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Mr. House

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Everything posted by Mr. House

  1. Yeah I kinda like my 360 games for that. I feel I cant get pretty far even if I just play a few hours in the week and they cost next to nothing so it's perfect. Maybe I'll just do that from now on. Play three fucking generations late and get everything Twinblade mentioned in this thread for the price of a six pack in 2036.
  2. That's one game I know I would love. Divinity Original Sin 2, which is basically the spiritual predecessor of this game was brilliant. Me and a friend of mine played it in local coop on PS4 (also on PC). It's genuinely one of the best RPG I ever played. The combat system and character customization had no equals.
  3. I certainly wouldn't call the Ukrainian police.
  4. No such thing as a backlog for me. I don't care anymore. I can't even get passed most intros or first stages in games now before calling it quit. Other games I'll enjoy more but I will also quit at the first sign of even slight frustration. Can't find where to go and I've been running around for the past 10 minutes? Eject, uninstall, never touch it again. Was having a great time but died during a long stretch of the game without saving? Eject, uninstall, never touch it again. Sudden bullshit difficulty spike out of nowhere? Eject, uninstall never touch it again. I'm gam
  5. After Baldur's Gate 3 raised the bar so high, it's a pity 7/10 game at best.
  6. That's what I got out of quick Google search this morning when I was doubting the spelling. I swear I'm totally unaware of these things. I guess Google is a Russian apologist too. lol I just explained to you we don't act on kindness. I'm not apologizing for anything or anyone. I have no issue pointing out shit on either sides because neither are my side.
  7. Except they thought they would have gained back Crimea by September. Based on it's vague objectives, it's a failure. Most NATO nations are slowly getting cold feet after the failure of this counter offensive, the support will dwindle and without continuous strong support the Ukrainians cannot fight back. They have no serious manufacturing capabilities. Most men that remained and were eligible got enrolled (sometimes by force) and the other left a long time ago. I'm seeing a potential for both a lack of equipment and manpower slowly creeping in and that's the beginning
  8. We don't act on geo politics out of kindness to fix the world's injustices. What, do you want to invade China to save the Uyghurs people next? Of course not. Why should we save Ukrainians though? I gives zero fucks who sits in Kiev because it's irrelevant to my country well being. That's not mental gymnastics, it's a fact. Putin being bad and starting this invasion is absolutely irrelevant. It's not justification for our involvement. Your world view is childish black and white fantasies. I live in reality, where Ukraine is getting raped and destroyed and we're losing m
  9. I'm pro Canadian. Who sits in Kyiv parliament is 100% irrelevant to me or any of us. We aren't in dire need of Ukrainian grains (one of Canada's biggest EXPORT) or oil. I don't see how it benefits us in any way and their loss is guaranteed, we're only slowing down the inevitable, as I've been saying since the start and nothing indicates that is going to change. Nothing at all, not your wishful thinking that Ukraine has the resources to support themselves when they can't even pay their own Government officials without NATO aid funds. They're beyond fucked and NATO nations will
  10. Going by internet arm chairs experts scouring the net for footage tallying up losses like that's a super accurate representation. Please. The Ukrainian counter offensive is massive failure, the fact Ukrainians have never even reached the main defensive Russians lines is enough on it's own to prove that. They didn't recapture anything of importance or any massive stretch of the frontline. They even loss grounds in some areas. Ukraine cannot sustain these NATO equipment losses and most reserves have probably already been deployed and are stretched thin. Let alone the mo
  11. Bought a Chinese handheld a few months ago that played tons of retro games on emulators... It was cool but it made realize I cannot tolerate such small screens anymore.
  12. Going the thief route, eh? I love the way you think but I'm lacking the invisibility spell.
  13. Yeah, I need a good setup with two monitors for accounting purposes anyway. Really like laptops for their ease of use though, you can setup your gaming anywhere which I find really practical.
  14. Nah, I spent 400$ Canadian on my 360 collection, it's nothing, I couldn't even get an average notebook with that amount. I don't use credit. It's alright, gonna get back to work real soon.
  15. My GPU died on me. The wattage is fucked up and drops to zero, as if the battery was dead. My hermit friend said I should get my laptop cleaned out.
  16. I can't even play it despite the fact I bought the game more than a year ago to make sure I would have it on day one fully knowing it would be insanely good. My life is a joke and the universe is actively working against me.
  17. I only played the first game on PS2. 100% the game with perfect run for every movie. It was surprisingly awesome. I had totally forgot it got a sequel, never played this one so I'm looking forward to it. Cost like me 6$ too.
  18. Poitras approved pick-up. Low key release from Ubisoft and best version. Ports of two cult classics on consoles that will become rare. Best version of Catherine a Atlus game.
  19. Not point in mass marketing something that doesn't have mass appeal and an expensive price tag. But they are terrible at showcasing the games for sure.
  20. More games (Xbox) Jaws Unleased (Xbox 360) Banjoe Kazooie Nuts and Bolts Rise of the Argonauts Stuntman Ignition Gears of War 2 5 OXM demo discs with original case. (PS3) Heavenly Sword Killzone 3 Hot Shots Golf Out of Bounds
  21. Depends what you're looking for specifically. I would usually aim to get the meat cleaver as fast as possible with a Str build. I think it's in 3-2 but I don't remember at all, tbh. I kinda always followed the regular progression path. If you want to grind there's those flying creatures with the sword that creates shockwaves, they neat some fast and easy souls, iirc. I think at the end of 4-3 but I could also be totally mistaken. It has been too long.
  22. TSHBFR Stuck playing that boring piece of shit Tears of the Fandom with PS2 like graphics and Dickmen 4. We had a good year, am I right? Also, last-gen FIFA coming to Switch soon.
  23. Blood on the Sands on 360 is worth quite a lot. But then again anything decent with a popular license will gain value over time. The Def Jam fighting games are also worth quite a bit. And Wu-Tang on PS1.
  24. For the record I'm not trying to pass the Hindu Times as a neutral view. They're obviously Pro Russians. Besides some of the more click bait headlines I didn't find the video to be that much of a propaganda piece, just a heads up of Russian possible advance in that region/city, which is still true. I avoid posting their videos if I can because I'm always doubting them. I think some of your arguments are fair, a few are a bit of a stretch but I'm fine with what you said. I find Twinblade and your reactions unwarranted. Just trying to put into perspective that I think Tw
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