has better characters and is just better in every way.


    And yeah Divinity can be really hard when you don't know what you're doing, but once you figure out good ways to mix and match class skills you start to dominate.

  10. 1 hour ago, lynux3 said:

    Either you believe the bullshit or you're gullible. Everyone knows Russia has been fortifying every possible inch they've illegally invaded because they know they'll get wrecked by western military equipment. Ruskies been doing that shit for months while NATO trained the Ukrainians.


    Anyone who thought the Ukrainians were going to march in like they did in Kherson and Kharkiv are delusional. There's so many mines, trenches, and every last thing the Ruskies could put together so they don't get ass fucked is in their way.


    No one is getting cold, support is still relevant. Twinkie is right, you're falling for the propaganda. The sad part is you don't even realize it. Just stick to buying old 360 games.

    You haven't said anything that make Ukrainian situation appear to go well in any way.


    Basically you're fine with the current situation even though it's a shit show and it's not going get any better. 


    You guys blind optimism and imagined idea of ultimate western supremacy is embarrassing and underestimating Russia is not smart. 


    Stick to TLHBR posts like the man child you are. 

  11. @Twinblade


    I'm sorry for the long rambling. You don't have to read any of this.


    I watch footage of this war every day, I've seen so many soldiers blown to bits. Stepping on mines, kamikaze drones in trenches. Armored convoys getting pounded by artilleries. Sure, the drones that film those moments tend to be pretty far away but you can literally see the bits fly off sometimes. And every time, I just think.... that would be me. 


    I always wanted to fight but now I think that modern warfare is the most horrible of all things evil on this Earth. And I dream of Putin dying from assassination and I have no problem with us playing against Russia geopolitically but we have to do it right. 


    We can't tolerate piece of shit war mongering dictators but we also have to play it smart and I don't see anything smart going on right now. Cluster bombs? Really? How about F34 and building an air force? If you gonna do it, at least do it properly. I feel the the US is playing with Ukraine as a proxy, without remorse, without any real plan. The war effort is pathetic. So much money and nothing. Lot of talks though, none with Putin but lot of talks and talking and shaking hands. Pathetic is what the NATO alliance is. The French APCs and tanks? Absolute trash. Remember when neocons were jerking off over sending javelins to Ukraine? Every time I was like, ok, javelins and what else? 20 billion fucking dollars and what? More rocket launchers? The new brigades were given 6 fucking weeks of training by shitty NATO troops that has never seen combat before being sent to probably the biggest minefield in history. I told you the Rusks were well dug in and wouldn't give in that easily before didn't I?


    The only good thing has been providing reliable anti air weapons and things like the patriot systems. Which still aren't enough. 


    Peace time is when you arm a country, me thinks You can continue following the main narrative, I have my own but that doesn't make me a Putin lover of some kind. I honestly find it somewhat offensive and that's not something I say often.





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