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Mr. House

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Posts posted by Mr. House

  1. 13 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Mr Mallard has said he personally supports a change to the rules on compulsory ties, but kept the rules after he consulted MPs - saying the overwhelming majority of those who wrote to him supported maintaining the tie requirement.


    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she does not object to people refusing to wear ties, but that there are bigger things to be focusing on.

    "I don't think New Zealanders care about ties," she said.



    It seems like other people were making a big deal about this. Seems like it wasn't even really that big of a deal and only people being dicks about fucking ties were bent about this. The speaker of the House and president didn't seem to give a fuck. 


    You are such a man of the people - how you always give deference to power structures and hierarchies, even about silly shit. 

    Then drop the dress code protocol and get with the program, we can all agree this is a waste of time and tax payers money either way. This is embarrassing. 


    The whole world has adopted this kind of dress code as proper conduct for politics. It's not complicated. 


    What power structure and hierarchy? IT'S A FUCKING DRESS CODE. The CEO of Black Rock didn't become the CEO because he was wearing a nicer tie than everybody else. Fuck off with that shit. 



  2. 2 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:


    No, the statement from the Ukranian official was about evacuations due to increased shelling in settlements near the combat zone which Twinblade even addressed. The rest of that video, including the two statements Twinblade took issue with, is editorialized by the video.

    I don't remember seeing anything wrong with the following statements, it's just quoting what Russia/Ukrainian officially said. That's 90% of Hindu Times content. It's just quoting official public statements. 


    ''Ukraine admit defeat in Kupiansk could impact it's counter offensive''


    ''Russian claim it's assault units have advanced while conducting combat action''


    ''The Russian army said that the city is now within their artillery range''


    Funny because Twinblade actually posted a Ukrainian propagandist fanboy as some kind of neutral view on the war but takes issues with these kind of statements? 







  3. 7 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Lol so kick him out because he doesn't want to wear a tie. You're such radical man of the people and totally not a boot licker. 

    Kick him out for wasting their time on clothing protocols because mister think wearing a tie is more important than debating actual important issues. It's not an elementary school yard, it's a parliament. 

  4. New Zealand is an absolute woke hell. Apparently you can't wear a tie unless you are white. Some Maori fgt grifter starting unnecessary drama over a crime that happened in 1885. I got noose on my neck. Just kick him out of parliament for not following dress code protocols. You're not special. 


    The modern tie’s origins lie in the cravat, the mark of a fashionable man in the 18th century, and following that a sign of a man’s social status and class in Victorian England. Today it remains one of the enduring symbols of white male supremacy, silently serving to maintain white male values and standards as the norm.

  5. Rofl, thinking a corrupted organization like MLB that encouraged violent riots is equivalent to MLK. 


    The left always speak with one voice on most issues while right wingers cannot get the party to work in unison like that with constant infighting. It's hardly praise anyway.


    Leftists are pure sheep mentality these days. You are not any different than the typical social justice warrior leftist in anything you talk about on here, just more intelligent. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    "What seems to be popular in this moment is not so much a prosperity gospel as a depravity gospel. In this depravity gospel, appeals to character or moral norms are met not with appeals of “Not guilty!” but with dismissals of “Get real!”


    Yet this depravity gospel tries to lure us in. It doesn’t matter if you get to it by adopting it outright, with glee at cruelty and vulgarity, or if it drives you to the kind of cynicism that doesn’t ever expect anything better.

    That way lies nihilism. You will find yourself in situations, and you may be in one of those situations already, where you have a responsibility for holding an institution accountable. Maybe it’s simply as a voter. You can just shrug and give your assent to anyone your party tells you to support. That will change you, over time. Maybe it’s as a church member or a part of some denomination or Christian ministry.


    Do not confuse giftedness with character, in yourself or in anyone else. You shouldn’t expect your leaders to be sinless. They will sin, but there’s a difference between a sinning, repenting human being and a pattern of corruption. If the latter, you will have to ask yourself how to address it. Is it through staying where you are and seeking to effect change? Or is it by leaving and finding a new place to live and to serve? I don’t know. Much of that is contingent on factors you often just can’t know. I would suggest that you ask yourself where your vulnerabilities are."



    There's more... 



    “The presenting issue here is that, first and foremost, of sexual abuse,” Moore wrote. “This Executive Committee, through their bylaws workgroup, ‘exonerated’ churches, in a spur-of-the-moment meeting, from serious charges of sexual abuse cover-up.”


    At the ERLC’s National Conference in 2019, Moore interviewed Rachael Denhollander, a former gymnast who was the first woman to publicly accuse Larry Nassar, the USA Gymnastics doctor, of sexual assault. (Nassar was the perpetrator in the largest sexual-abuse scandal in sports history and will serve the rest of his life in prison.) In the interview, Denhollander criticized the executive committee for how it had handled the case of Jennifer Lyell, who had accused a Southern Baptist seminary professor of abuse.




    So the man that speaks against prosperity gospel, blindly supporting political parties, and called out the SBC for covering sexual abuse in their churches - but he's some psychopath in your eyes (despite the fact that you know nothing about him) because he called out the kinds of morons that hate empathy and compassion? In what sounds like the most believable situation possible in the south. 


    You are the same person who claims the LGBTQ community and I guess the hundreds of teacher unions out there are working together to turn all of the kids gay or trans to create more democrats and destroy the nuclear family. 

    Woah slow down chief. I don't know who he is. Still doesn't change he's one guy. You always seem to interpret one voice as if it means all of a sudden everyone on the right agrees on everything. If anything the right is far more divided than the world of current leftists due to diverging opinions. 


    That's all I'm saying. 


    Yes no LGBTQ is being pushed unto children. That's a conspiracy nut job talking point but saying right winged people would hate MLK today if I was still alive is a true fact. Happy? 

  7. 4 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    'RUSSIA TO CAPTURE KUPIANSK; RATTLED UKRAINE RUNS' ah yes sounds like a pretty unbiased source :| 


    So because they're evacuating civilians from areas where shelling has increased that means they're running away?



    If you could read past the headline without being triggered you'd realize it's a report from Kharkiv regional state administrator on the evacuation. 

  8. On 2023-08-11 at 1:55 AM, Sabo said:

    Oh, don't get me wrong, it's not terrible and it has some cool ideas. I just don't think the game is underrated like Aza seems to think. 


    It's just Western made Action games always tend to lack a bit in the fundamental department. If the fundamentals aren't solid then everything built on top of it is always going to feel off. I'm a Action game snob though so I'm harder to please than most people. Things that I perceive as shortcomings probably won't bother everyone else as much.


    If you can get the game for around 30-40 bucks then yeah, it's worth checking out at that price. It's nowhere close to top tier Action games or even high tier level and is more comparable to mid-tier stuff. Go in expecting something on a No More Heroes or Gunvalkyrie tier.

    30-40? I was thinking 20. When I say cheap, I mean it. 


    I also detect the American action games jank, I know exactly what mean but these days I don't care much. A game can redeem itself in other ways. NMH is a good example of Japanese jank but still remain a fun game.


    Though I played Dante's Inferno recently and It's not even that bad American jank to be fair but there are some questionable mechanic choices though, I thought the combat was really fucking boring and stupid. Nothing could have redeemed it in my eyes so I guess there's gameplay I won't stomach from time to time. It's just like a bad clone of God of War and gosh, I always considered old school GoW to be pretty bad to begin with. 

  9. 23 hours ago, Twinblade said:

     :D why do you keep posting this misleading pro Russian nonsense. There’s hundreds of other sources you could be getting info from 

    Yeah, like your armchair experts fanboys who jerks off to every BOTCHED AFU operations. :facep: 

  10. 17 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    No shit Sherlock. 


    But as usual you miss the point. 


    The one's we are posting are the ones who make baseless accusations against others as groomers/molesters or they push a certain narrative that ALL people of a certain group are groomers etc..


    Only to find out the ones doing the baseless accusations or narratives ARE THE ONES who are actually the sickos, groomers and molesters. 


    That's the point genius. 

    You knew these donors?

  11. A proper Dreamcast mini dream collection would look like this :


    Sonic Aventure 1 & 2

    Shenmue 1 & 2

    Skies of Arcadia

    Grandia II

    House of the Dead 2

    Power Stone 1 & 2

    Capcom vs SNK 2

    Soul Calibur 

    Project Justice (Rival School 2)

    Jet Grind Radio

    Seaman :D 

    Phantasy Star Online (with online play)

    Space Channel 5


    SEGA Bass Fishing

    Dead or Alive 2

    The Last Blade 2

    JoJo Bizarre Adventure

    Virtua Fighter 3 (never played it)

    Marvel vs Capcom 2

    RE Code Veronica

    Dynamite Cop 2 (I never played it)

    Cannon Spike

    SF3 Third Strike

    Garou MOTW

    Crazy Taxi

    Maken X

    Metropolis Street Racer

    Samba De Amigo (never played it)



  12. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

    If MS doesn’t feel like continuing with Xbox due to low hardware sales they should honestly try to collaborate with SEGA to make a Dreamcast successor. All the typical Xbox/MS franchises would continue to exist on that console and it would also get all of SEGA’s franchises as exclusives (Yakuza, VF, Sonic, etc)



    Make a good Dreamcast mini with like 40 games and good emulation. VMU accessory optional. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    LOL the NMH games, two of them are good, and require motion controls to experience them as intended...........and you're getting them so many years later.


    This game is actually recent, and the surprising step is that EA is investing in getting a game engine to work on the Switch.


    Which, I imagine, clearly was not done just for the purposes of one EA game.

    I disagree, I played NHM2 on Wii with a Pro controller. The combat plays better with a controller. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Goukosan said:



    I'm not celebrating, it's a yearly sports game who gives a shit. 


    Ghostz had made some claims about EA and Fifa a while back... Set this up for him to eat crow. :denzel3:


    You mocked me for celebrating GOOD games like NMH1,2,3 coming to PC and you're here jerking off over EA trash Fagfa coming to Switch. The old Gouk I knew would have never made this thread. Nintendo success has corrupted your soul. :shake: 

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